Episode list

Faces of Africa

Defender of the Sacred Sites
Mphatheleni Makaulule stands up to fight for her communities' Sacred Site - forests, rivers and mountainous areas. She has involved the community in standing up to those who want to destroy cultural and traditional sites for new land development, profit or otherwise.
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The Capoeira Teacher of Cape Town
Marcio "Beleza" Lopes has been teaching Capoeira in Capetown since the late 1990s. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art, that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It was developed by African slaves working on sugar and coffee plantations in Brazil at the beginning of the 16th century.
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The Chimp Man of Mahale
Mwiga Mambo has over twenty years' experience under his belt, when it comes to matters Primates at Greystoke Mahale National Park. He is regarded as a leading Primatology guide in Africa.
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A Nation in a Blanket
In the mountain kingdom of Lesotho, Basotho blankets are a common part of daily wear, acting not only act as a barrier to the cold, but also as a status symbol and cultural identification.
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Hafeni - The Man of Mondesa
Heinrich Hafeni's cultural tours introduce visitors from all over the world to life in the coastal township of Mondesa, the heartbeat of the tourist magnet Swakopmund.
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A Modern Classic
Joseph Muyunda is a young Zambian musician, who has big ambitions; to fuse modern classical music with traditional music in his country. We join him together with his friends on this quest.
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The Chobe Angels
In Botswana's northern region of the Chobe National Park, an all-female safari guide team is changing the long-held notion that this is a 'man's job'. Using electric modes of transportation on both land and water, the guide team shares the African wild life with tourists who flock to the famed game park.
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Hiking in Heaven
Patrice Zulme is a native is a professional guide, leading tourists to the most beautiful parts of the Reunion island. He is also committed to protecting the unique culture and environment of Reunion.
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An Islander's Lens
Stephane Tariffe is an activist and filmmaker who aims to restore dignity and pride to the people of his island of Reunion. Working in both theatre and film, his work confronts the difficulties experienced by the local people and celebrates the unique history and culture of the island at the same time.
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Ga Da Lomba: Hip-hop for Change
Due to its geographical location, Cape Verde has become a perfect location in recent years for cocaine cartels. As a hip-hop artist and former drug addict, Ga Da Lomba uses his music for social criticism and awareness around real issues affecting the country.
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