Hulk Spoils Movies
In his latest interview Hulk reveals too much info about his new Avengers film Infinity War along with a few others.
7.1 /10
How Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Should Have Ended
Since it hit theaters we started building this episode. Some HISHE's take longer than others and this one was one of those longer ones. One because there are so many characters in this movie we had to actually cut out some of our ideas. And two we were in an extremely busy time over here with babies being born, going to conventions and then moving HISHE into a new home. But it's finally here. So please enjoy. This episode was a blast to work on. I'm sorry it couldn't be 20 minutes long with 5 bonus credits scenes.
7.5 /10
How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended
How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended - Written by the fans. After you guys submitted over 30000 script ideas we did our best to whittle it down to the most manageable batch of scenes. I think about 5000 of you submitted the "language'' joke and the "because I'm Batman" line. So a big fat sloppy Thank You goes to everyone who sent in ideas. Thank you so much for wanting to be a part of this. We really loved getting to make this with you. And you guys are full of great jokes.
7.7 /10
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