Episode list

Teen Titans Go!

Fish Water

Wed, Nov 16, 2016
Starfire wins a goldfish at the carnival and vows to keep it alive.
5.7 /10
TV Knight

Fri, Nov 25, 2016
Batman and Commissioner check in on various happenings around Jump city.
5.2 /10

Fri, Dec 02, 2016
Beast Boy agrees to share his birthday with Starfire after learning that she's never had one on Earth.
5.6 /10
Movie Night

Thu, Feb 09, 2017
It's Movie Night, and the Titans have a hard time deciding who gets to choose which movie they watch.
5.8 /10
BBRAE - Part 2

Sun, Feb 19, 2017
Beast Boy goes on tour with the song he wrote for Raven and she is jealous so she puts a curse on the song.
6.2 /10
Titan Saving Time
The Titans are determined to find out what happened to the missing two o'clock hour during Daylight Saving Time.
5.3 /10
The Gold Standard
It is St Patrick's Day, and after wishing to become a leprechaun, Beast Boy becomes obsessed with gold.
5 /10
Master Detective
Robin uses his skills as a master detective to discover what happened to the animals that live outside Titans Tower.
5.6 /10
Hand Zombie

Thu, Apr 20, 2017
After Starfire kisses Robin's hand he becomes obsessed with not washing it so he covers it with a plastic bag not knowing what effects it might have on his hand.
5.2 /10
The Avogodo

Thu, May 04, 2017
In Cinco de Mayo, Robin learns that avocados are a superfood that give you superpowers.
4.9 /10

Thu, Jun 01, 2017
The Titans tell their slightly inaccurate origin stories.
5.9 /10

Thu, Jun 08, 2017
Robin ignores the rules for a game of jinx and ends up losing his voice.
5.6 /10
Brain Percentages
Beast Boy starts using more than 10% of his brain in an effort to find the hidden images in a puzzle.
5.3 /10

Thu, Jun 22, 2017
The Titans become hackers to stop a gang of computer pirates.
5.7 /10
Hot Salad Water
When drinking tea turns the other Titans English, it's up to Robin to save America from another British invasion.
5.2 /10

Thu, Aug 31, 2017
Robin introduces the other Titans to a moneymaking application, but they soon learn the dangers or a "shareconomy.
5.5 /10
Labor Day

Sun, Sep 03, 2017
It's Labor Day, and Robin teaches the other Titans about the importance of labor in a special episode.
5.3 /10
Classic Titans

Thu, Sep 14, 2017
To prove his point about classic Super Hero cartoons, Control Freak send the Titans to a former version of Teen Titans Go!
6.6 /10
Career Day

Thu, Sep 28, 2017
Robin forces the other Titans to forget about their dreams and find regular, boring jobs.
5.5 /10
TV Knight 2

Thu, Oct 05, 2017
Batman and Commissioner Gordon have a slumber party and watch their favorite TV shows.
6.1 /10
The Academy

Thu, Oct 19, 2017
Robin creates the Teen Titan Awards in an effort to get his teammates to clean up Titans Tower.
5.8 /10
Costume Contest
Tired of losing to the H.I.V.E. Five every year, the Titans hatch a scheme to win the costume contest.
5.6 /10
Throne of Bones
When the other Titans start listening to heavy metal music, Robin warns them of the dangers.
5.8 /10
Demon Prom

Thu, Nov 09, 2017
Trigon makes Raven attend her prom, and she brings along the other Titans to upset him.
5.8 /10

Thu, Nov 16, 2017
It's Thanksgiving, but the Titans are sick of the normal traditions, so they create their own.
5.2 /10
Beast Girl

Sun, Feb 18, 2018
As the Titans deal with Madame Rouge, Beast Boy is excited to meet his female counterpart known as Beast Girl.
5 /10

Sun, May 27, 2018
When the male Titans are injured, Raven and Starfire must become bros to stop the "Bropocalypse."
5.1 /10

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