Episode list

Static Shock

The Big Leagues

Fri, Jan 25, 2002
Static must team up with Batman and Robin to defeat the Joker, Kangor, Hotstreak, Talon, and Shiv who are committing a series of heists throughout Dakota. The villains have disguised themselves as members of the Fire Department.
7.8 /10
Power Play

Fri, Feb 01, 2002
Richie becomes envious of Static's powers and yearns to be a hero too, wanting to be a partner rather than side kick. When a mysterious encounter lands him new powers, Richie becomes consumed by it but the price he has to pay to keep them is more than he bargained for.
6.9 /10
Brother-Sister Act
Bang-baby siblings Boom and Mirage are terrorizing Dakota for enough money to buy their grandmother a better house. Meanwhile, Virgil has sibling problems of his own as his sister catches on to his alter ego.
6.4 /10
Static Shaq

Fri, Feb 15, 2002
Ferret and some friends are sniffing out Static's alter ego, Virgil, but guest in town Shaq helps knock them off the trail.
6.6 /10
Frozen Out

Fri, Feb 22, 2002
In the midst of the holiday season Virgil's eyes are opened to the homeless population in Dakota who need help and care; especially one bang-baby with PTSD that cause her powers of winter weather to act up.
7.4 /10

Fri, Mar 01, 2002
Sunspots cause Static to lose control of his powers just as Hot Streak returns to school.
6.6 /10
Pop's Girlfriend
The whole Hawkins family is going out to dinner with Pop's new girlfriend. However, trouble with the police disrupt the night.
6.4 /10
Bad Stretch

Fri, Mar 22, 2002
Rubber Band Man is released from prison a changed man but family trouble causes the public to question his actions.
7 /10

Fri, Apr 26, 2002
A.J. McLean of the Backstreet Boys is somewhere in Dakota. The girls of Dakota love him, and a talentless bang baby named Replikon wants to destroy him and take his former business partner's record contract.
6.3 /10

Fri, May 03, 2002
Virgil befriends a bullied student named Jimmy whose torment may get the best of him.
7.9 /10
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