Episode list

PJ Masks: Power Heroes

HQ Mysteries/Wolfy Warning
When the villains try to take over power q their plans go Wong the wolves did not listing when the heroes told them not to go to me stray mountain but fails into night ninjas trap
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Heroes of Iceworld
Luna steels the moon crystal and steals Pirate Robot's ship upgrade the liner fortress and makes her own vehicle after the fight against Romeo his blast ray makes pk robot go to the outback
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Gloop the Third
Newton wants to be a super-serious space expert. When the team gets glooped by Gloop the Third, only Newton can stop him, but to do so, he has to take himself less seriously.
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Heroes of Space
"Heroes of Space" is the 16th Season 6/PJ Masks: Power Heroes episode of PJ Masks. This is a 4-part special episode.
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