New Chairs

Thu, Sep 17, 1953
Confusion reigns when the local department store delivers two new chairs to the wrong Nelson family and then drops off additional chairs or takes back the wrong pieces of Nelson's furniture.
7.7 /10
The Party

Thu, Sep 24, 1953
Ricky's upset about not being invited to Will Thornberry's party.
7.8 /10
The Boy's Paper Route
The boys just got a newspaper route, but it's Ozzie who winds up having to make the rounds on their first morning.
7.2 /10
The Window Pane

Thu, Oct 08, 1953
Ozzie is falling behind on his list of chores around the house, so the rest of the family pitches in and helps out.
7.2 /10
David's Pipe

Thu, Oct 15, 1953
An old friend of the family mails a monogrammed pipe to David, not realizing he isn't even college age, yet.
7.2 /10
David's 17th Birthday
It's David's 17th birthday, and he's trying to do anything he can to look older because he has a crush on Sally Patterson, a girl who is only interested in older men.
7.8 /10
No Noise

Thu, Oct 29, 1953
Herb Dunkle talks to Ozzie about a new organization in town, "The National Anti-Noise Society". But is this new club ready for Ozzie & Thorny to join?
6.5 /10
The Hustler

Thu, Nov 05, 1953
Ricky intends to make extra money selling a spot remover. He's very successful but when things go wrong to entire family pitches in to help.
7.1 /10
Boys' Day

Thu, Nov 12, 1953
David and Will Thornberry's school essays give them both a chance to be mayor for the day during "Civic Day". Now if only Ozzie and Thorny will quit arguing about which son is going to be the honorable mayor.
7 /10
The Ladder

Thu, Nov 26, 1953
Ozzie and Thorny get themselves marooned on a roof without a ladder.
7.6 /10
Parental Guidance
David wants to start weightlifting and working out early in the morning, while Ricky wants to start staying up late and watching movies on the late show. Ozzie decides to let the boys have their way.
7.7 /10
The Insurance Policy
Harriet loses a gold pin Ozzie had given her. It was insured, and they collect on it. The check comes made out to both of them, and they disagree on who should endorse it over to the other person and what the money should be spent on.
7.2 /10
The Credit Reference
Thorny needs a reference about his fiscal worthiness and asks Ozzie to write one for him. Ozzie as a joke writes a negative one but goes into a panic when he thinks Ricky mailed it.
7.2 /10
The Miracle

Thu, Dec 24, 1953
Ozzie tells his family a story from his childhood of when he wished for a white Christmas.
7.6 /10
Ozzie's Night Out
The wife and kids give Ozzie the night off from helping them with their chores and homework, so with mixed feelings, he tries to amuse himself by spending a night out on the town.
7.1 /10
The Camera Show
Ozzie buys cameras for everyone in the family. It doesn't take long for him to get caught in a compromising position on film.
7.7 /10

Thu, Jan 21, 1954
Ozzie takes the courageous step of gathering enough nerve to return some of Harriet's lingerie.
6.4 /10
The Incentive

Thu, Jan 28, 1954
After promising to double whatever money his youngest son has left over at the end of the week, Ricky's collection of old pop bottles may cost Ozzie a pretty penny.
7.5 /10
David's Career

Thu, Feb 11, 1954
David's been spending time at Thompson's Garage. Ozzie thinks David may want to become a mechanic when he gets out of school. This is a great idea, until Ozzie talks to Thorny about what his son Will wants to do when he graduates.
6.3 /10
Harriet Gives a Party
Harriet decides to give a dinner party but runs into problems when she learns her friend has already planned a dinner party and the Thornberrys are not invited.
7.5 /10
The Initiation

Thu, Mar 04, 1954
Dave is in charge of his club's initiation committee, and Thorny's son Will is among the pledges that must undergo the process.
7 /10
Ricky's Lost Letter
Ricky wants to send a letter to a cute girl who wrote to him, but Ozzie has accidentally destroyed the envelope containing her return address.
6.7 /10
Father and Son Tournament
Both Dave and Ricky want Ozzie to partner with them for the Father And Son Table Tennis Tournament. The dilemma is that he can only play with one son.
7.4 /10
Gentleman David
The school's Backward Dance is tonight. The girls invite the boys to this event. Fearing that David doesn't have a date to the dance, Ozzie meddles in his son's affairs.
6.8 /10
David Writes a Column
David has a school assignment to write an article for the school paper. Unable to think of a subject to write about. Ozzie suggests writing an article about the school's baseball team and it's latest slump.
7.7 /10
Over Protection
Ozzie and Harriet anguish over whether or not to allow 13-year-old Ricky to take a 150-mile train trip on his own.
7.5 /10
Be on Time

Thu, Apr 15, 1954
It looks like Ozzie's going to be late to a luncheon where he's scheduled to deliver a speech on the importance of being on time.
6.8 /10
The New Neighbor
After meeting his new neighbor at the bank, Ozzie beliefs he's a thief and stole his penknife. When hinting to his new neighbor didn't solve the problem, Ozzie decided he needed to warn Thorny and put his valuables in the bank.
7.7 /10
The Bird's Nest
Ozzie needs to have the roof gutter repaired before the next rain, but a bird's nest is holding up the works.
7 /10
A Friend of the Family
Harriet writes to 'Aunt Martha', who gives advice through her 'A Friend of the Family' column in the local newspaper.
7.7 /10
A Tuxedo for David
David is excited about an upcoming dance and it's going to be formal. But Ozzie thinks buying his son a new tuxedo is too expensive so various options are explored. Ozzie discusses it with Thorny whose boy, Will, also needs a tux.
7.4 /10
The Painter

Thu, May 27, 1954
In order to buy new golf clubs, Ozzie convinces Harriet to have the old slip covers on the chairs in the den dyed.
7 /10
Operation Economy
After learning Thorny has decided to economize, Ozzie decides to save money by washing the car himself.
7 /10
The Swimming Pool
Everyone in the neighborhood wants to use Ozzie's new backyard pool. The trouble is - it hasn't been built, yet.
7.4 /10
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