Eddie Brock and The Symbiote form an unbreakable bond, as they travel to San Francisco. While there, they find a hidden city and encounter a dangerous assassin.
Seven months following Gwen's death, Peter tries to get his life back in order until someone close to him finds out about his past life as Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Venom returns to New York to extract revenge, as Jonah is running for mayor.
When being framed by Venom, Spider-Man must rely on help from none other than Matt Murdock aka Daredevil. Meanwhile, a new threat, Purple Man, begins terrorizing the city.
Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Rhino, Mysterio, Vulture, Shocker, Chameleon, and Kraven, along with the psychotic Cletus Kasady try breaking out of Ryker's Island.
Spider-Man asks for help from Jessica Jones when he grabs a disc stolen by Sandman and Rhino. Meanwhile, the two criminals find themselves in trouble with the man wanting the stolen disc back: Donald Mencken.
With Norman Osborn free from S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, Peter worries for the safety of everyone else in his life. Meanwhile, Peter faces a new threat in the form of the Hobgoblin.
Still on the search for Aunt May, Peter finally gets a lead when it leads him to three possible suspects: Ned Leeds, Roderick Kingsley, and his former best friend, Harry Osborn.
With his powers somehow gone, Peter believes that maybe he should finally just give up the crusade of being Spider-Man. Meanwhile, the Sinister Six hire the Beetle to steal the Symbiote for Kasady.
After being put in a dream world by Mysterio, Spider-Man realizes he needs to focus on finding and finally defeating the Sinister Six. Meanwhile, Carnage continues to reign pure chaos on the city.
Norman Osborn returns to put things back in order when he is the one to finally take down the Kingpin of Crime. Meanwhile, Spider-Man faces his Goblin Squad when they break into Oscorp.