Episode list

Malcolm in the Middle

Burning Man

Thu, Sep 29, 2005
The family joins the Burning Man Festival, where Reese and Lois find creative freedom, Malcolm finds love, Hal finds a big audience and Dewey find himself doing all the chores.
8.3 /10
Health Insurance
Having forgotten to pay the bill for the family's health insurance, Hal tries to protect the boys from all accidents for the weekend; meanwhile, Lois accidentally gets Craig into trouble with their co-workers.
7.7 /10
Reese vs. Stevie
Dewey and Hal attempt to quit their vices, Reese threatens Stevie, and Lois opens up to Jamie.
7.6 /10

Thu, Oct 27, 2005
Reese and Malcolm find out that there was a murder in the family's house before they moved in. Hal is highly agitated in fear of ghosts from the murder, and Malcolm tries to reason him out of it. Meanwhile, Reese and Dewey take Jamie trick-or-treating ad make a persistent enemy, and Lois is stuck at work because of a shoplifter nobody wants to apprehend.
7.9 /10
Jessica Stays Over
Jessica teaches Malcolm how to manipulate Lois, Reese prepares to mail himself to China, and Hal is terrorized by a bee.
8.1 /10
Secret Boyfriend
Malcolm gets involved in complicated relationships with the hottest girl in school and Jessica. Lois worries about what Reese will be doing in the future.
7.6 /10

Thu, Nov 17, 2005
One fish, two kobe steaks, three girls, four sub-plots, and five brothers come together for an evening at home when the power goes out.
8.1 /10
Army Buddy

Thu, Dec 01, 2005
Reese is visited by an Army buddy who develops a crush on Lois. Hal starts feeling useless when Lois buys orthotics and no longer needs his tender loving care.
7.5 /10
Malcolm Defends Reese
When Malcolm's arch nemesis and former teacher, Mr. Herkabe, crosses the line and hurts Reese's feelings too many times, he decides to pay him back for hurting his brother by revealing his former teacher's awful secret. He had flunked gym and lied about it. Because of that truth, the Principal decides to strip him of his trophy and hand it back to the one who passed gym, despite her blindness. Meanwhile, Hal gives Dewey a ton of wrong advices to a girl he likes.
7.6 /10
Malcolm's Money
While Malcolm battles a yearbook photographer to get a good photo, Hal, Lois, and Dewey intercept a scholarship check addressed to Malcolm and try to rationalize spending the money; Reese goes back to work delivering meat.
7.5 /10
Bride of Ida

Thu, Jan 12, 2006
In a bid to get to catch the flight to St. Louis for Dewey's piano competition, everything seems to be going wrong for him. Meanwhile, Reese and Malcolm compete with each other to see whether Reese is man enough for the likes of Ida.
7.6 /10
College Recruiters
Raduca whips Reese into shape while pursuing her own interests; Dewey visits unemployed Francis; Hal discovers the benefits from taking on Malcolm's college interviewers.
7.4 /10

Sat, Feb 11, 2006
While Lois and Malcolm are laid up with mono, Hal discovers another side to the neighborhood; meanwhile, Dewey tries to introduce Reese to kinder, gentler ways of dealing with Jamie.
7.7 /10
Hal Grieves

Sat, Feb 18, 2006
Hal's father dies, but he fails to show emotion for his departed father, which leads him to wonder whether his children would miss him when he dies.
7.6 /10

Sat, Mar 04, 2006
Francis has made it through a year of sobriety and he invites the family to his AA meeting, until Lois discovers that he has invited her there to place his problems on her.
7.5 /10
Lois Strikes Back
After Reese is severely humiliated by four girls at school, Lois exacts revenge on them; and Hal builds a pitching machine while hiding out from Lois in the garage.
8.7 /10
Hal's Dentist

Sat, Mar 25, 2006
Hal feels betrayed when his friend Trey charges $2,000 to fix Hal's tooth; Malcolm and Dewey find a new mattress; and Reese teaches Lois how to ride a bike.
7.8 /10
Bomb Shelter

Sat, Apr 01, 2006
Trying to bury the fruits of their mischief--one of their father's trophies in the backyard--Reese and Dewey find an old bunker, in which they trap Hal to avoid punishment. Malcolm and Lois are in a competitive mood. Malcolm discovers his talent to dance, which he takes to a dance competition with Danielle (Lynsey Bartilson) and Lois keeps hold on a car until the bitter end.
8.2 /10
Stevie in the Hospital
Malcolm's afraid to visit his best friend Stevie in the hospital; Reese becomes a master telemarketer; and someone secretly tries to drive Lois crazy.
7.5 /10
Cattle Court

Sat, Apr 15, 2006
Reese pretends to be a vegetarian; Hal decides to teach Dewey a lesson about the game of "Life"; and Malcolm talks Craig into standing up to Lois and then regrets it.
7.3 /10

Sat, Apr 22, 2006
Malcolm decides to organise a "Morp", an alternative to the traditional Prom, for those pupils shunned by the "cool" kids. Meanwhile, Reese agrees to hire himself out as an escort for the evening.
7.6 /10

Sat, May 13, 2006
Having been denied a very lucrative job in a software company, Malcolm accepts the vision his parents have for him. The first US president that will actually keep in mind the best interests of poor people like his own family.
9 /10

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