Voltina/And the Loser Is...
VOLTAR IS PINK!!! Yes, a horrifying laundry incident has left the leader of the League of Super Evil with a rather lovely pinkish complexion. To make matters worse Humongo the Gynorman mistakes pink Voltar for his runaway bride-to-be Voltina! Will Humongo see through Voltar's disguise or will the leader of the League of Super Evil be forced to attend the universe's weirdest wedding? / It's Eviley's time again! Yes, the city's annual super villain award show is tonight and, once again, the Great Voltar hasn't been nominated. But rather than deal with a 3-month long Voltar temper tantrum, Frogg, Doomageddon and Red Menace decide to secretly rig the award show, giving Voltar his first Eviley ever.
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Steeeeve!!!/Lose Newz
An evil powerful alien blob has taken control of Voltar's arch-nemesis, the master of not caring - Steve the neighbor. When L.O.S.E. get kidnapped by evil Steve and held prisoner in his evil alien Gazebo lair, it falls upon Voltar to come with a master plan so devious that he will make Steve finally care. Oh, and possibly defeat an ultra powerful alien blob in the process. / L.O.S.E. finally manages to take over the airwaves with a fake news broadcast. Voltar and the gang use their ill-gained show to broadcast fake news and trick the good citizens of Metrotown into believing the craziest stories! Things get tricky when LOSE'S fake expos� on dolphins wanting to take over the world winds up being true and no one in Metrotown will believe them! It's like the little villain who cried hero all over again.
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