After waking up and looking for food on the castle roof, Mario finds some moldy green mushrooms, which he then proceeds to eat anyway. Mario then asks Yoshi if he has any food. Yoshi responds by telling Mario that he found a bunch of mushrooms growing on the side of the castle's toilet, then feeds even more of said mushrooms to Mario before he runs off. Mario then falls asleep, and in his dreams, he is repeatedly falling asleep and waking up inside his dreams.
According to both the title and the creator of the show himself, this addition has no real story outside of being just a regular day for the SM64 crew.
Mario begins his hunt for the new Nintendo 3DS, but shortly after he gets in the kart and uses the levitate code to cross a bridge under construction, he finds out that the levitate button is jammed. As a result, Mario winds up going on a misadventure across many different places.
When the Mario Brothers receive a letter from Princess Peach inviting them to a party, they decide to attend, mostly because they don't want Peach to be angry and Luigi to be dead. However, after they arrive, Mario quickly messes up the party despite Peach warning them not to.
When he is told by Princess Peach that he is in charge for the day while she is on vacation, Mario decides to throw a party and many other things that Peach explicitly told him not to do.
When Mario asks Toad for help with getting Princess Peach to like him, Toad agrees, and begins giving Mario several tips that don't go so well for Mario.
After getting himself and Toad uninvited from Peach's birthday party, Mario tries to get into the castle for her party anyway using a number of different disguises.
Mario gets in big trouble with his boss, SuperMarioGlitchy4, when he gives his YouTube password to a shady character in hopes of getting all the pasta he can eat in return.
Things get weird when Mario destroys a gem that keeps balance between the normal and abnormal in check. Eventually, he tells Toad about many odd occurrences since he destroyed the gem, and Toad suggests that Mario looks for help.
The Olympic Games have come to the Mushroom Kingdom. Lakitu decides to have Mario compete for him, but first, Lakitu will have to teach and train Mario.
When SMG4 wakes up, he looks at his calendar and gets super excited, because today is the day of the Blooper Competition, and he is determined to win. However, after Mario points out that SMG4's bloopers aren't very good at all, Mario decides to train him.
Mario is feeling down because he wants to make a blooper, but SMG4 won't let him so much as touch his computer. However, after watching TV, he finds out about a new prank device called the Fake Virus USB, which does exactly what the name implies. Mario orders one so he can finally use SMG4's computer to make a blooper.
When they get a bunch of security systems controlled by Hall 9000 installed, SMG4 is mistaken for an intruder by Hall, and is kicked out, along with Mario shortly after.
After playing Mario Party with Luigi, SMG4, and Xboxfan, Mario leaves, and shortly after, the others follow him. After trying to think of another game they could play, X has the idea for them to play Hide and Seek.
When Mario discovers that his secret chest of mushrooms is empty, he immediately gathers everyone into one place to interrogate them to find out what happened.
When Dr. Mario tells Mario that his brother Luigi has a rare disease with no cure called Weegee Disease, Mario decides to look for a way to cure his brother.
When Mario wakes up in a random cavern, he goes exploring and finds Golden Overalls. He then shows it off to SMG4, but after SMG4 realizes it is actually gold, he demands Mario give him them.
Mario is completely fed up with losing to Luigi at Nintendo 64 games and ultimately ends up getting into a argument with Luigi. Wario eventually says they should just have a tournament of some sort instead of continuing to argue.
Mario is enlisted one day by the Star Spirits to help them recover three of the Gems of Life after a shadowy figure tried stealing them the day prior. Mario starts his search with the Aqua Gem, which he is told may have landed somewhere where there is water.
In this addition, Mario continues his search for the Gems of Life. This time, he searches for the Lava Gem, which Mario was told would likely be in a place with lava.