Episode list

The Powerpuff Girls

Film Flam

Thu, Apr 19, 2001
"Film Flam" A sleazy director comes to Townsville ready to make a film about the Girls saving the day in their city. But this Hollywood-type wants more from Townsville than an Oscar winning film. (22 Minutes)
6.7 /10
All Chalked Up

Thu, Apr 26, 2001
"All Chalked Up" Him tricks Bubbles into bringing her chalk drawings to life, who then reek havoc on Townsville. (22 Minutes)
6.8 /10
Get Back, Jojo

Thu, May 03, 2001
It is Career Day at Pokey Oaks, and the Professor shows to the class a time machine and explains how he got into science and created the Powerpuff Girls. But Mojo Jojo overhears everything and uses the machine to go back in time to that specific time period in order to prevent him from getting into science at all costs. But the Powerpuff Girls also go back in time and are hot on Mojo's trail.
7.2 /10
Him Diddle Riddle
"Him Diddle Riddle" The PPGs must solve a series of riddles by Him to prevent the Professor having to "pay." The entire episode is in real time. (22 Minutes)
7.6 /10
Members Only

Thu, Jul 19, 2001
"Members Only" When the Girls try to join the all-male superhero organization, they learn that sometimes supermen aren't so super. (22 Minutes)
7.3 /10
Knock It Off

Thu, Aug 02, 2001
"Knock it Off" When the Professor's college roommate sees his brilliant creations, he decides to cash in on the popularity of the Powerpuffs. (22 Minutes)
7.7 /10

Thu, Oct 04, 2001
"Super Friends" The new girl next door learns its hard to be best friends with superheroes and soon starts hanging out with the wrong kind of kid-Princess. (22 Minutes)
7.3 /10
Nano of the North
"Nano of the North" It's raining in Townsville, but this is more than just rain. These drops are really microscopic robots tearing apart the city and the Girls must fight with these creatures on their own level. (22 Minutes)
6.8 /10
Stray Bullet

Thu, Nov 08, 2001
"Stray Bullet" In order to save an innocent squirrel, Bubbles gives him a dash of Chemical X, giving him some super squirrel powers. (22 Minutes)
6.9 /10
Forced Kin

Thu, Nov 29, 2001
"Forced Kin" A terrible, evil menace from outer space descends upon Townsville. The Girls must fight evil with evil but to do so they seek the advice of ...Mojo Jojo. (22 Minutes)
7.1 /10

Thu, Dec 12, 2002
"Power-Noia" (22 minutes) The Girls have become paralyzed by their greatest fears. Who could be behind such an evil trick?
7.3 /10
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