Bloody sheets and an apparently stolen credit card lead Briscoe and Curtis to a pair of college age lovers who present McCoy and Ross with a united front of denial that one of them killed their newborn son and disposed of the body.
A female Navy pilot kills an enlisted man over their affair. However, McCoy suspects that the military may be impeding the D.A. office's investigation because she is a valuable asset and a positive female role model.
The prosecution of the shooter in the death of a young mother and wife hits a snag when it is suggested that her doctor may have killed her to give away her organs and advance his career.
Baltimore homicide detectives Munch and Falsone help Briscoe and Curtis with a murder investigation. However, the victim's family attorney interferes with the investigation by leaking information and offering rewards.
Detectives discover that a recently-murdered white woman had recently given birth to a baby whose race reveals a well-kept secret about the baby's biological father.
The D.A.'s office resorts to extreme measures in order to prove that a defense attorney is rigging trial outcomes, but Jamie discovers that the corruption can be traced back to one of her friends and colleagues.
A teenage boy is suspected of starting a fire that killed his younger sister. But his powerful and influential grandfather does everything in his power to make the case go away.
An Egyptian man is murdered because he had hired an Egyptian doctor to perform a female circumcision on the man's niece. A.D.A.s McCoy and Ross have to deal with a clash between cultural convictions and the law.
Three people are killed when a possible drunk driver runs them over. A.D.A. McCoy is bent on getting a questionable death sentence in the case, but Ross believes that he is trying to get revenge for Claire Kincaid's death.
The daughter of a convicted murderer goes on trial, accused of attempting to murder an expert witness who testified in her father's trial on his behalf.
After a comatose woman dies during childbirth, McCoy pursues murder charges against the health-care worker who impregnated her, but the investigation reveals that the victim's mother may have played a role in the incident.
A mafia hit man who was in the witness protection program turns up dead in Central Park. A mafia boss is implicated, but his defense wants him declared mentally incompetent to stand trial.
The investigation into a young woman's death leads detectives to a man who has been knowingly spreading the HIV virus to his partners. McCoy pursues murder charges in a case that could have have serious political implications for Schiff.
A disturbed, self-righteous activist opposed to high-rent developments is wanted for the kidnappings of a property owner and two of his tenants. However, the D.A.'s office may have to renege on the deal made with his brother to find him.
A doctor is accused of maliciously killing a quadriplegic boy. However, the doctor claims that it was a mercy killing and that he was acting on the family's wishes.
The pursuit of the death penalty for a police officer's killer who found religion in prison becomes a political football for the DA's office. Briscoe's daughter gets in trouble with the law.
A man confesses to killing the gossip columnist who was responsible for his wife's death. But his defense attorney tries to put the columnist's irresponsible journalistic practices on trial to avoid his client's conviction.
Political pressures and a lack of manpower force the detectives to coerce a confession out of their only suspect in a brutal sexual assault of a young girl.