And So It Begins
Seven kids at summer camp are "sucked in" to a strange "Digital World", where strange looking creatures, who call themselves Digimon, greet them.
7.5 /10
The Birth of Greymon
Shellmon attacks the kids while they are on a beach trying to call for help. Agumon digivolves to Greymon and blasts him away.
7.2 /10

Sat, Mar 20, 1999
The kids run away from a battle. While spending the night in a trolley cart on a small island, they are attacked by Seadramon. Gabumon eventually digivolves to Garurumon and defeats the aquatic digimon.
7.2 /10
Biyomon Gets Firepower
A Meramon attacks the Yokomon village where the group is resting. Biyomon digivolves to Birdramon to defeat him, causing a large black gear to be expelled from his body.
6.9 /10
Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
The kids stumble upon a strange factory. While the other frees Andromon only to be attacked by him, Izzy discovers strange coding, which he uses to digivolve Tentomon to Kabuterimon. Kabuterimon then destroy the black gear controlling Andromon.
7.3 /10
Togemon in Toy Town
While escaping Numemon who attacked them in the sewers on their way out of the factory, the group are split and Mimi ends up in Toy Town after being attacked by Monzaemon. There she finds the other kids are acting strangely. Palmon then digivolves to Togemon to face the ultimate-level.
6.8 /10
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo
Joe climbs Infinity Mountain in an attempt to calm the group and find the source of the Black Gears. Up there he encounters Unimon, who attacks the pair. Gomamon digivolves to Ikkakumon and destroy's the Black Gear inside of him.
6.9 /10
Evil Shows His Face
The kids find a mansion and decide to stay there for the night. What they don't know is that it's a trap set by Devimon. During the night they're attacked by Leomon and Ogremon, but are too weak to fight back. Devimon scatters the children amongst the broken pieces of File Island.
7.7 /10
Subzero Ice Punch!
Tai and Agumon find themselves in a frozen tundra. There they are attacked by a Frigimon, who is controlled by a Black Gear. They successfully remove it, and Frigimon helps take them to Matt and Gabumon. They fight about what to do next, but decide to travel back to Infinty Mountain.
7.1 /10
A Clue from the Digi-Past
Mimi and Palmon locate Izzy and Tentomon in an ancient ruin. Mimi gets upset when Izzy wants to stay longer. Frustrated, she runs into the labyrinth with Tentomon. Inside they encounter Centarumon, possessed by another Black Gear. Izzy helps Mimi escape, and together Kabuterimon and Togemon stop Centarumon. After their battle, Leomon appears. Using their Digivices, Izzy and Mimi stop him in his tracks.
6.9 /10
The Dancing Digimon
Sora and Biyomon find Joe and Gomamon accidentally while fishing. They explore, and find what looks to be real people. However, they are all Bakemon in disguise and capture the four. With help from Joe, Birdamon and Ikkakumon destroy Lord Bakemon.
7 /10
DigiBaby Boom

Wed, Sep 29, 1999
Patamon and TK come across Primary Village while looking for the others. They both play with the baby Digimon there until their caretaker, Elecmon, comes and picks a fight with Patamon. In the end they make up, but are interrupted by Leomon, who once again has been possessed by Devimon to kill TK and Patamon.
6.5 /10
The Legend of the Digidestined
Matt and Tai arrive back in time to drive out the Black Gears inside Leomon. The rest meet up, and start their way to fight Devimon. However even in all their Digivolved forms, the Digimon find they aren't powerful enough to defeat him. He turns his attention to TK, but Patamon intervenes. Digivolving to Angemon, Patamon stops and destroys Devimon using all his power, and brings File Island together again.
8.3 /10
Departure for a New Continent
A mysterious man named Gennai appears, and tells the children that their work isn't finished. First they must travel to the continent of Server and defeat the evil there, and find the tags and crests which will enable their Digimon to digivolve to the next level. The kids construct a raft and sail out, but are swallowed by Whamon, who is another victim of the Black Gears. They destroy the gear in his stomach, and are led by Whamon to an underground store and find the tags they need.
7 /10
The Dark Network of Etemon
The kids arrive at Server and find a village full of Pagumon. They stay in the village, not knowing the Pagumon are servants working for the evil Digimon Etemon. While the children are sleeping, the Pagumon capture Tokomon and cage him behind a waterfall with the other captured Koromon. Agumon and Tai manage to rescue them, but are attacked by Etemon himself. The kids flee into a cave, where Tai finds the first crest, The Crest of Courage.
7.1 /10
The Arrival of Skullgreymon
Tai is impatient to see Agumon's new Digivolution, and forces him to eat large bundles of food. Later, the Digidestined fall into one of Etemon's traps, and it's up to Agumon to try to rescue them. However, with all the food he ate earlier he's too slow to fight. Tai keeps on him to digivolve, and eventually, he does, but into a monster named SkullGreymon. Right before he turns on the children, he loses his strength and de-digivolves into Koromon. Tai apologizes for his harsh behavior on his Digimon, and Joe manages to find his crest.
7.9 /10
The Crest of Sincerity
While the group travels through a hot desert, a cruise ship passes by and Mimi convinces a Numamon to let them on. However, the whole ship was another trap by one of Etemon's henchmen, Kokatorimon. Palmon and Biyomon digivolve and defeat him, and then rescue all the children. At the end of the episode, Mimi finds her crest, the Crest of Sincerity.
7 /10
The Piximon Cometh
The children are attacked by a Kuwagamon, and Tai is scared to let Agumon digivolve remembering of what happened before. The group is saved by Piximon, who takes them to his hideout for what he calls "training". Matt and Izzy sneak out at night to look for their crests and find them, but expose Piximon's hidden dwelling to Etemon. Tai and Agumon find themselves and renew their faith in each other, and Agumon digivolves without worry to save the children from Tyrannomon.
7.2 /10
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
In the desert, T.K. finds the Crest of Hope. Later, Izzy finds out and explains to the kids that the Digital World is inside a computer network, and that they are all separate bits of data. This makes Tai cocky because he believes it's just a video game and he can't be harmed. In the pyramid, Datamon captures Sora and Tai finally realizes what happens in the Digital World reflects in the real world. This makes him freeze up with fear, and he is unable to save Sora.
7.8 /10
The Earthquake of MetalGreymon
After a massive battle, Tai saves Sora from Datamon, and the last crest for Sora is finally recovered. Datamon tries to mark revenge on Etemon and drags him down into a digital black hole. Etemon fights the suction and manages to maintain shape to attack the children one last time. The children are saved when Greymon digivolves to MetalGreymon, the first ultimate level Digimon on the kids' side. However, it's at a cost, as Tai and his Digimon are swallowed by a dimensional warp created by the battle.
8.2 /10
Home Away from Home
Suddenly, Tai and Koromon find themselves back in the real world, where they meet Tai's sister Kari, who somehow recognizes Koromon. To their surprise they find no time has passed since they first arrived in Digiworld. Realizing that the problems in the Digital World are having an effect on the real world, Tai and Koromon return to the Digiworld through another dimensional warp.
8.1 /10
Forget About It!
After Tai and Agumon return to the Digital World, they find Tokomon, but not T.K. Time passes in the Digiworld much faster then the real world, and Tokomon explains alot has happened since they were warped away. Apparently T.K. was in an amusement park with a strange Digimon named DemiDevimon, who was secretly working for another evil Digimon. After Patamon and DemiDevimon go toe-to-toe, T.K. and Patamon become friends again, and the first step towards reuniting the group begins.
7.2 /10
WereGarurumon's Diner
Matt stumbles upon Joe and Gomamon working at a diner, and joins them to help try to pay off the owner for Joe's mistakes. After several more mistakes, DemiDevimon tricks Matt into thinking Joe was messing up on purpose, and leaves the restaurant. Tai and T.K. find Matt and realize what has happened, and reunite with Joe. Garurumon digivolves into WereGarurumon, and defeats Digitamamon to allow them to escape. The four break into two groups to help look for the others.
7.4 /10
No Questions, Please
Izzy and Tentomon are searching for Gennai when they captured by Vademon. Izzy gives Vademon his curiosity and soon after tag and crest. Tentomon becomes so sad he de-digivolves into Motimon the again into Pabumon, and only then does Izzy realize the mistake he's made. Together they get back Izzy's curiosity and tag and crest, and Kabuterimon digivolves to ultimate and defeats Vademon.
7.2 /10
Princess Karaoke
Tai and Joe find Mimi in a castle where she is being treated like a princess by the Gekomon and Otamamon. These Digimon explain that they want her to sing to revive their master, but she'll only do it if all her demands and wants are met. Later realizing her selfishness, Mimi revives ShogunGekomon, who unexpectedly turns on the children. It takes the strength of MetalGreymon to defeat him.
7 /10
Sora's Crest of Love
All the children are reunited, except for Sora. DemiDevimon had been convincing her she was unworthy of the Crest of Love, so when she finally caught up with the group, she was reluctant to join them. During a battle with a new evil, Myotismon, Sora finally realizes that she is loved and is able to love, which makes Birdramon digivolve to Garudamon.
7.9 /10
The Gateway to Home
Gennai appears to the children and tells them Myotismon is planning to invade Earth in search of the Eigth Child. They locate Myotismon's castle and the gateway to Earth, and engage in battle with his servants. However, the gate slams shut right before them with Myotismon and his minions behind it.
7.5 /10
It's All in the Cards
Gennai tells the children they must use cards to open the gate to the real world, but there is one too many, and the wrong choice would result in consequence. Undetered, the group returns to the castle and Tai works on the card order while the Digimon fend off attacks from Dokugumon. Right before the castle falls apart, Tai manages to get the cards in the right order and the gate opens. The kids and their Digimon find themselves back at camp.
7.8 /10
Return to Highton View Terrace
The children make their way back to Highton View Terrace, and find Mammothmon creating frenzy and destruction in the city. During the battle, the kids suddenly realize that all seven of them witnessed a battle between two Digimon there four years ago. Believing this is why they were chosen as the Digidestined, they conclude the Eigth Child must have seen the battle too.
7.6 /10
Almost Home Free
The children decide to travel to Odaiba to continue their search for the Eighth Child. After spending all their money on food, they luckily get offered a ride by Sora's cousin, but don't make it far. Gesomon attacks them from under a bridge, and a large fight ensues. The battle stirs up so much commotion, the kids don't try to hide their Digimon anymore, and ride on Ikkakumon's back towards Odaiba.
7.2 /10
The Eighth Digivice
The children all return to their homes, and all are very glad to see their families again. Gennai emails Izzy and tells him another one of Myotismon's minions, Raremon, has appeared. Unable to reach anyone else, Izzy and Tentomon set out on their own. While Kabuterimon and Raremon battle, Izzy's digivice reacts, and he's convinced the Eighth Child is somewhere nearby.
7.4 /10
Gatomon Comes Calling
Deciding the Eighth Child must have lived in the Highton View Terrace area, the children get out their phone books and have Joe call everyone to see if they too witnessed the battle four years ago. The rest of the kids split up and search on foot. While observing the city from a tower, Sora and Mimi encounter SkullMeramon, an ultimate level Digimon. During the battle, Gatomon continues to search for the Eighth Child as well, and believes to have found her at the Kamiya residence...
7.4 /10
Out on the Town
Matt and TK stumble across Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, two of Myotismon's digimon that are ignoring their duty and just having fun. Matt and TK have to stop the two of them from accidentally hurting other people and themselves.
7.9 /10
The Eighth Child Revealed
Wizardmon discovers the identity of the Eighth Child: Kari Kamiya. He also explains to Gatomon that she is Kari's digimon. When Myotismon finds out, he kidnaps Gatomon hoping that she'll point out the Eighth Child or that Kari will come to save her.
8 /10
Flower Power

Fri, Feb 04, 2000
Myotismon has created a fog that is covering the city of Odaiba, while looking for the eighth child he tells Phantomon to capture everyone in the city. Soon everyone is being held in the Civic Center, including Sora and Mimi. Tai and Matt are caught in the fog, but have not yet been found by the evil digimon. Meanwhile, Joe and T.K. are caught outside the city and are trying to figure out how to get through the fog and back into Odaiba. The people in Odaiba are attacked by DarkTryannomon and Togemon digivolves all the way to the most powerful level, Lillymon, who takes care of the problem. Lillymon goes off to battle Myotismon alone.
7.7 /10
City Under Siege
Tai goes to find his parents and to free the people at the convention center. Izzy receives an email from Gennai telling him how to set up a program on his computer that will stop the evil digimon from finding them. This program ends up saving Tai and his parents. MegaSeadramon attacks Joe and T.K., but Ikkakumon digivolves into Zudomon and defeats the monster. They find Wizardmon in the water with the eighth child's crest. Phantomon shows up and calls two other digimon to attack Sora and Matt. Kari thinks that if she gives herself up to Myotismon, Phantomon will leave them alone, so she gives herself up and Phantomon carries her off.
7.9 /10
Wizardmon's Gift
Kari has just given herself up to Myotismon. Meanwhile, the others are told that in order to defeat Myotismon they must return Kari's tag and crest to her. Gatomon is tricked into telling Myotismon who the eighth child is. Myotismon gets Kari and nearly destroys her, but the other digimon show up just in time to save her. Myotismon makes an attack at Kari and Gatomon, but Wizardmon steps up and takes the full force of the blow and is killed by the blast. Tai gives Kari's digivice to her and Gatomon digivolves into Angewomon. Angewomon strikes Myotismon with her "Celestial Arrow" and it seems that he is gone. However, the kids quickly learn that the battle is not over...The fog has still not lifted.
8.8 /10

Fri, Feb 18, 2000
Gennai finds a prophecy that could help the kids defeat Myotismon once and for all and restore both worlds. After the kids finally figure out what the prophecy means, they quickly figure out that parts of it are coming true. Bats appear in the sky, the people of Odaiba chant Myotismon's name, and Myotismon returns to his "True" form. Gatomon digivolves into Angewomon. This would make the last part of the Prophecy come true, Angels shoot arrows of light. Angemon and Angewomon shoot arrows at Tai and Matt, this makes Agumon and Gabumon Warp-Digivolve into their mega levels.
8.3 /10
The Battle for Earth
Agumon and Gabumon warp-digivolve into WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. Even these two mega level digimon can't defeat the more powerful than ever, VenomMyotismon. The digimon combine their attacks and the kids crests begin to glow, destroying VenomMyotismon. Just when the kids think their job is finished, they look up into the sky and see that the digiworld is up above them and up-side-down. They then realize that they must fix things in the DigitalWorld before things in the real world will return to normal. The kids make the hard decision to say goodbye to their parents. A rainbow then appears and pulls them back into the sky which is the Digital World.
8.4 /10
Enter the Dark Masters
After spending just a few days in the Real World, the Digi-Destined return to the Digital World to find it in ruins. When they discover Chuumon, they find out that many, many years have past and four Mega digimon have taken over the Digital World: MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon.
8 /10
Sea-Sick and Tired
While trying to save the digidestined from Piedmon, Piximon is destroyed. The kids suddenly find themselves back in the DigiWorld, on the edge of the beach. They soon realize that this is the same spot where they spent their first night in the DigiWorld. Shellmon suddenly attacks them, but the digimon quickly take care of the problem. MetalSeadramon sends Scorpiomon after them. Scorpiomon traps the kids in a building where he almost barbecues the kids. They are only saved when Togemon and Ikkakumon digivolve into ultimate. The kids then hurry to get away, but get trapped in the middle of the ocean.
7.1 /10
Under Pressure

Fri, Mar 03, 2000
Just when it looks like it is about over for the kids and their digimon, Whamon shows up to rescue them. Soon after their escape, the Divermon are sent out to look for them. While checking over his computer, Izzy discovers that WarGreymon has the ability to destroy Dramon type Digimon. The Divermon find the kids and attack Whamon, but when Whamon dives down quickly, the Divermon can't follow him because they can't handle the pressure change. Izzy uses his computer to find a tunnel that leads to a safe place...for a while that is. Soon MetalSeadramon finds them and Whamon rushes to the surface and ends up in a bay. When MetalSeadramon attacks, Agumon WarpDigivoles into WarGreymon and prepares for battle.
7.3 /10
Playing Games

Fri, Mar 24, 2000
Whamon is killed trying to help WarGreymon, who finally manages to defeat MetalSeadramon. The kids then go into a forest were they are continually taunted by Puppetmon, who uses toys to move them around. He kidnaps T.K., who manages to demolish the toys Puppetmon was using to control the kids and escapes. Matt leaves the group after his little brother returns.
7.5 /10
Trash Day

Fri, Mar 31, 2000
Matt is tricked by Cherrymon, a minion of Puppetmon, into believing that Tai is his enemy. Meanwhile, Puppetmon's platoon of Garbagemon are handled by Lillymon and MetalGreymon.
7.2 /10
The Ultimate Clash
Matt doesn't understand why they have to be in the DigitalWorld and we wants to leave RIGHT NOW! (Yes, he has BIG issues right now). MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon battle while Matt and Tai have a fist fight. This was Puppertmon's plan all along, to get all the DigiDestined to destroy each other. A strange light suddenly appears and takes over Kari's body. The kids find themselves flying through the air and are surrounded by computer images from the past. They learn that the crests represent the best quality each of them had four years ago. Finally, they are told how and why each of them where chosen to be a DigiDestined. If any of the kid's special quality is ever lost, that child's Digimon can no longer Digivolve. After that was all over, Kari returned to normal, but was very weak and tired. Matt still wants to be alone and leaves again. Mimi doesn't want to go on with the goup either and stays behind too. Joe doesn't think that Mimi will be safe by herself and stays with her. They rest of the group go on their way...once again leaving the group split up again.
7.7 /10
Etemon's Comeback Tour
Etemon returns as MetalEtemon to take revenge on the DigiDestined. Joe and Mimi rescue Ogremon, who was injured when Woodmon attacked him. The others get inside of Puppetmon's mansion with the help of two of his 'playmates,' who keep Puppetmon at bay with his own cannon.
7.2 /10
Ogremon's Honor
Mimi and Joe find SaberLeomon, the Digivolved form of Leomon. SaberLeomon takes Joe and Mimi to a safe place where they meet with Otamamon and Gekomon. Puppetmon tells the other kids to follow him is they want to defeat him. They follow him, but he leads them to a group of Red Vegiemon, but they are no match for the kids and digimon. An angered Puppetmon makes his house come to life in an attempt to crush the kids. Leomon digivolves back into SaberLeomon and fights MetalEtemon. Ikkakumon digivolves into Zudomon to help in the battle. Puppetmon tries to get MetalGarurumon to attack the kids like before, but instead, he destroys Puppetmon. Just before Puppetmon disappears for good, he is told that the kids have friends and he doesn't, so he could have never won the battle. Leomon is defeated and is gone. Joe, Mimi, and Ogremon say that they WILL defeat the Dark Masters...or what's left of them anyway.
7.9 /10
My Sister's Keeper
Kari has begun to get sick. Desperate to help her, Tai tries to find a cure. Kabuterimon discovers a gigantic city that has combined all of the Real World's most famous cities. With Izzy's help, Tai tries to find medicine for Kari in the city, but they find out that it's all actually Machinedramon's headquarters. As they try to dodge Machinedramon's forces, a secret about Tai's past is revealed.
7.9 /10
The Crest of Light
As the building caves in on them, the kids fall into the sewers under the city. Tai and Izzy have the medicine for Kari and are searching for them. Sora, Biyomon, and Patamon find Kari, T.K. and Gatomon. Kari's fever finally breaks and she wakes up, feeling a little better than before. The group continue to search for Tai and Izzy but run into a group of WaruMonzaemon. The stange light that took over Kari before returns and helps make the Digimon stronger than ever before. The group defeats the evil Digimon and free some enslaved Numomon. While the kids follow that light, Machinedramon arrives and battles the WarMonzaemon. Still looking for Kari and the others, Tai and Izzy run into Andromon and are attacked by Machinedramon, after all of this, the two groups of kids finally meet up. Kari's "light" gives WarGreymon all the power he needs to finally defeat Machinedramon.
7.9 /10
Joe's Battle

Fri, May 12, 2000
The kids again split into two groups to prepare for battle with the final Dark Master. On Spiral Mountain, Tai and his group are attacked by LadyDevimon, a beautiful, ruthless, and powerful assassin sent by Piedmon who simultaneously takes on Angewomon, MegaKabuterimon, Andromon, Angemon, Kabuterimon, Birdramon, and Agumon. Tai tells Sora and T.K. to find the others (Joe and Mimi). Joe and Mini find Elecmon in the now destroyed Primary Village and joins them on the quest for the final battle. Joe and Gomamon decide to go off by themselves for a while to see if they can find their own place in the world. Meanwhile, the battle on Spiral turns into a fierce, one-on-one battle of feminine pride between Ladydevimon and Angewomon, complete with slapping and hair-pulling. Ladydevimon defeats Angewomon in their catfight, but just as Ladydevimon is able to finish Angewomon off, the Digidestined comes to Angewomon's rescue, clearing the path to Piedmon.
7.7 /10
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