The Lawsuit
Fri, Mar 26, 1954
  • S2.E23
  • The Lawsuit
8.3 /10
Sprained Thumb

Fri, Sep 18, 1953
Ralph sprains his thumb while driving the bus. When he demands his own doctor examine him instead of following the company doctor's opinion, the doctor also notices something wrong with Alice as well.
7.2 /10
Lucky Number

Fri, Sep 25, 1953
While at a ball game with Ed, Ralph wins a $1000 as part of a contest at the ball park. When they get home Ralph tells Alice all about all the things he going to spend the money on but she thinks they should put in the bank. Later when they decide to celebrate they decide to do it at home with some Chinese food. He sends Ed and Trixie leaves obviously upset. Alice tells Ralph that he's being selfish and he should share some with Ed. Later when the bread company representative arrives to give him the prize they tell him they want pictures for advertising. Alice points out Ralph called in sick and will lose his job if the pictures are used. The pictures are taken but Alice tears of the release and Ralph storms out of the room. When Ralph comes back into the room the company doctor is there because a lot of drivers have been faking illness. The visit from the doctor scares Ralph and he apologizes to Alice and we can only assume the pictures don't get published and Ralph doesn't get his prize.
7.8 /10
Hot Dog Stand

Fri, Oct 09, 1953
Ralph and Norton try to collect enough money to open a hot dog stand in New Jersey.
7.9 /10
Two Tickets to the Fight
Ralph has a chance to go to a important fight but Alice's uncle George is coming over. He fakes being ill to get the uncle to leave. This plan fails when Ed asks Uncle George to go since Ralph is sick. So Ralph is left home.
7.7 /10
Halloween Party

Fri, Oct 30, 1953
The Kramdens and the Nortons are going to a Halloween party. Alice has made their costumes and Ralph doesn't like his. He decides to go a bum and rips up his only suit. Alice tries to stop him but he insists he won't need the suit again. When the people they were supposed to go with arrive he finds out it's not a Halloween party it a formal dance for his bosses birthday. Once Ralph realizes he can't go to this party he winds up having to apologize to Alice who of course forgives him.
7.2 /10
Champagne and Caviar
Ralph's boss is coming over, and he thinks that if he makes a big impression on him he'll get the next big promotion. So he puts on a suit, and gets champagne, caviar, and Cuban cigars. Mr. Marshall spends only a little time with Ralph and when he leaves he wants Ralph to come to work early to help him show the board how they can cut the other drivers pay because Ralph is getting along so well on his salary.
8 /10
Finger Man

Fri, Nov 27, 1953
Ralph spots a wanted criminal on his bus. He comes up with a story that the bus has broken down to get people off the bus and notifies a cop. The bad guy is caught and Ralph is a hero. The press and the police chief show up at Ralph's house just in time to find out that the bad has escaped and vowed to get the guy who turned him in. While Ralph is trying to decide where to hide the police approach the "hero" to act as a decoy to help them re-arrest the criminal.
7.9 /10
Santa and the Bookies
Believing that Alice is pregnant, Ralph takes a job as a sidewalk Santa, with Norton as his helper, in order to earn extra money. But they are unaware of the fact that their new bosses are bookies who are using Ralph and Norton as a front to receive their betting slips.
8 /10
Cottage for Sale
Ralph and Ed spring an idea on their wives to buy a $989.00 cottage. Alice and Trixie are against it, Ralph talks Alice and Trixie into looking at the model. Once they see it the girls love it, Ralph wants to do the negotiating and after finding out the model they were looking at is double the price they expected they take a deal that will supposedly give them the same place minus a "few simple extra's". After they buy it they find out on their first trip to the cottage they were snookered by the salesman and the place they bought is a run down shack. They wind up stuck there the first night and the couples wind up fighting over whose mistake the purchase was. Once they got back to the city and settle their argument they try to unload the cottage to recover their money. Ralph puts and ad in the paper and finds a buyer who pays $1000.00 for the property. With the money in hand Ralph has to know why anyone would pay that much for that property only to find out their customer had inside information that there is road coming through that property and the buyer will be selling it for $4000.00
8.1 /10
Fortune Teller

Fri, Apr 02, 1954
After claiming that all fortune tellers are fake, a fortune teller gives Ralph a free reading. She stops the reading abruptly and refuses to go on. This put Ralph into a panic and he visits the fortune teller the next day only to have her tell him that he will murder someone in the next seven days. Ralph goes into even more of a panic leading to him trying to get Alice to visit her mother's, staying with Ed and finally asking the police to arrest him before something horrible happens.
7.5 /10
The Next Champ

Fri, Apr 09, 1954
Dynamite Moran a small-time fighter from Altoona comes to New York to make it big, stops by pool room to say hello to Norton through his uncle Herman... Ralph becomes his manager with Norton training him with a promise of getting him fights through Ralph's contact Jack Philbin ( George Petrie) fight promoter, while staying with Ralph and Alice.
8 /10
Stand-In for Murder
A big-time New York mob boss is holed up in his luxury suite, since the rival Barney Hackett gang is intent on rubbing him out. The boss plans to run off to South America, but has no chance of eluding Hackett....that is, until two of his henchmen encounter a certain bus driver named Ralph Kramden, who is an absolute dead ringer for the boss! They hatch their plan----set up Kramden within their establishment as a decoy; the Hackett gang then knocks off the wrong guy (Kramden), and the real boss escapes New York unnoticed.

The henchmen (Nick and Frank) visit Ralph and offer him a high-paying managerial position with their fictitous insurance company. Ralph must take up residence at the boss' suite/hangout for his "job training", and is told that Alice may only join him after a month. However, Norton manages to tag along, as the henchmen hurredly try to set Ralph up as the victim of a Hackett-style gangland killing.

As the plot thickens, our unsupsecting hero (Ralph) manages to elude every trap set for him. Ultimately, Alice shows up at the hangout to track down her clueless husband, and the mob plot begins to unravel. NOTE-- this episode, which ran overtime and thus was broadcast without its final moments, was RE-STAGED and broadcast again on June 4, 1955.
8.8 /10
Move Uptown

Fri, Apr 23, 1954
The Kramdens have found a nice new place in the Bronx they want to move to; one big problem the landlord won't let them out of their lease. He must sub-let the place first. After an abortive attempt to move without a sub-letting Ralph decides to force the landlord to throw him out by breaking all the rules of the building. The plot back fires on Ralph when the landlord shows up at his apartment.
7.5 /10
The Man in the Blue Suit
Ralph wins $73.85 playing poker. He wants to avoid giving all his winnings to Alice so he hides his winnings in a suit he hasn't worn for 5 years. While he's away a charity comes by and asks for any unwanted items. When Ralph finds out what happened to his suit he gets Ed to help him try to get it back. Their plans all fail. But only after he feels he'll never see the money again that Alice tells him the man who picked up the suit found the money and returned it. But not before she tortures him a little to get him for hiding how much he had actually won from her.
8.1 /10
Hair-Raising Tale
Ralph over hears two men arguing in the park and intercedes on the smaller ones behalf. While trying to calm down the little man he finds out that they were fighting over a "miracle hair restorer." Supposedly the bigger guy wanted to buy the formula for the hair restorer and the little guy wouldn't sell. The little guy claims to have invented the product and had wanted investors but didn't want to sell. Ralph sees a chance to make some money, and the little guy sees a sucker. For just $500 he can get the rights to all of New York City which the inventor claims should make him a million dollars. Ralph cashes in his insurance policy and gets Ed to kick in two hundred dollars. The inventor drops a bag full of bottles of chemicals and a copy of the formula so they can mix their own. Shortly after they start mixing Ralph's boss comes by and since he losing his hair Ralph convinces him he can help him. Big surprise, it doesn't work in fact it removes what little hair the man had. Ralph finds himself out of a job and down $300 so he decides to try the same scan in the park with Ed helping him. After Ed's little part in the scam is complete and he leaves Ralph tries finishing up the scam. As he starts explaining that he's an inventor the man in the park tells him he's invented an electric zipper. We leave Ralph with the inventor getting more information on the electric zipper
6.9 /10
Boxtop Kid

Fri, May 21, 1954
Alice gets Ralph to go down to see her sister and brother-in-law off on cruise to Europe. Ralph wasn't very happy about it, he doesn't like his brother-in-law anyway so this was to much to take. While on the boat he sees all the other prizes they won, this leads Ralph to the idea of buying a bunch of foods that are running contests. When comes home with a lot of groceries Alice demands he take everything back. Ralph ignores her demands and he and Ed work on entering all the contests on the packages. As luck would have it, Ralph does win one of the contests. The contest was one put on by a dog food company, he won a great Dane from the Happy Hound Dog Food Company. While trying to figure out what to do with the dog Ralph finds out that he's won a trip to Europe, from on of the other contests he entered. There's one big catch. The contest he won was for Slimo Bread and to claim his prize he has to prove he lost 50 pounds. Ralph comes up with the idea of Ed pretending to be him. And since he needs to have a picture of himself before losing the weight Ed uses some of Ralph's clothing with padding to take a before picture. Ralph's plan falls apart and Ralph is left with the dog.
8.2 /10
Two Men on a Horse
Ralph gets elected treasurer of the Raccoon Lodge and as part of his duties he takes home $200 that was collected for the Raccoon Dance. He was supposed to deposit it in the bank. After he's unsuccessful retracing his steps he manages to raise $8.00 that he quickly loses when he tries to double his money playing pinball. While he's hanging around the diner he over hears the owner getting a sure thing tip on a horse and they raise another $10.00 to take advantage of the tip he just got. When he gets there he tries to keep the odds on the horse from dropping by convincing even one he can to bet on other horses. This winds up back firing on him in a big way.
7.6 /10
Goodbye Aunt Ethel
Alice's Aunt Ethel comes to visit, forcing Ralph to sleep in the kitchen for 3 weeks. Anxious to get rid of her, Ralph tries to set her up to marry one of his single friends.
8.5 /10
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