With finances already tight, Johnny is hit with a couple of unexpected bills. One is repair of the motel's hot water tank, which if he brought in a professional as Roland suggests instead of trying to fix it himself to save money, may lead to learning that the tank needs to be replaced in its entirety. The other, which is more discretionary in nature, is a $3,700 discounted couture, albeit off the rack, gown that Moira has just purchased to wear at the premiere - whenever it may be - of "The Crows Have Eyes III", the premiere at which she needs to look good as her reintroduction to the world of celebrity. Moira's expenses are not limited to the gown but also things to keep it looking pristine until the premiere. Johnny tries to drop hint after hint to Moira that they really can't afford such a gown, the question being if Moira will pick up the hints, and if she does if she will pay attention to them. Meanwhile, on Stevie's suggestion, she and David are driving to Elm Valley to do a tour of the botanical gardens during cherry blossom time, viewing cherry blossoms which has always been therapeutic for David. Stevie has brought David to Elm Valley on false pretenses, she who has no intention of going to the gardens at all, the trip which is a prearranged booty call encounter with Emir who is reviewing the hotel at which they will be staying. David and Stevie have to decide what to do as one item after another changes both their plans. And Alexis can feel the dislike emanating from Ted's temporary associate, Shannon, who went to vet college with Ted. When Alexis learns the story behind why Shannon is feeling the way she probably does, Alexis tries to diffuse the situation. In the process, it becomes a he said/she said/she said in Ted, Shannon and Alexis each having a different and conflicting point.