Trump vs. The World
John Oliver depicts how the world see America now in the era of Trump presidency. America's image is being compromised by its very own president. Not only comedians but also the world leaders are making fun of him and distancing themselves from America. Americas control over soft power is decreasing because of the vacancies in key diplomatic positions.
8.4 /10
Italian Election
Italian election; plus, Trump's idea to arm teachers; Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump Jr. in India.
8.3 /10

Sat, Mar 03, 2018
The NRA's streaming lifestyle network aims to boost gun sales, often by using an ominous tone that would make just about anything sound terrifying... including muffins.
8.1 /10
Tonight's main topic is 'Cryptocurrencies'. These digital currencies are creating a lot of noise nowadays. John Oliver explains the volatility of the concept, along with its perks and suggests everyone to gamble on Cryptocurrencies in a very cautious manner.
7.8 /10
Mike Pence

Sat, Mar 17, 2018
John Oliver creates his own children's book about a bunny to compete with Mike Pence's .
8.3 /10
Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Crisis pregnancy center is an institute which talks women away from abortion by any means possible. They can practically state wrong information and misleading data to confuse women. Which is more shocking is that they are not breaking any law with these wrong advises. It's quite easy to open a crisis pregnancy center, and John Oliver did that from New York. Behold the 'Vanned Parenthood'.
7.9 /10
Corporate Taxes

Sat, Apr 14, 2018
John Oliver talks about the Corporate Taxes. He gives examples of how big corporation always tries to evade taxes. They are using the loop holes in American tax system. He also expressed his doubts about the promises were made by the new tax plan. He used the unfruitful past experience of tax holiday to support his claim.
8 /10
Iran Deal

Sat, Apr 21, 2018
'Iran Deal' is the worst deal of all time in Donald Trump's Eyes. But John Oliver Explains Why It Is Better Than No Deal. Because this deal strictly forbade Iran to develop any sort of nuclear weapons. And all of their declared nuclear sites have close monitoring, as well as any suspected site could be monitored within 24 days of the request. The sad part is, top advisers of Trump administration are also against the deal. That is why John prepared a new ad with catheter cowboy to explain the matter to Trump and scheduled it on his favorite Sean Hannity's show.
8 /10
Rudy Giuliani

Sat, May 05, 2018
Rudy Giuliani is the newest addition to the Trump's lawyers. He revealed some pretty damaging stuff about the Stormy Daniels story, which contradicts his employer's statement. But it is not a new thing for Rudy Giuliani because he was doing it throughout his career and was always eager to appear in television or limelight even if it is the lamest way possible.
8.7 /10

Sat, May 12, 2018
Venezuela is in deep economic crisis. People in Venezuela are suffering immensely for the epic management from Nicolás Maduro's government. That is why people are now taking desperate measures like violent protests, food riots etc. Despite the extreme conditions Maduro failed to content the situation, instead he made the inflation unbearable. As well as Maduro changed Venezuela's democratic process to stay in power and eventually dominated the election where there was virtually no actual opponents.
7.6 /10

Sat, May 19, 2018
Rehab is a billion dollar industry of USA. But this enormous addiction treatment industry is not regulated enough. That is why they can claim a high success rate of their facility without any hard evidence. Not only that they have a practice of using urine of addicts to make money. Which is known as the liquid gold in recovery industry.
8 /10

Sat, Jun 02, 2018
John Oliver discusses a surprising letter from Kim Jong-un to President Trump, journalist Arkady Babchenko's rising from the grave, a British royal expert born an Italian American, and the fraught issue of senior citizen guardianship.
8 /10
Stupid Watergate II
This was the second installment 'Stupid Watergate'. As it is not possible to indict a sitting president according the law the only way left is the impeachment and Trump knows that very well. So his team and allies are trying to undermine the Muller Investigation by denying facts, spreading lies and creating baseless conspiracy theories. Because if the public have enough doubts in their mind about any wrongdoings by Trump administration, Trump will not be impeached as public opinion matters a lot in this matter. Therefore Trump will remain immune to any possible indictment. John Oliver dissect the tricks they are using to confuse the American people.
8 /10
Xi Jinping

Sat, Jun 16, 2018
Chinese president Xi Jinping is putting China into the world map. Previously China had a lay low international strategy which is known as 'hide your strength and bide your time'. But Xi Jinping is choosing a different path, he wants to let the world to know more about china and vice versa. And he is extremely popular among Chinese people because of their lasting economical growth and crackdown of corrupt government officials. As his influence is growing in the world with massive economy and infrastructure plans there is a growing concern also, as he is becoming more authoritarian and less accountable day by day. He is censoring anything or anyone who even tries to show some sort of dissent. As well as the government has a list of untrustworthy people which relies on a pretty weird rating system for its citizen, and they are targeting the people with different religious beliefs like: Christians, Muslims. Bottom line is Xi Jinping wants the world to know about China but only the good China, not the real China.
8.1 /10
Mexican Elections
Biggest Mexican election in history is underway. In present times, the sitting president Enrique Peña Nieto is hugely disliked by the Mexican mango people for the vast corruption of his administration. There is even a 'Corrupt Tour' where visitors and tourists can learn about the places and city landmarks where allegedly corruptions with public money occurred. As Mexico has one term rule for presidents so Mexico will replace him soon with one of these potential candidates: Andrés Manuel López Obrador or Ricardo Anaya Cortés. John Oliver then explains these candidates election strategies to win the heart of Mexican peoples.
7.7 /10
Gene Editing

Sat, Jun 30, 2018
'Gene Editing' is a very fascinating field. It has enormous potential to improve the human life. While many scientists are extremely cautious about their experiments, there are also some who handles the matters about gene editing quite lightly. John Oliver explains the different risks, possible rewards of gene editing.
7.7 /10

Sat, Aug 04, 2018
John Oliver talks about an important but less widely known element of America's criminal justice system: 'Prosecutors'. Prosecutors hold a powerful influence over cases, but they do not have much accountability regarding their decisions. As nearly 95 percent of the cases that prosecutors decide to prosecute end up with the defendant pleading guilty without going to trial, prosecutors can easily abuse their power by withholding important evidence which may lead to wrongful convictions.
7.9 /10

Sat, Aug 18, 2018
Donald Trump is waging a trade war that hurts a lot of American workers.
8.2 /10
Felony Disenfranchisement
Felony Disenfranchisement is what Jon Oliver talks about. Many people who had felony convictions are unfairly restricted from voting rights even long after of serving his/her conviction. And there is no clear instruction or process to regain the voting status. People have to rely on the whims of a clemency board which is absurd.
7.9 /10

Sat, Sep 22, 2018
After commenting the recent allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, John Oliver looks at the troubling impact Facebook is making internationally, such as on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar.
8.1 /10

Sat, Sep 29, 2018
John Oliver discusses the ongoing controversy surrounding Brett Kavanaugh, the sexual assault allegations against him, his Supreme Court nomination, and what that could all mean for the highest (mostly-dog) court in the land.
8.3 /10
Brazilian Elections
Brazil is going to have its 2018 Brazilian general election. John Oliver introduces the candidates who might have the chance to win the election. He then talks about the growing unrest regarding this election among general people as all the candidates are worse than each other. Among all the candidates Bolsonaro is the worst and he is also compared as the Brazilan Trump. Sadly he is doing well in the election, that is why a new movement emerged opposing him which is called #EleNao (#NotHim). Finally John Oliver requested all Brazilian to save themselves by voting practically anyone else other than him.
8 /10
Saudi Arabia

Sat, Oct 13, 2018
Saudi Arabia, despite their numerous human right violations is a long standing close ally of United States of America. John Oliver states the reasons behind the unconventional camaraderie between these two nations. Past few presidents of America also turned a blind eye to all the wrongdoings of Saudi Arabia.Then he talks about how Trump is boosting the confidence of autocratic Saudi regime more than ever by showing unconditional support because of the billion dollar business promises. Renowned journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of Saudi royal family might be the latest victim of this morally compromised affiliation between United States of America and Saudi Arabia.
8 /10
State Attorneys General
John Oliver briefly catches up with last week's events: deadliest attack on Synagogue, Saudi's lamest explanation of Jamal Khashoggi murder. Then he talks about the State Attorneys General. He explains the importance of role and contribution State AGs. State AGs are very powerful as they sue the federal government. So the races to elect these influential peoples are worth voters' attention.
7.6 /10
Family Separation
John Oliver gives a quick recap about the USA's midterm election activities. Then he talks about the main story of the night: Family Separation. He discussed the absurdity of the policy and the toll it takes on the families of the immigrants. He also stated his sincere concern about the fact that it could very possibly happen again.
8.2 /10
Drain the Swamp
Firstly, John Oliver addresses the firing/resignation of Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions and his successor. Then he starts talking about the catch phrase Trump used in his campaign 'Drain the swamp'. John illustrates that how little Trump had done to drain the swamp, rather he is nurturing him and appointing them in key positions to make favorable decisions for the lobbyists. Finally he closes with the fact how celebrities earning millions of dollars by promoting products in social media without proper declaration of an ad post.
7.9 /10
A look at the growing number of authoritarian leaders around the world. Plus, the fate of Russell Crowe's jockstrap.
8.6 /10

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