Episode list

The Culture Show

Episode #6.2

Fri, May 11, 2007
A windswept Lauren presents the 2nd show from the South Bank Centre, London. Amongst reports on Land Art and Muppet type characters doing "Trainspotting", Charlie Brooker takes a swipe at the dreadful prime time talent shows.
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Episode #6.4

Fri, May 25, 2007
Steve Punt & Hughg Dennis appear in short spoof of "The Ipcress File", Andrew-Graham-Dixon continues his look at Land Art from a helicopter and Mark Kermode reports from Cannes.
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Episode #6.6

Fri, Jun 08, 2007
Several reports this week on the acoustically improved Royal Festival Hall and Corner Shop play out with a version of Waterloo Sunset.
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British Film Special
Presenters Mark & Lauren visit some of the locations used in their favorite British films, chatting to cast and crew on the way. Including Edward Woodward revisiting locations used in "The Wicker Man".
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