Blackfire pays a surprise visit to her sister Starfire, saying she wants to spend some quality time with her. The other Titans think that Blackfire is playing another trick, but Starfire is sure that this time Blackfire is serious about reviving their sisterly love.
Beast Boy is distressed by his big new battle scar, until Cyborg convinces him that the scar makes him look tough and manly. Now Beast Boy wants to look even tougher.
It's Team Election Day. Robin forgets what being a true leader is, so Raven brings George Washington back to show him what being a true leader is all about.
When Robin starts a smear campaign against all of the other Titans so that he can be relected Team Leader, Raven uses a time machine to bring a great leader from the past to teach Robin how to lead
The Titans and the Little Buddies throw a surprise party for Birdarang and Beat Box. When the Titans leave to check out a crime aler t, Cyborg tells the Little Buddies to keep the party going while they're gone. Eight months later, the Titans still haven't returned and the party is still going.
When Beast Boy loses his ability to change into animals, he realizes that he's lost touch with his wild side. He goes to the forest to reconnect with his inner beast, but Mother Nature isn't as great as he had hoped.
Mad Mod steals the youth from Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire and Robin, turning them into Raven's favorite type of people: salty codgers. Instead of helping the Titans get their youth back, Raven teaches them how cool old people are.
Raven warns the other Titans not to go near a box containing the Twin Destroyers of Azarath. Starfire can't help it and opens the box, giving hugs and snuggles to the two tiny, adorable Destroyers ... but love only makes the Destroyers stronger.
Trigon arrives to wreck the Earth, but only because his daughter Raven didn't get him anything for Father's Day. Starfire misses the fatherly relationship, so she starts spending time with Trigon.
Control Freak zaps the Titans into the latest episode of Pretty Pretty Pegasus, and the team has to figure out how to help the Pegasuses in order to get home.
Beast Boy's healthiness persuades the other Titans into becoming vegetarians, but the converts take their new dietary restrictions a little too seriously.
When Halloween comes packaged in the trappings of the modern commercialized world, Raven decides to put the real spirit of Halloween back into Halloween.
Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy think boys are more superior toward girls. Raven and Starfire convince Cyborg and Beast Boy that girls are better and they immediately turn. So, Robin mutates some cooties to get the other boys back.
When Raven chooses to hang out with Rose Wilson, a cool escaped criminal, the other Titans feel left out. To feel "less lame," they decide to go to Cool School.
When Beast Boy's head starts to rattle, Robin suggests that he should find a hobby so that his brain will stop shrinking. Beast Boy and his brain agree to take up gardening.
Gizmo convinces the Titans he's kidnapped Cyborg, when in reality Cyborg's just hanging out in the HIVE tower with his girl Jinx. When Gizmo gets annoyed by Cyborg's constant presence, the two start a prank war.
When Raven insists that she's "nean" - part nice and part mean - Trigon curses her so that she can only be nice, hoping to win her over to the mean side.
Beast Boy and Cyborg insist on hiring a clown for a Titans party, even though Robin tells them that clowns are for little kids. When the clown fails to live up to their memories, Cyborg and Beast Boy decide to give the clown some cool updates.