Episode list


Camp: Part 1

Mon, Sep 23, 1974
A precocious boy blessed with disarming looks and manners is among the young men officers take to camp.
8.3 /10
Camp: Part 2

Mon, Sep 30, 1974
June Lockhart, a python, and an Olympic pole vaulter make appearances as Malloy tries to help a befuddled mother navigate the obstacles of parenthood.
7.7 /10

Mon, Oct 07, 1974
Reed and Malloy are assigned to "team policing," where officers from different departments work as a unit. Their team uncovers and busts a car accident insurance scam and works an undercover stakeout for a daylight burglar.
8.1 /10
Roll Call

Mon, Oct 21, 1974
When an officer calls for help but fails to give his name or location, it results in a frantic search for the missing officer. The dispatcher helps by doing a roll call of all the known officers on patrol at the time of the call, while Reed and Malloy assist in the search. A motorcycle officer is the one who is missing, eventually leading their comrades to a parking garage and an armed hostage situation.
8.7 /10
Suspect Number One
Malloy is contacted by Charlie Bishop who has served his time and is having a hard time adjusting to life on the outside. After listening to Charlie's story Malloy and Reed go back out on patrol, and after catching a potential tax cheat they check out a halfway house in hope that it has room for Charlie. In the meantime Charlie has decided that he'd rather be back in prison and after receiving a radio call Malloy and Reed realize they have to stop him from making a big mistake.
8.3 /10
Point of View

Mon, Nov 11, 1974
When Mac's wife gets a job he complains to Malloy but the patrol calls all teach lessons about this new "women's liberation". Malloy and Reed rescue a hostage from supermarket bandits and find an elderly nursing home escapee.
8.1 /10
Lady Beware

Mon, Nov 18, 1974
The officers spot a girl in a park by a school who has been raped by a serial rapist in the area. They accompany Sgt. Gloria Tyler to help teach a class of girls at the school how to handle sexual assaults. At a home burglary they catch an elderly man they know and his nephew leaving the scene. A market reports a shoplifter in a rain coat who ran away. The officers' search turns up the rain coat outside a bar and the man inside pretending to be a comic. Several officers participate in an undercover sting to catch the rape suspect using Tyler as the bait. They catch him after a chase when he attacks another girl and she screams.
7.9 /10
Excessive Force

Mon, Dec 02, 1974
A door-to-door search for a missing girl in a red sweater leads to a foot chase with the pedophile who kidnapped the youngster. Malloy catches the suspect, then loses his cool when the suspect makes a smart remark. The suspect fights back by filing an excessive force complaint against Malloy. Malloy admits what he did and accepts the consequences, even though he knows it could affect his long-term career goals.
8.6 /10

Mon, Dec 09, 1974
Malloy and Reed handle a humorous drunk forced to dry out at the station jail and help a woman recover an antique when she discovers her husband hid their savings inside. They capture a rapist, and free a woman stuck in a phone booth.
8.2 /10
Credit Risk

Mon, Dec 16, 1974
Reed goes to visit the bank when his credit rating is incorrect. He and Malloy stop a liquor store robbery, return two kids that ran away from home, and resolve a mystery fender bender all the while Jim gets his bank records fixed.
8 /10

Mon, Dec 23, 1974
Christmas in sunny Los Angeles finds Reed and Molloy in a series of seasonal vignettes. They meet up with a colorful tree lot salesman and help out a Santa entertaining a retiree's home all while chasing down a rooftop gunman.
8.3 /10
Pot Shot

Mon, Jan 13, 1975
Malloy stops to drop off laundry before his shift. While there, the manager confronts a young man tying up a dryer. Malloy arrests him for drying marijuana. On shift, they take a call about a fight where a divinity student is fighting men over taking the Lord's name in vain. A bus driver reports a young girl left on his bus. They take her to the station as she does not speak English. By trial and error, they learn she is from Finland. They take her to back track her route to find her relative's home. When they return her, they have to handle a neighbor dispute across the street where a man's boys are trashing his neighbor's property again. Later, the laundry manager reports a man and woman looking for their friend. The police use the license plate of their car to track them down. Malloy purses the girl in the car while Reed must handle the man on foot. Back at the laundromat, Reed learns Malloy was dropping off his laundry, plus his girlfriend's.
8.3 /10
Grand Theft Auto
The men start with a theft report of an older car of little value. They return to the station to investigation a hunch and learn that older cars often tagged as abandoned are disappearing as noticed in other parts of the city. A call about an abandoned car blocking a woman's driveway provides them the chance to ask her to report if someone takes it. They spot a man at a bus stop matching a robbery suspect and when they check on him he runs forcing Reed into foot pursuit while Malloy tracks them in the car to catch him. They stop by a scrap metal company to ask the owner for any clues and he says that the wildcatters are not really wildcatters. A call about two boys who went into a house filled with lethal bug spray turns fatal for two boys by the time they get inside. The woman reports a tow truck taking the abandoned car. After stopping it, they find the truck has false labels on it covering the name of the scrap yard. At the scrap yard they are in luck as the equipment is broken allowing them to find the stolen car from the initial theft.
8.2 /10
Victim of the Crime
An elderly lady reports one of her most prized possessions, a TV, has been stolen. A silent alarm call is a robbery where the store owner is critically wounded putting him and his daughter in a severe financial pinch. They capture one of the suspects but the second one escapes as Reed rescues a baby in a runaway stroller. Reed wishes they had forms for the new program to reimburse victims of violent crimes like this one. A detective has them question the bail bondsman about the suspect in the robbery to find the missing one. He gives them an address where a neighbor has information on the suspect's car and license number. Silent alarm at a drive-in is young men robbing it but unable to flee when their car stalls. They get away but are caught five blocks away by the backup car. A patrol car spots the missing suspect's car and pursues it. Adam-12 picks up the pursuit when the other car is blocked. They chase the man on foot and apprehend him. The elderly woman comes to the station to ask if the officers have found her TV and why something isn't done for victims. At the end the forms for victim reimbursement arrive and they provide one to the daughter.
8 /10
Pressure Point

Mon, Feb 03, 1975
Woods is acting as trainer for Don Allen, who is still in the academy and who will be riding with Woods as his partner in Xray-14. Malloy and Reed's first impression about Allen is that he is competent, but nervous, those nerves which may or may not cause problems in the field. If those problems do manifest themselves, they will be in high pressure situations. Adam-12's first call takes them to a dispute between a landlord and a possible tenant, who was working through the landlord's broker. Only the broker may be able to clear up whether the landlord or tenant, if either, is in the wrong in this situation. Next, they are called to a pharmacy where a silent alarm went off. Malloy and Reed will learn that the pharmacist has an effective manner in dealing with armed robbers, his routine which usually results in him coming ahead in the situation. Finally, they are called to back-up Xray-14 in an armed robbery in progress. This call is only the latest that Malloy and Reed encounter Xray-14 during this shift. This last call in particular shows if Allen has what it takes to be a police officer. Something which Allen divulges about himself following this call may provide that answer.
8.1 /10
Ladies' Night

Mon, Feb 17, 1975
Reed and Malloy agree to double date for dinner, but on the way to the restaurant Jim and Jean see a robbery in progress. Once again Mrs. Reed gets stood up but Jean, Pete, and Judy are good sports and citizens once they know Reed is safe.
8 /10
Citizen with a Gun
On PM watch, Reed and Malloy assist Wells and Brady at a domestic dispute involving an armed husband. They investigate the report of a possible dead body, and later, the robbery of a pawn shop. At the gun range the next day, Reed and Malloy, along with Wells and Brady, among others, practice before their monthly qualification. Later, a cabbie tips them on what he thinks is a burglary in progress. They get a hit on prints taken at the pawn shop the night before and find the suspect working at a car wash. He tries for a clean getaway, but pulls a gun instead and is caught. After nightfall they back up Wells and Brady again, on a prowler call this time, where the homeowner takes a shot at a suspected prowler.
7.9 /10
Follow Up

Mon, Mar 10, 1975
Reed and Malloy handle a call about a stolen horse that someone is trying to sell to a horse stable. Also, after a call from a wealthy woman, she accuses them of stealing one of her valuable rings. Reed thinks Malloy should buy a used boat.
8 /10

Mon, Mar 17, 1975
Reed and Malloy deal with victims of depression as a new mother and suicidal businessman need hospitalization.
8.4 /10
Operation Action
After their shift Malloy is to drop off his car with a mechanic and Reed is to pick him up but Malloy is hijacked by a man and woman after leaving the station. They want her boyfriend released from jail in return for Malloy. When they have him verify they have him, Malloy gives a clue to his whereabouts by giving a name of a girl the officers found with a mannequin. Reed finds Malloy's car and a girl nearby gives a description of the people and car that took Malloy. They find the car abandoned. Reed's investigation of their cases turns up the girl's name and location which Reed stakes out. Malloy has spilled gasoline in the house where he is held and is able to swipe a lighter and set it afire allowing him to jump out the window where Reed sees the smoke and hears the gunfire.
8.2 /10
Gus Corbin

Mon, Mar 31, 1975
While Malloy is filling in for Sgt. MacDonald, Reed has a new partner Gus Corbin who is relatively new and takes a few too many risks for Reed or Malloy's liking.
8.1 /10
Dana Hall

Mon, Apr 28, 1975
Malloy sits one out as Reed drives and pairs up with a new partner: Dana Hall, a policewoman! The sexual attitudes of the 1970s run rampant with Wells representing the worst of the era while Reed, ever the Renaissance Man, treats his temporary partner with respect and bemusement.
8.1 /10
Something Worth Dying For: Part 1
When Reed fails to get a conviction on a drug arrest, he decides to temporarily join the narcotics squad. He finds the work mentally hard and his wife dislikes the impact on him.
7.8 /10
Something Worth Dying For: Part 2
Malloy and Reed are faced with citizens who want to skirt the law in special cases. Reed is faced with fallout from his wife Jean about his safety after being awarded the Medal of Valor for rescuing a wounded Malloy during a shootout.
8.1 /10
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