Episode list

Game of Thrones

The Red Woman

Sat, Apr 23, 2016
The fate of Jon Snow is revealed. Daenerys is brought before Khal Moro. Tyrion gets used to living in Meereen. Ramsay sends his dogs after Theon and Sansa. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes make their move. Cersei mourns for Myrcella.
8.4 /10

Sat, Apr 30, 2016
Bran trains with the Three-Eyed Raven. Tommen meets with Cersei. Tyrion makes a bold move. Theon leaves while at Pyke new issues arise. Ramsay's brother is born. Davos asks Melisandre for a miracle.
9.2 /10

Sat, May 07, 2016
Daenerys arrives at Vaes Dothrak. Sam and Gilly sail for Horn Hill. Arya trains as No One. Varys finds information on the Sons of the Harpy. Ramsay receives a gift. Tommen meets with the High Sparrow. At Castle Black, a miracle occurs.
8.6 /10
Book of the Stranger
Sansa arrives at Castle Black. Tyrion makes a deal with the slave masters. Jorah and Daario sneak into Vaes Dothrak. Ramsay sends a letter to Jon. Theon arrives at Pyke. Cersei and Olenna Tyrell plot against the High Sparrow.
9 /10
The Door

Sat, May 21, 2016
Sansa and Jon make plans. Arya is given another chance to prove herself. Jorah confesses a secret to Daenerys. Tyrion meets with a red priestess. Yara finds her rule tested. Bran discovers the origin of the White Walkers.
9.7 /10
Blood of My Blood
Bran and Meera find a new ally. Gilly meets Sam's family. Arya makes a difficult choice. The Lannisters and Tyrells march against the High Sparrow.
8.3 /10
The Broken Man

Sat, Jun 04, 2016
Jon and Sansa gather troops. Jaime arrives at Riverrun. Olenna Tyrell plans to leave King's Landing. Theon and Yara plan a destination. Arya makes plans to leave.
8.5 /10
No One

Sat, Jun 11, 2016
Brienne arrives at Riverrun. Arya seeks shelter. Jaime meets with Edmure Tully. Cersei challenges the Faith. Sandor Clegane hunts for revenge. Tyrion faces the consequences of earlier decisions.
8.3 /10
Battle of the Bastards
Jon and Sansa face Ramsay Bolton on the fields of Winterfell. Daenerys strikes back at her enemies. Theon and Yara arrive in Meereen.
9.9 /10
The Winds of Winter
Cersei and Loras Tyrell stand trial by the gods. Daenerys prepares to set sail for Westeros. Davos confronts Melisandre. Sam and Gilly arrive in the Citadel. Bran discovers a long-kept secret. Lord Frey has an uninvited guest.
9.9 /10
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