Taiwan - Iron Pathways to Adventure: Part 1
Using Taiwan's extensive train system Joseph rides the rails in search of treasures at the ends of the lines. On his journey, Taiwan's natural beauty, cultural richness, colorful history and creative spirit are revealed and there is no end to the surprising, enlightening, exhilarating and heart-warming experiences.
7.4 /10
Taiwan - Iron Pathways to Adventure: Part 2
Joseph continues his Taiwan Rail Adventure. Along with Taiwan's natural beauty, cultural richness and colorful history, Joseph learns that rather than demolish the old, the Taiwanese are repurposing outdated train stations, rail lines and the remnants of industries the rails once supported in order to serve Taiwan's ever-growing and changing population in new ways.
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Uncovering South Korea
Joseph discovers that while the capital city of Seoul's modern skyline and prosperity are impressive, it's Korea's extraordinary history, traditions and customs that are the cornerstones of its culture with ancient treasures, surprising natural beauty, exciting foods, spiritual experiences and heart-warming welcomes.
0 /10
San Francisco's Changing Neighborhoods
San Francisco is a city of neighborhoods and within its seven by seven mile boundary it seems every patch of ground has a name and each neighborhood has a unique history and iconic attractions, shops and restaurants that add their special zest to the San Fran mix.
7.8 /10
Adventures in California's Tri-Valley
Joseph sets out on a California exploration through the state's Tri-Valley region. In his visit to the Amador, Livermore and San Ramon valleys he learns that while searching the world over for the exotic, often we miss the exciting, surprising and pleasurable experiences that await close to home.
0 /10
Surprising Toronto
Toronto is a city of neighborhoods and, like Toronto, they are ever becoming more themselves. Yet, at the core of all the city's changes he finds cultural connections which prove that Toronto and its neighborhoods are firmly rooted in their historic, natural and multi-cultural roots.
7 /10
Ontario's Central Counties - Multi-Cultural Adventures
Ontario's Central Counties offers a mosaic of historic gristmill villages, verdant farmlands and towns that thrive because of their multi-cultural population. Joseph cycles through the rich Durham farmlands. In the York region he steps back in time at the Black Creek Pioneer Village for a taste of what life was like in the early days of Canada and enjoyst the Taste of Asia Festival in Markham.
6.4 /10
Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma Country - A Fall Journey
Joseph heads to Sault Saint Marie, the historic site of the firstbattleof the War of 1812, and rides the Algoma Railway north through the Agawa Canyon along the path of Canada's famedGroup of Seven artistsinto the heart of Algoma Country. Joseph discoversnone of them surpass the glory of being in Sault St. Marie and Algoma Country in the Fall -- where even the evergreens turn color.
7.7 /10
Northwest Ontario - Lake Superior and Beyond
On the Trans-Canada Highwayfrom Thunder Bay to Kenora, near its Western border with Manitoba, the granite outcroppings of the Canadian Shield are revealed and the boreal forest covers the landscape. Within its 204,000 square miles there are just 250,000 people, yet there are 5,000 wilderness camps and lodges and 150,000 fishable lakes.
7.3 /10
Northeast Ontario - Canada's Canoe Culture and First Nations People
On the historic French River Joseph learns that to the French voyageurs and First Nations people, the Northeast's lakes and rivers were a highway to prosperity, while to modern day outdoor enthusiasts they are a never-ending source of pleasure. On Manitoulin Island Joseph joins his First Nations guide at a powwow and hikes along the Niagara Escarpment.
7 /10
San Antonio's Fiesta - Olé!
Joseph and Julie travel to San Antonio, their favorite Texas town, for eleven days of parades, music, food, dance and celebration. With more than 100 events and three million people attending, Fiesta is San Antonio's biggest party. Yet, it's a party with a purpose. Fiesta honors history, customs and traditions and is, above all, a celebration of community.
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