Episode list

Red Dwarf


Wed, Feb 19, 1992
Rimmer is abducted by the high IQ crew of the holoship Enlightenment, who have abandoned love in favour of daily sex. Wishing to join the crew and leave the Red Dwarf behind, Rimmer must engage in a battle of wits to earn his place.
8.2 /10
The Inquisitor

Wed, Feb 26, 1992
The red dwarf crew encounter the inquisitor, a mechanical lifeform who has made himself judge, jury and executioner of all of humanity throughout history. If he decides your life hasn't been worthy enough you are erased and replaced. Bad luck for the dwarfers.
8.2 /10

Wed, Mar 04, 1992
Lister, Kryten, Cat and Holly head for an artificial moon, where Rimmer has been kidnapped, only to find the artificial moon is Rimmer's mind.
8 /10

Wed, Mar 11, 1992
At a research complex on an ice planet, the crew find the hologram of Dr. Lanstrom who has been infected with a holo virus that turned her mad. Back on the Red Dwarf the crew are subjected to quarantine by Rimmer who's also been infected.
8.9 /10
Demons & Angels

Wed, Mar 18, 1992
An experiment with a machine that can make duplicates of an object goes wrong and Red Dwarf explodes. Where the Red Dwarf crew find the machine has made two copies of Red Dwarf, both ships contains their good and evil selves.
8 /10
Back to Reality

Wed, Mar 25, 1992
When investigating an ocean ship, The Esperanto, the crew are attacked by a Despair Squid and awake to find they are entirely different people who have been playing the game "Red Dwarf" for the last four years. Is this truly their reality?
9.2 /10
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