Once again, Wally and Ginger are on the outs, so Kris and Rick help to set him up on a date to the dance with the Prom Queen in hopes of making Ginger jealous.
June is bored being a housewife and jumps at the chance to help Dave at his office. A misunderstanding at lunch, has June tailing a client of the law firm Dave works at. It gets really confusing when Harriet and Ozzie get involved.
When Ozzie laments that since Dave and Rick are married, he never sees much of their school friends any more. The boys go around hinting this fact, and soon the Nelsons have lots of visitors. Wally invites them to chaperon a Frat house party, but they misinterpret it as a request to throw a party of their own.
The Nelsons and Rick's fraternity brothers panic when they learn that Wally has included embarrassing tidbits about all of them in a book he is trying to sell to a publisher.
Kris has left an important message for Rick. The trouble is, Wally has torn it into ten pieces to use as paper to write IOUs, which he has issued to several fraternity brothers. Rick now has to hunt them down, redeeming them along the way.
Harriet and Clara accuse Ozzie and Joe of being set in their ways and never doing anything different. So when a friend of Joe offers to take them along on an errand, by airplane, the boys decide to go with him and have lunch in Mexico.
June talks Dave into taking some time off. Dave leaves Rick in charge of the office and he and June head up to a cabin on the lake for a few days. But Dave can't relax and worries that Rick might not be able to handle things by himself.
Dave and June are chosen to entertain a prince and one of his wives. Ozzie and Harriet offer to host the party at their house, but when the Sheik fails to arrive, the Nelsons come up with a last minute substitute.
In return for all that he has done for them, The Tigers Club (ten neighborhood boys) give Ozzie a gift: a sporty hat that he hates, and the boys continually pester him to see if he is wearing it.
With Harriet's help, June tries to trap Dave into taking a trip to Hawaii, and with the help of Ozzie, Rick, and Wally, Dave tries not to trip into her trap.
Joe is consistently late which really irritates Ozzie. A picnic at the lake, planned for the next day, starts with both couples leaving together and ends with the Nelson's and the Randolph's coming back home at different times.
The sprinkler system in Dave's law office springs a major leak, so he is forced to work at home. The trouble is, it's impossible to get any work done with June around.
Ozzie reluctantly takes care of little Joel Harvey when his parents cannot find another sitter. Ozzie then breaks a slot car set that was supposed to be a surprise for Joel's birthday. With help from Harriet, Dave, and Joe, Ozzie secretly replaces the toy.
Ozzie and Harriet desire to convert the boys old bedroom into something else. Harriet suggests a guest bedroom, but Ozzie secretly wants to buy a used pool table and convert the space into a game room.