Episode list

Young Justice


Fri, Oct 15, 2021
Miss Martian, Superboy, Beast Boy, and Martian Manhunter take a little vacation... to somewhat unfriendly climes.
8.7 /10

Fri, Oct 15, 2021
While attempting to solve a growing list of mysteries, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Beast Boy consult with royalty.
8.7 /10

Wed, Oct 20, 2021
Miss Martian and Superboy grapple with family traditions, while Beast Boy grapples with something darker.
8.7 /10

Wed, Oct 27, 2021
Answers come to light as Beast Boy, Miss Martian and Superboy uncover the awful truth.
9.2 /10
Tale of Two Sisters
Artemis Crock's life is interrupted by devastating news - just as multiple Shadows fall across her path.
9.2 /10

Wed, Dec 01, 2021
Zatanna and her protégées find themselves on the cusp of war.
9 /10
Teg Ydaer!

Wed, Dec 15, 2021
Dr. Fate tests Zatanna's new Sentinels of Magic to see if they can stand against Chaos.
8.8 /10
Kaerb Ym traeh!
Zatanna and the Sentinels of Magic gain unlikely allies, but the new alliance may not be enough.
9 /10
Nautical Twilight
The nations beneath the waves meet for their annual conference in Poseidonis, and Ocean Master launches an attack which is thwarted by a mysterious stranger. Violet meets with Gabrielle's mother to seek answers about Islam, while Connor find himself alive...or is he?
7 /10
Ebb Tide

Wed, Mar 30, 2022
Clark Kent gets all the news that's fit to print, and Kaldur'ahm hears old family stories from his parents.
8.4 /10
Rescue and Search
Bart Allen went shopping. Zatanna Zatara stops by to talk baseball. Daring Dan Danger returns.
8.7 /10
Zenith and Abyss
The team makes their move to save Conner, but things don't go as expected, as Zod gets the upper hand. Meanwhile, M'gann and Superman are shocked at the revelation, and race for their own rescue attempt.
8.9 /10
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