Grandpa Smurf returns to the village from a 500-year voyage around the world to restore the power of the Long Life Force Stone. Papa Smurf and a few other Smurfs help Grandpa Smurf find the purest sources of the four primal elements from around the world while the remaining Smurfs stay behind to search for the Long Life Force Stone.
Papa Smurf and the other members of the expedition arrive on Tiki Island to claim the last element - fire. Meanwhile Smurfette and Brainy compete who would find the box first and their competitiveness leads to a disaster.
Handy's latest invention is a smurfmarine but when Hefty accuses him of being selfish, Handy leaves the village for good./ The Smurfs are stunned when a hero from a story book named Don Smurfo starts wooing Smurfette.
The smurfs encounter a Prince turned into a Frog by an evil sorcerer, and must help him be kissed by his true love before he permanently becomes a frog forever.
Smurfette's Gift: Smurfette's snooping gets her to fall a prisoner into the hands of a greedy Imp./ The Most Popular Smurf: Scruples casts a magic spell that fills Jokey's exploding packages with real gifts.
Crying Smurfs: Papa's potion makes the Smurfs cry nonstop. The Color Smurfy: The right color in a spectrum pool must be found by the Smurflings and Grandpa Smurf to restore the life to a color sprite to bring back color to a monochrome world.
Lazy's nightmares start coming true when he and the other Smurfs are transported to an evil dream world by Morphio, a wicked sorcerer whose power comes from his victims' fears.
Timid is determined to prove to the other Smurfs that he's perfect for the leading role in Poet's new play./ Hiking or traveling in Handy's new invention is the better way for the Smurfs to get to Dreamy Steamy Springs.
Calling Dr. Smurf: Dabbler decides to devote himself to the study of medicine.Can't Smurf The Music: The deaf wood elf Laconia teaches the Smurfs that music comes from inside when Chlorhydris casts a spell that does away with musical notes.
It's a Puppy's Life: Gargamel switches bodies with Puppy./ Sweepy Smurf: The Smurflings are unhappy with the way the grownups are treating Sweepy Smurf and decide to change his luck.
Journey To The Center Of The Smurf: Miner finds some "dirty rocks" which he uses to keep the Smurfs warm all winter.The Gallant Smurf: Hogatha has a devious plan where she must capture Grandpa Smurf by turning herself into Grandma Smurfette.
The Tallest Smurf: Gourdy tries to cheer up a depressed Slouchy, who's miserable about being the shortest Smurf./ Scruple uses a weapon that drains every creature of their color and essence.
Dr. Evil And Mr. Nice: Gargamel suffers from a magic-induced split personality given to him by Scruple. The Root of Evil: Chlorhydris seeds a plant that makes everyone who touches it evil,
Tattle-Tail Smurfs: Brainy is fed up with the Smurflings tattling on him, and casts a spell that makes their tails grow each time they tell tales./ Greedy becomes the chef of a gnome king, who is taking advantage of his talents.
A baby dinosaur is released from the past when Balthazar uses Father Time's scythe and accidentally cuts a hole in the fabric of reality./ Papa's potion makes the Smurfs cry nonstop.
Jokey has a Gargamel dummy. But when the real Gargamel discovers the dummy's existence, he puts a spell that brings the dummy to life./ Gargamel and Sassette upset the balance of truth and deceit.
A Myna Problem: Clumsy brings an injured Myna bird to the village but is unaware that the bird repeats everything it hears./ The Horn Of Plenty: The Smurfs are facing starvation when Mother Nature accidentally damages the fall harvest.
Bookworm Smurf: When Sassette wishes all the books in the world to disappear the world stops functioning./ Farmer's Genie: Farmer finds a genie in a gourd.
Heart Of Gold: Problems arise in Smurf Village when Gargamel replaces Clockwork's heart of gold with one of stone.The Last Whippoorwill: The Smurfs search for the last whippoorwill egg as insects threaten to take over the forest.
Hogatha wants to marry a handsome prince but to achieve her goal, she has to show his mother something she has never seen before./ The Tooth Fairy is captured by Gargamel, who dresses up like her in attempt to find some Smurfs.
Handy invents the first TV set, which he calls Window Vision and every Smurf gets his own show./ Papa Smurf makes an error during one of his experiments which causes him to split into two Papa Smurfs.
Jokey finds a magic cloak of invisibility, but his see-through state becomes permanent when he gets wet./ Gargamel is jealous when Papa Smurf is named Wizard of the Year and comes up with a scheme that would deprive Papa of his magic.
In this episode with a strong anti-drug message, several Smurfs get a scary lesson in addiction to magic to help them with their problems after meeting a woman with a magical orb.
Reckless Smurfs: Gargamel casts a daredevil spell on the Smurfs which makes them act reckless./ Head Over Hogatha: It's Valentine's Day and one of Cupid's arrows accidentally hits Hogatha and when she bumps into Gargamel, she falls madly in love with him.