00-Geddon/Hurty Dancing
Doomageddon is called into action to stop a righteous plan by the forces of good that could spell disaster for evildom. This leads to Doomageddon experiencing an adventure of James Bond-esque scope, complete with love interest, car chases, and high stakes collectable trading card games. / When Voltar's one and only belt winds up being used as the Cougar's necklace, a saggy pants Voltar sets his sights on getting it back. But how do you get close enough to a super thief to steal from her? By entering the annual non charity super villain dance competition and sneaking a slow dance with the Cougar of course! Expect lots of dancing related mayhem, and a very irritated Dr Frogg in a dress, as Voltar dances his way to the top in an attempt to get his beloved belt back.
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Kinderprison/Each Sold Evilly
Voltar's evil genius will be put to the test when he must escape the most horrorfying prison ever built in the history of all things evil! A place of terror, a place of horror, a place of nap time, macaroni paintings and sing-alongs! He must escape from... a super kiddie daycare? It turns out that Voltar is just the right height to be confused for a super toddler. Can L.O.S.E. break him out before he winds up being put in time out forever? Voltar is outraged when he discovers the neighbourhood children playing with Force Fighter V action figures. After all where are the official League of Super Evil action figures (more importantly the Voltar one?!) So Voltar commissions Frogg to build some for him. But Frogg's 'L.O.S.E.-erines' soon turn on their creators and take over the Lair.
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Gameageddon/Chez Voltar
It's a rainy day at LOSE HQ and the members of the League of Super Evil are very bored and looking for something to do. Red takes out his favourite childhood board game, Puppies in a Basket - an insipid board game that involves spinning a wheel, moving a token along a board, and collecting puppies. But when Voltar accidentally ends up in the lead, Red snaps and goes on a Hulk-esque rampage! LOSE's only hope to reign in Red is to continue playing the game and let him win. / Voltar and the LOSE boys open a restaurant of gross Doomhound seasoned food hoping to trick Metrotownians into eating it! But to everyone's surprise, folks can't get enough of the gross food and Chez Voltar soon becomes the most successful restaurant in town.
0 /10
Brain Freeze/Henchstrike
Voltar's 'brain freeze' from eating a Fudgey Yummy Fudge Cone too fast inspires him to embrace the yet untapped evil power of ice cream. Voltar commands Frogg to convert the V-Mobile into the evilest ice cream truck ever, giving away free scoops of Frogg's special sub-sub zero ice cream to Super Heroes, rival villains and innocent Metrotownians! But the Brain freezing turns Metrotownians into mindless Snowbies. / Voltar has gone too far! After demanding one too many excruciatingly difficult tasks from the Henchbots, they decide to go on strike, refusing to work until Voltar cuts them a little slack. But the Henchbots' strike soon gains ground and henchmen all over town, Red and Doom included, decide to join them and call it quits! Without minions to assist them, Voltar and some of the city's most notorious villains (Skullossus, Evil Stevens and the Cougar) are rendered utterly useless! So useless in fact that they fall easy prey to the city's heroes! In the end, it'll be up to Red, Doomageddon, the Henchbots and the city's other Henchmen to save their glorious leaders from the nefarious clutches of good.
0 /10
Muhaha/The Art of Eviiil
Voltar does the unthinkable and decides to super evil-y-fy his voice. He figures that with a more intimidating laugh he'll be able to lord over the neighbourhood! And with the help of an ultra advanced voice modulator, he swaps voices with General Sergeant. With his new voice, Voltar soon gains real acknowledgment and quickly rises through the ranks of real super villains... leaving his pals in the League behind! But how will the members of the Federation of Nefarious Minds feel when they find out that Voltar is using a voice alternator? / When the Metrotown Museum of Art unveils its latest exhibit, featuring portraits of the city's greatest villains (all parodies of famous portraits such as the Campbell Soup Cans, The Old Guitarist and the Scream), Voltar is furious he wasn't included. But during LOSE's incursion into the museum, Doomageddon ends up sneezing all over the paintings bringing them to life! LOSE and Justice Gene - Art Protector will have to join forces to save the museum... and themselves.
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The Skulloshow/The Cute of All Evil
Skullossus has the greatest evil plan ever (your standard drill a hole to the center of the world thus covering it in liquid hot magma deal). Everything is going according to plan until he realizes he's also got a hot date tonight! Can Skullossus get all his preparations for the big night and bring about world destruction at the same time? At the rate these pestering puny villains called the League of Super... something or other, keep on accidentally foiling his plans, the answer is going to be a no... / Voltar hatches a brilliant evil plan when he sees how stupid and subserviant people become when they see cute kittens. Having Frogg design him a kitten exo-suit that will magnify his cute to a level never before seen by man, Voltar hopes to have the whole city eating out of his hand. Things go south, not only when the suit is accidentally on purpose thrown into "cute overdrive" by Red, but also when the Cougar catnaps Voltar for her own devious scheme, ironically also involving using the power of cute for evil.
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V-TV/Cloudy with a Chance of Stupid
When LOSE gets their cable cut, Voltar decides to destroy television. If he can't watch it nobody can! But when Voltar is successful in his mission the world suddenly becomes a better place (people go out and enjoy the sunlight, children laugh and play, the library has line ups). There's only one solution - LOSE will have to start their own television station and fix this foulest of good deeds. / Voltar finds himself the smartest man in Metrotown when he accidentally covers the entire city in a cloud of pure concentrated stupid. With everyone reduced to the intelligence of a sub simpleton, the Gynormans decide to invade the world! Can Voltar lead a team of Metrotown's strongest but not brightest in a mission to save the world?
0 /10
LOSE Weight/Once upon a L.O.S.E.
In an attempt to whip his minions into shape, Voltar decides to sign LOSE up with Metrotown's premier super gym, the Sweatorium. The gym is run by Seymour Sweat, who is one barbell short of a set and determined to whip these wet noodles into shape. After a gruelling five minutes of working out Frogg, Voltar, and Doomageddon are floored. Red however is having the time of his life. Now it looks like LOSE are going to get a full workout - trying to escape the dreaded Sweatorium. / At long last the answer to the great question will be answered. How did the League of Super Evil meet? Red Menace tells us the story of his first day at Super Hero Kiddie College - that's right - super HERO Kiddie College! Witness the downward spiral as Voltar recruits a twitchy Frogg, a puppy Doomageddon and loyal Red Menace to forge the greatest force for evil the world has ever seen - the League of Super Evil!
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