Episode list

Lost on the Road

The Building Showdown Movie
This is the 2016 Film based on the Series of the Same Name. Hazel gets kidnapped by Super K. Super T tries to find her. But, it's too late, she is already on, the Dark Side. Super T has deal with, Super K. And the fact, that he lied about, Super T, not caring for her. Note: Devin now owns the Movie, but Super T, remains the same design.
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The Building Showdown Contest
This was 8 Part Mini - Series. Super T's Teacher, Ryan Smith started a contest. And A Lot of Super T's loved ones died, including Obvious. Who had a head wound from a brick wall.
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Super T: Into the Superverse
Super T faces a ultimate foe. Devin makes a cameo as Bob the Magician. Many of the Comic Book Characters, appear in this movie. This characters included by not limited to, Ryan Smith, Super K, Miss Popsay, Miss K, The Robot Bug, Luncher and Super Pretty BLOR. This was Lost for 2 Years, only for it to be, Archived.
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Lost on the Road: Hypothesis
This is the very First Lost on the Road Short, within the Series. And the only one, to be in Live - Action, and not recorded directly, to YouTube, upon first release. Then this was remade again, for Super T: The Movie. Reupload on August 20, 2017. Only to be lost for 3 Years, and now archived.
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Lost on the Road: Puppet Adventures
2014: It was a follow up to the First Short Film. However, there's no proof of this existing this. Other that, it was Still Photos. There was no voices in the episode, and this was the First, to be Upload to a Disc. Which is improvement, to the Original. 2016: Super T must face off against Robot. As robot is destroying the City.
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Super T vs. The Terrorizer (Censored Version)
Super T is seen, throwing something, unknown what it is. And The Terrorizer's voice, was not heard. And is showing Super T, asking a question. As to why The Terrorizer, would do such a thing. The Terrorizer, says it because of his Mom and Dad. And Super T shows him, how to be a good person. And not attack, people. This was the Start to what would later become the Modern Era.
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Super T Returns

Sun, Jan 07, 2018
Super T starts out as baby, falling off a cliff. Becoming Super T 2.0 or Obvious, and starts to Time Travel to the Future. Super T having his watch out. And Fights the Bad Guy, concluding the story. Note: This helped inspire "The Cliffhanger" A Lost on the Road Season 2 Episode.
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Super T on Ice

Wed, Sep 05, 2018
This was the episode, that came before Lost on the Road Presents A Christmas Special. It was originally the first one, to mention Super T's age. It was revealed that he is 20 Years Old.
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Mon, Mar 18, 2019
This is "Lost on the Road Part 1", and is often paired with, "Super T's 40th Anniversary".
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Super T vs. The Horned Mole
Super T goes after, this Horned Mole. And it tries, to attack, Super T. Super T, barely makes it out, Alive. And then, 3 Time Machines appear. Each Representing, it's respective Timeline. Timeline A is Past, Timeline B is Present, Timeline C is Future.
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The Cliffhanger
Super T and Goofball Gordon get into it. And he tries to defend his girlfriend, from Super T. As he loves his girlfriend, and Super T does not.
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