
Thu, May 09, 2013
Peter Parker has been the wall-crawler for just a little over a year now, and decides to take a trip down memory-lane. Meanwhile, The Kingpin of Crime hires a mercenary known as The Shocker to take down Spider-Man.
9.2 /10

Tue, Aug 20, 2013
Peter Parker is having trouble juggling his "superhero" life and his real life while very poor, family man, Max Dillon comes to New York for a job. After a failed experiment at Fisk Industries - he turns into a electrical monster known as Electro.
8.2 /10

Fri, Oct 04, 2013
37-year-old, special effects artist Quentin Beck, is involved in a new movie and production get's interrupted by an explosion on the set, the N.Y.P.D suspects he was the one who triggered it and had a warrant for his arrest, they chased him to an abandoned warehouse and Spider-Man came to help but Quentin Beck was no more, only Mysterio. Will Spider-Man be able to tell the difference between what's reality and what's not?
8 /10

Sun, Nov 03, 2013
The prototype tech glider, in development by Oscorp, has recently hit it's prototype stage and is being presented. Adrian Toomes, a wealthy philanthropist, has taken the idea and made it into a more advanced model, Norman then hires Adrian to get a sample of Spider-Man's blood. Will Spider-Man be able to be any match for this new foe?
9 /10

Sun, Dec 22, 2013
Norman Osborn retrieves the blade used by Vulture in the previous episode and takes it to Dr. Mendel Stromm for it to get analyzed and for it to be extracted into a new formula to create spider powers specifically for Norman. The experiment begins and it goes wrong causing Norman to have mental stability and goes on a killing spree known only as the one and only Green Goblin.
8.6 /10

Thu, Feb 06, 2014
Bad luck strikes Peter after he finally shows up early to his job with Doctor Curtis Connors. Connors is mutating into a reptile due to the cross-species experiments he worked on with Peter, Connors decides Peter needs to know his whole story on how he lost his arm, after Dr. Connors explains, he fully transforms into the Lizard. Can Spider-Man fight his own biology teacher?
8.1 /10

Mon, Mar 10, 2014
Peter Parker was surprised to find out a supposedly dead "Doctor Otto Octavius" that was reported dead after the Electro incident, shows up at Peter's door and informs him he needs Spider-Man to retrieve something from Oscorp. Once they arrive, Spider-Man begins to realize Octavius isn't the good guy in this situation, will Spider-Man make it past this 6 armed maniac?
8.1 /10
Camouflage Part 1
2 weeks after the death of Captain George Stacy, Peter Parker is hesitant of his job due to his causing the breakup between Gwen at him. On the other hand, Gwen is angry and still believes Spider-Man was responsible for her father's death. Meanwhile, there are two new hunters in New York City hunting Spider-Man, by the will of someone, Spider-Man thought was dead. Will he be able to overcome this great challenge? The Hunt begins now.
7.4 /10
Camouflage Part 2
In this continuation of Spider-Man, Peter Parker is struggling to keep his life together between college, his girlfriend and being the masked vigilante. Chameleon is still up to his master plan to eliminate Spider-Man, but to do so, he must release his brother. Will Spider-Man be able to stop these mischievous hunters once and for all?
8.6 /10
Infamous Part 1
A few months after the events of Episode 9, Project Symbiote is being put into full action, by Harry Osborn holding a worldwide press conference. It is then revealed that the original CEO of Oscorp, Norman Osborn, has returned after being conceived to be dead, what mayhem will this monster cause?
8.9 /10
Infamous Part 2
The Green Goblin triggers his final plan, forcing Peter to fully bond with the symbiote.
10 /10
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