Episode list

Rolie Polie Olie

Madame Bot-erfly/Boxing Day/It's Just Not Fair
The Bevilles arrive back to Polyville from their holiday to the square planet, Billy shows Olie and Polly his new "flying box". Olie and Polly are confused, when Billy is hiding something when the Bevilles go back into their house and Polly suspects they are moving...
8.4 /10
Dare Ya/Roundbeard's Ghost/Screwy Day
While Olie, Billy and Uncle Gizmo are staying with Pappy out camping, Pappy tells them the story of Roundbeard, burying treasure nearby and how his ghost is still searching for it. Then, Olie, Billy and Gizmo think they see Roundbeard's ghost.
8.4 /10
Bots Will Be Boys/Screwy/Good Princess Zowie
Percy and Gizmo compete against each other to see who can do repairs on Pappy's farm the fastest, while Olie teams up with the former and Zowie with the latter; Olie and Billy meet a new kid in school named Screwy; Olie, Zowie, Pollie Pi, and Billy are playing the King of Everything game, and Zowie wants the King of Everything crown, but she doesn't know how to get it.
0 /10
Tug-A-Wheelie/Always Chasing Rainbows/Follow Yer Nose
Wheelie tries to make Olie, Zowie, Billy and Pollie Pi feel good, especially when it is shown that he can't always come to the park; when Olie and Zowie cannot play, they must find a rainbow, a Rolie Trolie and a pot of golden lugnuts; Olie loses his nose and chases it all around Polieville Park.
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