Double Anniversary Party
It's the Kramden's anniversary and Ralph usually forgets so Alice is planning a surprise party. What she doesn't know is that this time Ralph remembered and has an big night out planned to surprise her. Alice has planned to get Ralph to go up to the Nortons where she plans to surprise him, and at the same time Ralph has planned to get Alice out of the house by asking her to go to the movies and then take to a restaurant where he has a big dinner planned. They have an argument trying to get each other to cooperate. Once they figure out what's going on they come up with a sweet way to deal with the problem.
8.8 /10

Fri, Oct 19, 1956
Ralph's in line for a promotion. And the bus company wants him to get a physical. Ralph isn't aware of this requirement and isn't there when the doctor comes by the first time. Alice and Trixie have to go out and get Ed to come down and wait around until Ralph gets home, but they forget to tell him why he's getting a physical. When Ralph finds out he needs a physical he thinks it's for some insurance that Alice wants and he thinks is unnecessary. He decides that a way to fail the physical is to pretend to be drunk. The doctor believes what he sees and plans to report his findings to the "company". Ralph thinks he out smarted Alice until she comes home and tells him what was really going on.
8.5 /10
Forgot to Register
Ralph & Ed are very involved in a local election campaign, on the day of election Ed tells Ralph that he's not going to vote. Ralph blows a gasket, he gives Ed a history lesson to remind him why he has to vote. After bullying Ed into agreeing to vote Ralph finds out that Alice is going to vote for the candidate that's running against the candidate Ralph's supporting. This leads to a huge argument Ralph feels that a wife has to vote the way her husband votes. As they are getting ready to leave to vote Ralph realizes he forgot to register to vote. He winds up feeling like a fool and apologizes to Alice for trying bully her, and as usual she forgives him and he realizes yet again how lucky he is.
8.1 /10
Expectant Father
Alice has secretly taken a job as an obstetrician's receptionist. But when Ralph sees her going into the doctor's office, he immediately leaps to the conclusion that he's going to be a father --and begins to make ecstatic plans for his son-to-be.
8.9 /10
Two Family Car

Fri, Nov 16, 1956
Ralph finds out he's won a raffle. One problem: Ed Norton paid for half the ticket and the first prize is a car. Alice make Ralph tell Ed even though Ralph doesn't want to. They finally work out a way to share the car. But when the people from the raffle arrive, we find out Ralph won the 26th prize. And since he agreed to use the back half of the prize, this prize will cause him some problems.
8.7 /10
Finders Keepers
Ralph and Norton try to raise funds to buy a local candy store by entering a radio contest.
9 /10
Catch a Star

Fri, Dec 14, 1956
Ralph tells the lodge members he knows Jackie Gleason and can get him for a show at the Raccoon Lodge (of course he doesn't). He comes clean to Norton who helps him come up with a plan to get Gleason to come to the event on the basis that it's a charity, it's not, but they don't plan on letting that get the way. Their plan involves waiting in Gleason's hotel lobby to ask him for help. The scene in lobby revolves around series of exits and entrances by Ralph and Gleason then Ed can Carney and even Joyce Randolf gets involved in playing a different character in that lobby. Gleason and Ralph manage to miss each other in the lobby. On the night of the event Ralph is shaking in his boots because he doesn't know that Alice had managed to get Gleason to show up by make his favorite food and sending it to him with a note asking him to help. Another interesting character swap takes place and everyone is happy at the end
8.8 /10
My Fair Landlord
Ralph wants to move, he finds a two family home in the want ads that has a low down payment. Alice is against it, and when Ralph decides Ed would be a good tenant for the second unit. Against Alice's wishes he gets the house and they move in only to find the place has a lot of problems. After signing a 99 year lease Ed demands that Ralph fix up his place. While repairs are under way Ralph and Ed have a big fight and Ed wants to leave. After Ralph holds him to the lease Ed tries to get thrown out by making lots of noise. Ed finally finds a way to get Ed to throw him out.
8.8 /10
Away We Go

Fri, Feb 01, 1957
The Kramdens and Nortons win a breakfast cereal contest, the prize being a cruise around the world.
8.4 /10
Framed in Spain
Blackmailers fake a photo of Ralph fooling around with a Spanish local in Madrid, making Alice jealous.
7.1 /10
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