Episode list


Trollvial Pursuit/Life of Pie
A trivia game reveals that Poppy doesn't know as much about the Hard Rock tribe as she thought. / When Holly Darlin' learns that Branch is a baking savant, she trains him up to become TrollsTopia's greatest pie-maker.
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Big Brother Dante/Art Breaker
When Dante's brother Forte Crescendo visits TrollsTopia for the first time, Dante becomes worried he and his brother are growing apart. / Poppy recreates one of Synth's paintings after destroying the original by accident.
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The Fun Harvest/The Tunnel of Friendship
Holly Darlin' sets out to prove to Sky Toronto that game pieces are better when they're grown on a farm. / Synth is deeply honored when Minuet asks if he will commemorate their friendship with a ride down The Tunnel of Friendship.
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Wed, Dec 08, 2021
When Poppy finds out about the existence of "BPF"s ("Best Pet Friends") she's determined to meet a cuddly pal all her own. / When Holly Darlin' discovers she has unhealthy hair, she enlists Smidge and Synth to help.
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The Not So Good Sport/Bygone Bergen
A K-Pop girl group comes into town looking for a Troll who has been labeled a "Not-So-Good Sport" for leaving a board game before it was finished. / Holly and Val encounter a Bergen for the first time.
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Stop the Presses/R&B Are On It
Poppy tries to keep one of her biggest secrets from being discovered by TrollsTopia's best news reporter, Laguna Tidepool. / Rhythm and Blues host a "hair-podcast" that offers advice to Trolls in need.
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To Hug a Snug-A-Lug/The Search for Piece
Lownote Jones faces his old nemesis, Dr. Ravenhug, who has arrived in TrollsTopia convinced that he can hug a snug-a-lug without consequence. / Branch is hosting a game night and tonight the Trolls will be building a puzzle.
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