All Aboard

Sat, Apr 06, 2002
Takuya Kanbara hears a voice from his phone leading him to a mysterious train station. He boards a train along with several other kids as it takes them to the Digital World.
8.3 /10
Kazemon Kicks It
The gang tries to hitch a ride to the Forest Terminal but while deciding which way to go, Takuya & Zoe have another zing-fest and the group splits up. Zoe, J.P., Neemon, and Bokomon end up in Breezy Village, where the Floramon use their heads to squeeze out some lunch. When the Fungus Brothers Digivolves, Zoe Spirit Evolves to Kazemon but after it doesn't go well, Lobomon shows up to lend a hand.
8 /10
The Odd One Out

Sun, Oct 27, 2002
Professor Karuta convinces Director Hashima to send him to the Digital world to negotiate a peace treaty with Merukimon. He convinces DATS that they should join the mission as a back up. After they make the dive, they find themselves face to face with Gotsumon. He believes they returned to the Digital World to destroy Merukimon in a surprise attack. He unleashes Zudomon on the DATS team. When the team manages to defeat Zudoman, Gotsumon transform to Meteormon to take them on himself. Back in the human world, Keenan struggles with his identity. Should he be on the side of the humans or the Digimon? Realizing he wants all the fighting to stop, he heads to the Digital World - and arrives just in the nick of time!
7.9 /10
Can't Keep a Grumblemon Down
After getting this weird e-mail, Koji broke away from the others to find his Beast Spirit. Not wanting to miss the show, Neemon & Bokomon decided to tag along. The 3 of them ran into Gotsumon, a rock Digimon, who was looking to awaken the Spirit. Then, their old pal Grumblemon came back for some more fun. When Takuya and the rest of the gang arrived, Gigasmon defeated them and ended up taking Zoe's Spirit. So Koji used the jewel Gotsumon found to unleash his Beast Spirit. He Digivolved to KendoGarurumon, and sent the Legendary Mole right over the edge!
7.8 /10
Trailmon vs. Trailmon
The DATS crew and the Digimon inhabitants of the Sacred City are preparing for the impending battle with Kurata's forces. When news arrives that Kurata's camp has been discovered, Marcus naturally wants to head out and attack immediately. Thomas strongly disagrees with this plan, since it seems like Kurata is setting a trap for them. But all the Digimon eagerly support Marcus; he is the hero's son, after all. Thomas is confused and disheartened. The forces split with Marcus and Keenan going to engage Kurata while Yoshi and Thomas stay to protect the city. But Thomas realizes the real pivotal location will be the waterfall. If Kurata is able to somehow disrupt the flow, then Eldradimon will be left defenseless on a dessert floor. Nanami, one of the BioHybrids, has also headed to the waterfall. She tries to convince Thomas to join her. With their searing intellects, they could rule the world! She knows how lonely it is to be a genius among inferiors. Why does he waste his time defending Digimon? Thomas is unmoved by Nanami's reasoning. Her efforts at seduction fall flat and then the battle is on! She digivolvesinto BiolRotomon. At first it seems her BioHybrid strength will surely defeat MirageGaogamon, but Thomas refuses to lose! He and MirageGaogamon beats Nanami - but she still manages to destroy the waterfall and the safe moat around Eldradimon soon dries up.
7.6 /10
Darkest Before Duskmon
The Warriors face off against Duskmon. Takuya wants to use a risky plan of his to win against the powerful opponent while Koji suggests that their best option would be to escape the battle.
8.4 /10
My Brother in Spirit
Duskmon finally realized that he had a human brother, Koji, and didn't want to fight him. So Cherubimon corrupted him with more dark memories of his past to turn him against Koji. Meanwhile, Zoe, Tommy and J.P. tried to contact the others about the Rose Morning Star, where Ophanimon was being held captive. Bokomon and Neemon went and found Patamon but they also found Takuya as well. Unfortunately, Velgemon showed up and revealed to Koji his secrets and made him afraid of attacking his brother which gave Velgemon the upper hand. Luckily, Takuya rescued Koji just in time and convinced Koji that the only way to save Koichi was to defeat his Spirit of Darkness. Both Takuya and Koji Fusion Evolved to Aldamon and Beowolfmon and knocked the Legendery Warrior of Darkness out. Unfortunately, Velgemon showed up, and revealed to Koji of his secrets, and made him afraid of attacking his brother, which gave Velgemon a temporary upper hand. Luckily, Takuya rescued Koji just in time, and convinced Koji that the only way to save Koichi was to defeat his Spirit of Darkness out of him! Both Takuya and Koji Fusion Evolved to Aldamon and Beowolfmon, and knocked the Legendery Warrior of Darkness out of his misery! Man, weren't they good or what?!
8.3 /10

Sat, May 10, 2003
Takuya and Koji fight Cherubimon who has gained a significant boost in power by absorbing the data he has collected.
8.3 /10
The Bully Pulpit
The Royal Knights destroyed another location and then made their way to steel town where Takuya and the gang are. Steel town is mostly buildings made of metal and the sun reflects off them. When the gang walks along the tracks, they run into the Archery-Centaur Digimon Saggitarimon who wants their possessions.
8 /10
When Knights Fall...
With the Digital World destroyed, Takuya and Koji fight the Royal Knights one last time on the Yellow Moon.
8.3 /10
Lucemon on the Loose
Takuya and Koji are able to combine all of the Spirits and fuse to become Susanoomon. They then face off against Lucemon.
8.4 /10
End of the Line
The warriors combine all their Spirits and fuse into Susanoomon to fight Lucemon one last time in an attempt to save the world.
8.7 /10
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