Episode list

Gilmore Girls

New and Improved Lorelai
Luke answers Lorelai's question and as news of Luke's reply leaks to the denizens of Stars Hollow, the untraditional proposal stirs up more talk than the answer itself. Richard and his lawyer go to bat for Rory in court for her yacht incident, but the judge is tougher than expected.
7.7 /10
Fight Face

Mon, Sep 19, 2005
Feeling a little lonely, Lorelai adopts a dog. Luke agrees to repair Lorelai's house, rather than buy the Twykham house. This soon turns into trouble as TJ does some unwanted construction on the house. Rory starts her community service assignment. Feeling neglected and unhappy with how things are going, Rory visits Luke at his diner. He lets it slip that he and Lorelai are engaged, leaving Rory feeling even more alone.
7.5 /10
The UnGraduate

Mon, Sep 26, 2005
Sookie creates a S'mores wedding cake, so what more does Lorelai need to set a date? Logan comes home, Lane and the band come home and Paul Anka eats three pounds of chocolate while under Luke's care.
7.4 /10
Always a Godmother, Never a God
Church ladies. Lorelai and Rory don their proper summer dresses and show up at the baptismal font to godmothers to Sookie's children - a clever ploy on Sookie's part to get the Gilmore girls back together.
7.3 /10
We've Got Magic to Do
Rory's World War II-themed DAR bash is a piperoo (even when suddenly impoverished Paris joins the proletariat as a server). But the bash goes smash when Richard confronts Mitchum Huntzberger.
8.3 /10
Welcome to the Dollhouse
What's in a name? To boost tourism, Taylor suggests reviving Stars Hollow's original street names. Lorelai thinks that's a charming idea -until she learns what the new Dragonfly Inn address will be.
7.7 /10
Twenty-One Is the Loneliest Number
Since Rory was a tyke, the Gilmore girls have planned her 21st birthday: in Atlantic City, sipping martinis, playing 21. But with the estrangement, Emily plans the birthday party -and it's soooo not Atlantic City.
7.9 /10
Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out
Who can finally get Rory thinking she made a BIG mistake dropping out of Yale? If you guess Jess, you're right. Her old flame returns with exciting news about his life... and some blunt advice about hers.
8.5 /10
The Prodigal Daughter Returns
Like meat and potatoes, like salt and tomatoes, the Gilmore girls belong together. Rory comes home. And a supersmart middle schooler shows up at Luke's Diner with a startling idea for a science fair project.
8.4 /10
He's Slippin' 'Em Bread... Dig?
Thanksgiving arrives and, after months of emotional turmoil, all is well on Planet Gilmore. Except for one teeny issue: Luke doesn't know how to tell Lorelai about his daughter. Lane's band plays a showcase.
7.4 /10
The Perfect Dress
The perfect dress: elegant blush-silk tulle, in Lorelai's size and on sale -ideal for a wedding. The perfect mess: Lane, short tempered, belligerent and miserable since she broke up with Zach and moved back home.
7.7 /10
Just Like Gwen and Gavin
Getting an education: Taylor Doose learns the Winter Carnival can be successful without him. Paris learns the Yale Daily News staff loathes and fears her, and Lorelai learns Luke has a daughter.
7.6 /10
You've Been Gilmored
Lorelai's parents insist that Luke come to Friday night dinner, and she says yes without asking him. Paris is ousted as the editor of the Yale Daily News, and staff elects Rory as the new editor. Needless to say, Paris is not pleased. In other events, Michel confides in Lorelai, and Rory gives her father a tour of Yale.
7.9 /10
A Vineyard Valentine
Rory and Logan ask Lorelai and Luke to celebrate Valentine's Day with them on a weekend at the Huntzberger's house on Martha's Vineyard, where Lorelai is annoyed by Luke's disdain for Logan. Meanwhile, Logan and his father have a confrontation.
7.5 /10
Bridesmaids Revisited
Lorelai and Christopher attend a journalism panel at Yale where Rory dazzles the crowd. Afterwards, Lorelai offers to help Christopher out by babysitting his daughter and is horrified by the toddler's terrible behavior. The next day, Rory and Logan attend the wedding of Logan's sister, Honor. While helping the bridesmaids get ready, Rory is devastated to learn how Logan spent his time during their recent breakup. Finally, Lane is still heartbroken over Zach, until he turns up at the diner with a surprise.
7.5 /10
I'm OK, You're OK
Rory forgives Logan and visits Lorelai, who is feeling down. Zack finally asks Mrs. Kim for permission to marry Lane.
7.5 /10
The Real Paul Anka
Although Rory and Logan are back together, Logan is miserable knowing that Rory hasn't really forgiven him, and he takes off with his friends for another stunt with the Life and Death Brigade. Rory accepts Jess's invitation to attend an open house at his new book store/art gallery/publishing house in Philadelphia. While there, she is surprised to run into Luke, who is accompanying his daughter April on an academic field trip. Back in Stars Hollow, Lorelai is horrified that Richard and Emily have been looking at real estate in her town.
7.8 /10
Super Cool Party People
Luke decides to give April a birthday party at the diner. Lorelai volunteers to help, and is hurt when Luke explains that he still thinks it's too soon for them to meet. However, Luke changes his mind when the party is a disaster, giving Lorelai a chance to bond with April. Meanwhile, Rory rushes to be with Logan at the hospital after he is seriously injured during a stunt with the Life and Death Brigade.
7.8 /10
Driving Miss Gilmore
Rory recruits Paris and Doyle to help Logan recover after being released from the hospital. Emily suffers from temporary blindness after a botched eye surgery and asks Lorelai for help with some errands. Liz reveals her pregnancy to Luke.
7.8 /10

Mon, May 08, 2006
The town troubadour departs Stars Hollow for his Neil Young gig (creating a stampede of would-be troubadours to town). Logan graduates and leaves for London. And the Lorelai-Luke love affair may be ciao, adiós, game over.
7.9 /10
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