Pop-Pop: The Final Solution
Dennis and Dee's Nazi grandfather is wasting away in a hospital, and it's their choice whether to pull the plug or not. Meanwhile, Charlie and Mac go crazy trying to find a dog painting they think has a lot of value.
7.8 /10
The Gang Recycles Their Trash
While the city of Philadelphia's garbage men are on strike, Dennis, Mac, and Charlie decide to start a trash pick up business. And while being a big success, they must find out where to put this newly picked up trash.
8.2 /10
Charlie and Dee Find Love
After invading the world of the wealthy, Charlie and Dee find romance. Not to be left out, Dennis, Frank and Mac try to get in on the action.
8.9 /10
The Gang Gets Analyzed
When Dee gets asked by her therapist to bring in her so called 'issues,' Dee brings in the whole gang. And since they have all been called in, they have their own one on one therapy sessions, while many issues arise.
9 /10
Charlie's Mom Has Cancer
Charlie's Mom tells him she has cancer. The gang tries to help her out, each in their own way. Meanwhile, Frank thinks his mind may be slipping.
7.7 /10
Frank's Back in Business
Under threat of a hostile takeover, the board of Frank's old company calls him back to run the company. As before, Frank maximizes the company's product: money. Dennis, Mac and Dee find Phillies VIP tickets and find themselves in a business deal of their own.
8.1 /10
Charlie Rules the World
The gang starts playing an online video game and Charlie becomes obsessed with becoming the best player in the game. Meanwhile, Dennis is upset everyone else is playing the game all the time and not out enjoying the real world.
8.2 /10
The Gang Dines Out
The gang turns up at the same restaurant for dinner at three different tables. They pretend not to notice they noticed they are noticing each other. Then the one-upmanship begins.
9 /10

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