Episode list

60 Minutes

Saddam's Son/Wanted/Andre Agassi
"Saddam's Son" talks to the man who once worked as a double for one of Saddam Hussein's sons. "Wanted" talks to Bosnian Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic who face imprisonment by the UN War Crimes Tribunal. "Andre Agassi" profiles the superstar tennis player. "Andy Rooney" talks about the summer.
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The Chief/Too Good to Be True?/Ben Bradlee
"The Chief" talks to Los Angeles police chief Willie Williams about his controversial tenure. "Too Good to Be True?" looks at the work of teacher Marva Collins who claims inner-city children can compete academically. "Ben Bradlee" looks at the career of the former Washington Post editor. "Andy Rooney" talks about advertisements.
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Packing a Gun/Comrade Ambassador/HMO
"Packing a Gun" looks at how some states are passing legislation to allow ordinary citizens to own a gun. "Comrade Ambassador" talks to the former Soviet ambassador about his diplomatic career. "HMO" looks at the growth of health maintenance organizations and whether they are producing good results. "Andy Rooney" talks about safety laws.
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What About Vince Foster/The Other America/Stars on the Parallel Bars
"What About Vince Foster" talks to an investigative reporter about his investigation into the death of the White House deputy counsel. "The Other America" looks at rural slums in Texas that lack running water and sewage. "Stars on the Parallel Bars" looks at the young girls that are training to be Olympic gymnasts. "Andy Rooney" offers money to identify the murderer of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.
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The Blue Wall of Silence/Take Me Out to the Ball Game/The Worst Nightmare
"The Blue Wall of Silence" talks to a police officer who is turning in other cops for being involved in the drug trade. "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" looks at minor-league baseball as a cheaper form of entertainment than the major leagues. "The Worst Nightmare" investigates a shipment of beryllium that showed up in Lithuania. "Andy Rooney" talks about the O.J. Simpson murder case.
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The Boy Who Knew Too Much/Back on Broadway/Women at Risk?
"The Boy Who Knew Too Much" talks to the son of Terry Nichols who may have to testify against his father. "Back on Broadway" profiles Julie Andrews who is preparing to return to Broadway. "Women at Risk?" looks at studies about the danger posed by breast implants. "Andy Rooney" talks about his medical problems.
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Deadbeat Dad/Madam Speaker/Land Mines
"Deadbeat Dad" talks to a divorced father who was arrested for not paying child support payments. "Madam Speaker" profiles the Speaker of the House of Commons. "Land Mines" looks at how Cambodia stills suffers from land mines placed during decades of war. "Andy Rooney" talks about offensive sports team names.
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Yitzhak Rabin/Racial Tracking/To Your Health
"Yitzhak Rabin" looks at the react to his assassination from major Israeli leaders. "Racial Tracking" goes to a Georgia to look into a controversial school segregation scheme. "To Your Health" looks at how wine in moderation can help prevent heart disease. "Andy Rooney" talks to Charles Kuralt about his book.
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Cigarettes/Car Talk/Southbury
"Cigarettes" looks at whether major tobacco companies lied about whether their products were addictive. "Car Talk" talks to two radio talk show hosts that focus on cars. "Southbury" examines the debate over living conditions in a private institution for the mentally handicapped. "Andy Rooney" discusses the response to his million dollar reward offer.
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Over There/One Voice/A Hole in His Head
"Over There" talks to several foreign military officers about what American soldiers will experience if they go to Bosnia. "One Voice" examines whether welfare recipients should go to work before they get aid. "A Hole in His Head" looks at the transformation of a Parkinson's Patient who went through a pallidotomy. "Andy Rooney" looks at the political debate about big government.
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Toto Constant/Martha Stewart/The Last Time We Saw Paris
"Toto Constant" talks to the FRAPH leader who claims he worked with the CIA when the military was in Haiti. "Martha Stewart" talks to the television host about her career. "The Last Time We Saw Paris" looks at recent changes made in Paris. "Andy Rooney" compares Type A and Type B personalities.
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The President/Who Poisoned Maryann/Pay Attention!
"The President" talks to Bill Clinton about his decisions to send troops to Bosnia. "Who Poisoned Maryann" examines who poisoned a scientist with a dangerous radioactive isotope. "Pay Attention!" looks at Ritalin treatments for those with ADHD. "Andy Rooney" talks about lemon in cleaning products.
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Cash Now Die Later/Earthquakes, Riots, and Now the Subway/Capital Hill Nine
"Cash Now Die Later" looks at how some terminally ill patients are cashing in insurance policies and making big bucks. "Earthquakes, Riots, and Now the Subway" looks at how the Los Angeles subway system in costing tax payers millions in overruns. "Capital Hill Nine" talks to several retiring senators about why they are leaving public office. "Andy Rooney" address not being in the Bill Clinton interview last week.
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Welcome Back Mrs. Khadder/Nadja/Jennifer and Everardo
"Welcome Back Mrs. Khadder" rebroadcasts a look at a procedure that creates clinical death to assist in the removal of an aneurysm. "Nadja" looks at the life and aspirations of a young violinist. "Jennifer and Everardo" rebroadcasts a segment about an activist on a hunger strike to free her husband who is a Guatemalan guerrilla leader.
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Thoralf Sundt, M.D./Subcomandante Marcos/Randy Shilts
"Thoralf Sundt, M.D." rebroadcasts a segment on a brain surgeon who is suffering from a blood and bone disease. "Subcomandante Marco" rebroadcasts a profile of the leader of the Zapatista National Liberation Army. "Randy Shilts" rebroadcasts an interview with the journalist about his career and AIDS diagnosis. "Andy Rooney" talks to a guard at a boat show.
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The Engineer/Yo-Yo Ma/White Collar Blues
"The Engineer" looks at how Israel remain in danger from terrorism despite the assassination of a prominent suicide bomb-maker. "Yo-Yo Ma" profiles the famous cellist. "White Collar Blues" looks at how unemployed middle-age professionals are having a hard time finding a job. "Andy Rooney" talks about there being too many holidays.
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An American Dilemma/Sacks/Kidnapped
"An American Dilemma" examines the political dilemma of helping both the Kurds and Turks. "Sacks" profiles the famous neurologist and author. "Kidnapped" looks at how an agricultural scientist was kidnapped by guerrillas in Columbia. "Andy Rooney" looks at the antics of politicians.
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Starved to Death/Springsteen/January 28, 1986
"Starved to Death" looks at how starvation killed children at a Shanghai orphanage. "Springsteen" profiles the famous rock singer. "January 28, 1986" looks back on the tenth anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. "Andy Rooney" talks about first ladies of the United States.
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Down-Home Diva/Curtain Call/George Burns
"Down-Home Diva" profiles the life and career of opera singer Marilyn Horne. "Curtain Call" visits Casa Verdi a retirement home for former opera singers. "George Burns" profiles the 100 year old comedian. "Andy Rooney" talks about eating out at restaurants.
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Jeffrey Wigand, PhD/Richard Leakey
"Jeffrey Wigand, PhD" talks to the whistle-blower who discloses what he learned when he worked at Brown and Williamson. "Richard Leakey" talks to the conservationist about his campaign to become president of Kenya. "Andy Rooney" talks about people using 'junior' in their name.
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Say It Isn't So.../Shoot Not to Kill/Too Tough?
"Say It Isn't So" looks at the rise of forgeries in sports memorabilia. "Shoot Not to Kill" looks at how the military is researching into to the use of non-lethal weapons. "Too Tough?" looks at how laws aimed at drug kingpins are being used against small-time dealers. "Andy Rooney" discusses height with an NBA star.
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Germ Warfare/A Fine Kettle of Fish/$12 Billion Piggy Bank
"Germ Warfare" looks at U.S. preparations for biological and chemical attacks. "A Fine Kettle of Fish" talks to the mayor of New York City who is taking on the Mafia in a fish market. "$12 Billion Piggy Bank" looks at how Nevada is collecting money for a nuclear waste disposal site that is not being used. "Andy Rooney" discusses Republican presidential candidates.
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Change of Address/Family Values/Not Your Average Case of Arson
"Change of Address" looks at how the post office was used in a scam by a forgery group. "Family Values" looks at a family where a son has kidnapped a father to prevent an assisted suicide. "Not Your Average Case of Arson" follows a man accused of arson who claims to have burned down a crack house. "Andy Rooney" discusses indecisiveness in politicians.
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The Next First Lady?/Prison Rape/What Makes Steve Run?
"The Next First Lady?" profiles potential first lady Elizabeth Dole and talks to her husband. "Prison Rape" talks to an advocate for rape victims who calls for more protection for inmates."What Makes Steve Run?" profiles Republican Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes. "Andy Rooney" talks about the flat tax.
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Mousa Abu Marzook/Mike Nichols/Tipping the Scales/George Burns
"Mousa Abu Marzook" looks at the case of the Hamas leader that was recently arrested. "Mike Nichols" profiles the famed Hollywood director. "Tipping the Scales" looks at jury nullification and whether it should be more common. "George Burns" discusses the late actor. "Andy Rooney" talks about business fundraisers.
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The Greatest/American Enterprise/Area 51: Catch 22
"The Greatest" looks at the life of boxer Muhammad Ali and discusses his struggle with Parkinson's Disease. "American Enterprise" looks at the growth of the marijuana industry. "Area 51: Catch 22" talks to workers at the secret base who are suing the government for being exposed to hazardous chemicals. "Andy Rooney" talks about movie credits.
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Blowing Smoke/A Woman of Substance/The Bicycle Club
"Blowing Smoke" talks to another scientists who says smoking is dangerous. "A Woman of Substance" profiles opera diva Denyce Graves. "The Bicycle Club" looks at how the Justice Department owns a crooked gambling casino. "Andy Rooney" acts as a television critic.
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The Letter/Imus
"The Letter" investigators look into a possible case of jury tampering in the O.J. Simpson trial involving Francine Florio-Bunten. "Imus" interviews the radio host about his controversial show. "Andy Rooney" talks about interesting news stories of the past week.
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Easy Money in Hard Times/The Mormons/Spike Lee
"Easy Money in Hard Times" looks at how executive compensation is much higher than the pay of an average American. "The Mormons" looks at one of the fastest growing religions in the world and talks to its president. "Spike Lee" profiles the filmmaker. "Andy Rooney" talks about self-advertising.
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Farrakhan/Spitting Image
"Farrakhan" interviews controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. "Spitting Image" takes a look at the popular British political satire programs as it ends its run on television. "Andy Rooney" talks about the recent capture of Theodore Kaczynski in Montana.
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Do You Really Want to Know?/One Child's Labor/One Survivor Remembers
"Do You Really Want to Know?" looks at the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing. "One Child's Labor" talks to a young man who is taking on the world in a fight to end child labor. "One Survivor Remembers" talks to a survivor of a Holocaust death march. "Andy Rooney" asks if President Clinton pays his own tips.
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Chernobyl/Whose Baby Is It?/Hezbollah
"Chernobyl" examines whether the nuclear disaster was at catastrophic as was once believed. "Whose Baby Is It?" looks at the case of a father who is fighting for custody of his son. "Hezbollah" looks at the controversial Islamic movement that is gaining popularity in Lebanon. "Ivins and Crouch, Crouch and Ivins" debate the verdict in the Bernhard Goetz civil trial. "Andy Rooney" talks about changes in the show.
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The Lost Commandos/The Last Supper/Timber Wars
"The Lost Commandos" looks at Vietnamese POWs who were hired by the U.S. and are now seeking retribution. "The Last Supper" looks at a restoration effort for the famous painting. "Timber Wars" looks at the growing conflict between the timber industry and environmentalists. "Ivins and Crouch, Crouch and Ivins" debate making English the official language of the U.S. "Andy Rooney" talks about Jackie Kennedy's recent auction.
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Punishing Saddam/Cartier-Bresson/Little Fish
"Punishing Saddam" looks at how sanctions in Iraq hurt children while not affecting Iraq's leadership. "Cartier-Bresson" talks to the famous photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. "Little Fish" looks at a politician who went undercover to investigate lobbying. "O'Rourke and Ivins, Ivins and O'Rourke" debate raising the minimum wage. "Andy Rooney" talks about the Montana Freemen.
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William Pierce, PhD/Facts of Life in Russia/Jack Kevorkian
"William Pierce, PhD" talks to the author of a controversial anti-government novel. "Facts of Life in Russia" looks at the growing problems of poverty and illness in Russia. "Jack Kevorkian" interviews the controversial euthanasia activist. "O'Rourke and Ivins, Ivins and O'Rourke" debate the value of political pundits.
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The Pentagon Turned Its Back on Them/Michael Marcum/Open and Shut Case?
"The Pentagon Turned Its Back on Them" rebroadcasts a segment on how the Pentagon has denied the existence of war in El Salvador. "Michael Marcum" rebroadcasts a talk to an assistant sheriff about his prior murder conviction. "Crouch and Ivins, Ivins and Crouch" debate homosexual marriage. "Open and Shut Case?" looks at how difficult it can be to sue and airline after a crash. "Andy Rooney" visits cyberspace.
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Partial-Birth Abortion/A Piece of the Rock/Mountain Madness
"Partial Birth Abortion" examines the controversial medical procedure that many critics are calling to be outlawed. "A Piece of the Rock" looks at how thousands of Americans were defrauded by Prudential. "Mountain Madness" discusses a trip to Mount Everest that left eight dead. "Ivins and Crouch, Crouch and Ivins" debate partial-birth abortion. "Andy Rooney" talks about running government like a business.
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Inside the Freemen Compound/Special Ed/Politically Incorrect
"Inside the Freemen Compound" talks to a woman who has left the Freeman Compound in Montana. "Special Ed" examines whether regular students are being short-chained due to the cost necessary to support special needs students. "Politically Incorrect" talks to Bill Maher about his television show. "O'Rourke and Ivins, Ivins and O'Rourke" debate presidential character. "Andy Rooney" talks about product packaging.
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Alex/For Your Eyes Only?/Lisa Herdahl vs. Pontotoc County
"Alex" looks at a couple who are returning the Ukrainian child they adopted after brain damage is discovered. "For Your Eyes Only?" looks at how communication by email is not as private as one things. "Lisa Herdahl vs. Pontotoc County" rebroadcasts a segment on a mother suing a school over prayer. "Ivins and O'Rourke, O'Rourke and Ivins" debate election year politics. "Andy Rooney" talks about springtime.
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Raul's Money/Scorsese/Family Values
"Raul's Money" examines how the brother of Mexico's President has been amassing millions of dollars. "Scorsese" profiles the famous film director. "Family Values" rebroadcasts a segment on a family where a son kidnapped his father to prevent an assisted suicide. "Andy Rooney" offers questions he'd ask Bob Dole if he could interview him.
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Wanted/Carla and the Disciples/Did He Do It?
"Wanted" looks at how some cities and states refuse extradition of prisoners and sometimes release them. "Carla and the Disciples" looks at how a mother went undercover to save her daughter from a gang. "Did He Do It?" talks to a man convicted of murder who now claims that his confession was coerced. "Andy Rooney" talks about good coffee.
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Saudi Arabia/Wanted/Benjamin Netanyahu
"Saudi Arabia" looks at tensions between U.S. soldier and Saudi Arabians. "Wanted" rebroadcasts a segment on the Bosnian Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic who face imprisonment by the UN War Crimes Tribunal. "Benjamin Netanyahu" interviews the new Prime Minister of Israel. "Andy Rooney" talks about boy names.
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One Child's Labor/Who Poisoned Maryann?/The Stars on the Parallel Bars
"One Child's Labor" rebroadcasts a talk to a young man who is taking on the world in a fight to end child labor. "Who Poisoned Maryann" rebroadcasts a segment examining who poisoned a scientist with a dangerous radioactive isotope. "Stars on the Parallel Bars" rebroadcasts a look at the young girls that are training to be Olympic gymnasts. "Andy Rooney" visits cyberspace.
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What About Vincent Foster?/Sacks/Thalidomide
"News Update" looks at the TWA crash and the Olympic bombing. "What About Vince Foster" rebroadcasts a segment on the investigation into the death of the White House deputy counsel. "Sacks" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous neurologist and author. "Thalidomide" rebroadcasts a segment examining whether the dangerous drug can help against AIDS.
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The Greatest/Car Talk/Land Mines
"The Greatest" rebroadcasts a segment on the life of boxer Muhammad Ali and discusses his struggle with Parkinson's Disease. "Car Talk" rebroadcasts a talk to two radio talk show hosts that focus on cars. "Land Mines" rebroadcasts a look at how Cambodia stills suffers from land mines placed during decades of war. "Andy Rooney" talks about his speech to the National Press Club in Washington.
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The View from the White House/The Tobacco Game/Spitting Image
"The View from the White House" talks to President Bill Clinton about the Republican National Convention. "The Tobacco Game" looks at how tobacco companies are targeting Asia as cigarette sales slump in the United States. "Spitting Image" rebroadcasts a look at the popular British political satire programs as it ends its run on television. "Andy Rooney" talks about women mowing lawns.
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Gulf War Syndrome/Chicago 1968/The Kingpin
"Gulf War Syndrome" reports on how the Pentagon has admitted that Gulf War soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons. "Chicago 1968" revisits the riotous Chicago Democrat National Convention of 1968. "The Kingpin" looks at a man on death row who is waiting for a judges decision on a new trial. "Andy Rooney" talks about rollerblading.
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All Filters