Episode list

60 Minutes

Wanted: Dead or Alive/The Closer!/O'Reilly
"Wanted: Dead or Alive" profiles Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi the Iraqi terrorist behind a number of gruesome attacks on Westerners. "The Closer!" examines a telemarketing scam in Canada that preyed on the elderly. "O'Reilly" interviews the controversial Fox News host. "Andy Rooney" urges stupid Americans to not vote.
4.5 /10
Echo Boomers/Tales from the Crypt/Bill Parcells
"Echo Boomer" discusses the children of the baby-boomers and how marketers are trying to define their attitudes and tastes. "Tales from the Crypt" examines an archaeological investigation into the remains the Medici family. "Bill Parcells" interviews the NFL coach. "Andy Rooney" talks about repairing the reputation of CBS news.
0 /10
The Killing in Sudan/Staying at Home/Queen Latifah
"The Killing in Sudan" goes to Sudan to examine the genocide, mass murder, and refugee crisis in the Darfur region. "Staying at Home" interviews women who succeeded in the workplace, but then chose to return home to raise children. "Queen Latifah" profiles the singer and actress. "Andy Rooney" talks about presidential-style debates.
0 /10
A Deal with the Devil/Top 10%/Ray Charles
"A Deal with the Devil" looks at how a plea bargain made 20 years ago may let a serial killer out of jail. "Top 10%" examines how some consider unfair a Texas law that automatically gives high school students in the top 10 percent of their class admission to college. "Ray Charles" profiles the life of the legendary musician and rebroadcasts an interview with him. "Andy Rooney" talks about what happens to a car that is traded in.
0 /10
The Murder of Emmett Till/Jon Stewart
"The Murder of Emmett Till" examines a 1955 Mississippi case where a 14-year-old black boy was tortured and murdered for whistling at a white woman. "Jon Stewart" profiles the popular comedian and Comedy Central host. "Andy Rooney" talks about how the United States spends more on equipment and not enough on soldiers.
0 /10
Live from New York/The Governor/In Harm's Way
"Live from New York" goes behind the scenes at Saturday Night Live and catch a live and embarrassing television gaffe. "The Governor" interviews Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. "In Harm's Way" examines why the government has not provided the military with enough fully armored vehicles. "Andy Rooney" discusses the differences between Bush and Kerry.
0 /10
The Next Space Race/Crusade Against Credit
"The Next Space Race" examines the private sector's race to space and interviews engineer Burt Rutan who is one of the people who are leading the way. "Crusade Against Credit" interviews radio host Dave Ramsey who is trying to save debtors with his advice program. "Andy Rooney" talks about losing the presidential election.
0 /10
Anonymous Revealed/Prescription for Trouble/Arafat
"Anonymous Revealed" interview the former head of the CIA unit that is pursuing Osama bin Laden who has also written a book critical on U.S. policy. "Prescription for Disaster" examines whether the manufacturer of Vioxx knew the painkiller could cause heart attacks and strokes. "Arafat" looks at past interviews with the Palestinian leader in light of his recent death. "Andy Rooney" talks about rule changes in sports.
0 /10
The Uncounted/Hoodia/Jim Carrey
"The Uncounted" examines how soldiers injured in Iraq are not listed as casualties unless their injuries are the direct result of combat. "Hoodia" looks at the appetite-suppressing plant and how it has been used for thousands of years by the Bushmen of the Kalahari who may now profit from its sale as a diet drug. "Jim Carrey" interviews the comic actor. "Andy Rooney" talks about letters he has received.
0 /10
The Case of the Spy Ring/Bluejay/Dustin Hoffman
"The Case of the Spy Ring" examines two soldiers who are accused of spying at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. "Bluejay" profiles Jay Greenberg a twelve year-old musical prodigy. "Dustin Hoffman" interviews the famous actor. "Andy Rooney" explains why the mint should stop making pennies.
0 /10
Old Soldiers/ADD Grows Up/Bob Dylan
"Old Soldiers" examines how many former soldiers are being called to active duty even though they thought they fulfilled their military obligations. "ADD Grows Up" looks at attention deficit disorder which is thought to affect eight million adults. "Bob Dylan" offers the first television interview with the legendary musician in 19 years. "Andy Rooney" talks about Christmas gifts to avoid.
7.8 /10
Who Killed Carolyn Muncey?/A Feisty Farewell/Cinderella Story
"Who Killed Carolyn Muncey?" investigates a murder where one man awaits death for a crime that many believe the husband was responsible for. "A Feisty Farewell" interviews Senator Fritz Hollings on the eve of his retirement. "Cinderella Story" interviews Russian opera diva Anna Netrebko. "Andy Rooney" talks about being a major network anchor.
0 /10
The Stone Box/Ricky Williams/Redneck Woman
"The Stone Box" investigates an ossuary that is alleged to have contained the bones of the brother of Jesus. "Ricky Williams" interviews the former NFL football player about why he walked away from the sport. "Redneck Woman" profiles country music singer Gretchen Wilson. "Andy Rooney" talks about getting the world to like the United States. /Ricky Williams/Redneck Woman (#37.13)}
0 /10
Echo Boomers/Ray Charles/The Coach
"Echo Boomers" rebroadcasts a segment on the children of the baby-boomers and how marketers are trying to define their attitudes and tastes. "Ray Charles" rebroadcasts a profile of the legendary musician. "The Coach" rebroadcasts a segment on professional football coaching how how much more advance it has become in the modern era. "Andy Rooney" talks about using college professors to improve government.
0 /10
Google/The Most Beautiful Woman in the World
"Google" looks at the hugely successful Internet company and interviews one of its founders Sergey Brin. "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World" interviews the famous Indian actress Aishwarya Rai. "Andy Rooney" talks about how modern art should not be in public places.
7.1 /10
The Big Gun/Lang Lang/A Dog's Nose
"The Big Gun" examines the .50-caliber rifle and whether it poses a greater danger than other rifles. "Lang Lang" profiles the Chinese piano prodigy. "A Dog's Nose" looks at how researchers are training dogs to smell cancer. "Andy Rooney" talks about the annoyance of cell phones.
0 /10
Under Fire/The Insider/Tim Howard
"Under Fire" goes to Ramadi one of the most dangerous cities in Iraq to look at how U.S. Marines are fighting insurgents. "The Insider" interviews tobacco whistle-blower Jefferey Wigand about his current efforts against tobacco. "Tim Howard" interviews the Manchester United goalie about his Tourette's syndrome. "Andy Rooney" talks about the recent tsunami.
0 /10
Poisoned/An Expensive Lesson/Hilary Swank
"Poisoned" interviews Ukrainian president Victor Yushchenko about the attempt to poison him. "An Expensive Lesson" investigates a school that exaggerates its job-placement rates and has left students with big loans to repay. "Hilary Swank" interviews the actress about her recent role as a boxer. "Andy Rooney" talks about the weather.
0 /10
Child Prodigies
60 Minutes looks at child prodigies. Including golfer prodigy Michelle Wie, disabled musical prodigy Rex Clack, musical prodigy Jay Greenberg, prodigies with Williams Syndrom, the Brown children musical prodigies, soccer prodigy Freddy Apu, and the child prodigies Greg Smith and Sho Yano.
0 /10
Juiced/Born in the U.S.A./The Gates
"Juiced" interviews Jose Canseco about his controversial book about steroids in major league baseball. "Born in the U.S.A." investigates the practice of African-American children being adopted by families outside the United States. "The Gates" talks to the artist Christo about his latest project involving flags. "Andy Rooney" talks about the Super Bowl.
0 /10
Rape in the Ranks/Cirque Du Soleil/Chris Rock
"Rape in the Ranks" examines how a former lieutenant who was treated like a criminal after she reported that she was raped. "Cirque Du Soleil" looks at the famous circus that is one of the biggest draws in Las Vegas. "Chris Rock" interviews the comedian who will host the Oscars. "Andy Rooney" talks about the overabundance of advertising in America.
0 /10
Breeding Ground/The Aviator and the President/Brain Rangers
"Breeding Ground" examines Saudi Arabia and its efforts to change its reputation as a terrorist breeding ground. "The Aviator and the President" examines whether the Watergate burglary was an effort to discover whether they had information that Nixon was bribed by Howard Hughes. "Brain Rangers" looks at a new program to help treat the mental stress experienced by soldiers. "Andy Rooney" talks about the greatness of presidents.
0 /10
Rendition/Grand Theft Auto/The D.A. And Tom Delay
"Rendition" examines the controversial practice of the CIA handing over terror suspects to countries that use torture. "Grand Theft Auto" examines whether a violent video game is responsible for an 18-year-old murdering three people. "The D.A. And Tom Delay" interviews a Texas district attorney who is investigating House Majority Leader Tom Delay. "Andy Rooney" talks about the Academy Awards.
0 /10
Ken Lay/Submission/The Last Star Wars
"Ken Lay" interviews the former chairman of Enron the energy giant that collapsed amidst fraud allegations. "Submission" examines the controversial film on the treatment of women in Islam and its effect on Holland's reputation for tolerance. "The Last Star Wars" interviews George Lucas about his new movie and gets a behind-the-scenes peek. "Andy Rooney" talks about sorting mail.
0 /10
The Big Gun II/Jessica Gonzales vs Castle Rock/The Sea Gypsies
"The Big Gun II" interviews a gun-runner who supplied arms to a guerrilla army in Kosovo. "Jessica Gonzales v. Castle Rock" follows Jessica Gonzales as she sues her home town police department over the wrongful death of her daughters. "The Sea Gypsies" looks at how a nomadic sea tribe was able to survive a tsunami. "Andy Rooney" talks about shoes.
0 /10
Power to the People/The Stone Box/The Toughest Race
"Power to the People" looks at some rare voices of dissent in Saudi Arabia who are calling for women's rights. "The Stone Box" rebroadcasts a segment on an ossuary that is alleged to have contained the bones of the brother of Jesus. "The Toughest Race" looks at ultramarathon runners. "Andy Rooney" talks about high gas prices.
0 /10
Pope John Paul II: Part I/Pope John Paul II: Part II/Jane Fonda: My Life So Far - Part I
"Pope John Paul II: Part I" interviews American seminary students who have been inspired by the pontiff. "Pope John Paul II: Part II" examines the process of picking a new pope and considers the region of the world he might come from. "Jane Fonda: My Life So Far - Part I" interviews the actress about her upcoming autobiography. "Andy Rooney" talks about Pope John Paul II.
0 /10
Mafia Cops/Handouts for the Homeland/Jane Fonda: My Life So Far: Part II
"Mafia Cops" interviews a former Mafia boss who says he paid New York City detectives to commit murder. "Handouts for the Homeland" investigates pork barrel projects that are given funding in the name of homeland security. "Jane Fonda: My Life So Far: Part II" features the second part of an interview with the actress about her autobiography. "Andy Rooney" talks about coverage of the pope's death.
0 /10
Party at Gregg's/Carl Hiaasen/Highway in the Sky
"Party at Gregg's" examines the controversial trend of parents allowing their underage teens to drink in their homes to prevent drunk driving. "Carl Hiaasen" interviews the Miami Herald columnist and novelist. "Highway in the Sky" talks to inventors who are building personal flying machines. "Andy Rooney" talks about the income tax.
0 /10
Medical Tourists/Tunnel #3/Endangered Species
"Medical Tourists" examines how Americans are traveling to foreign countries to get surgery at cheaper prices. "Tunnel #3" goes to 600 feet underground to talk to the miners who are constructing a water tunnel to help supply New York City. "Endangered Species" examines the Earth Conservation Corps efforts to fix a polluted river in a neighborhood with one of the highest murder rates in the country. "Andy Rooney" talks about neckties.
0 /10
Secrets from Guantanamo Bay/The Hobbit/Goldie
"Secrets from Guantanamo Bay" interviews a former Army translator who reveals the cruel interrogation techniques used in the the prison camp. "The Hobbit" goes to an Indonesian island where archaeologists have discovered an ancient species of human that was only three feet tall. "Goldie" profiles actress Goldie Hawn. "Andy Rooney" talks about baseball salaries.
0 /10
President Putin/Duty, Honor, Country/Everybody Does Love Raymond
"President Putin" interviews Russian leader Vladimir Putin. "Duty, Honor, Country" examines West Point and looks at how graduates of the academy adapt to life in the military. "Everybody Does Love Raymond" looks at the success of the popular television sitcom as it is ending its run. "Andy Rooney" talks about VE day.
0 /10
Maximum Security/B.S. Rules!
"Maximum Security" examines prison gangs in California that are able to orchestrate criminal acts outside prison walls while they are still in lock-up. "B.S. Rules!" interviews a Princeton professor about his new book on B.S. "Andy Rooney" talks about overused words and phrases.
0 /10
The Pledge/It Takes One to Know One/Cooking the Books
"The Pledge" examines how the U.S. government has spent almost a billion dollars to teach abstinence in schools. "It Takes One to Know One" interviews a former con man who now works to expose fraud to make amends. "Cooking the Books" rebroadcasts an interview with Richard Srushy about the securities fraud accusations against him. "Andy Rooney" talks about the declining rate of Americans who smoke.
0 /10
The Big Gun/Dave Chappelle/Counting on the Count
"The Big Gun" rebroadcasts an examination of the .50-caliber rifle and whether it poses a greater danger than other rifles. "Dave Chappelle" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous comedian. "Counting on the Count" examine how Romanians in Transylvania are using the myth of Dracula to increase tourism. "Andy Rooney" talks about Memorial Day.
0 /10
Justice at Guantanamo/Insider's Prescription/Not in My Backyard
"Justice at Guantanamo" talks to military lawyers who claim that Guantanamo terror detainees are subject to unfair rules that prevent them from being adequately defended. "Insider's Prescription" interviews a drug executive who claims that drug prices in America's are excessive when compared to Europe. "Not in My Backyard" looks at how putting grizzly bears on the endangered species list has impacted some homeowners living in the west. "Andy Rooney" talks about boxes and packaging.
0 /10
The Closer!/Beatrice's Goat/Bob Dylan
"The Closer!" rebroadcasts an examines of a telemarketing scam in Canada that preyed on the elderly. "Beatrice's Goat" examines how the life of a poor African girl was changed remarkably when her family received a goat donated from a U.S. aid organization. "Bob Dylan" rebroadcasts an interview with the legendary musician. "Andy Rooney" explains why the mint should stop making pennies.
0 /10
Grand Theft Auto/Top 10%/Amazon Treasure
"Grand Theft Auto" rebroadcasts an examination of whether a violent video game is responsible for an 18-year-old murdering three people. "Top 10%" rebroadcasts an examination of how some consider unfair a Texas law that automatically gives high school students in the top 10 percent of their class admission to college. "Amazon Treasure" looks at a new species of monkey found in the Amazon rain forest. "Andy Rooney" talks about useless kitchen gadgets.
0 /10
Under Fire/A Dog's Nose/Miracle Man
"Under Fire" rebroadcasts a segment on Ramadi one of the most dangerous cities in Iraq and looks at how U.S. Marines are fighting insurgents. "A Dog's Nose" rebroadcasts a look at how researchers are training dogs to smell cancer. "Miracle Man" profiles Lance Armstrong who survived cancer and won the Tour de France bicycle race. "Andy Rooney" talks about mannequins.
0 /10
Old Soldiers/The Next Space Race
"Old Soldiers" rebroadcasts a segment examining how many former soldiers are being called to active duty even though they thought they fulfilled their military obligations. "The Next Space Race" rebroadcasts an examination of the private sector's race to space and interviews engineer Burt Rutan who is one of the people who are leading the way. "Andy Rooney" talks about Daimler-Chrysler's Smart Car.
0 /10
Handouts for the Homeland/Submission/Highway in the Sky
"Handouts for the Homeland" rebroadcasts an investigation into pork barrel projects that are given funding in the name of homeland security. "Submission" rebroadcasts an examination of the controversial film on the treatment of women in Islam and its effect on Holland's reputation for tolerance. "Highway in the Sky" looks at flying cars. "Andy Rooney" talks about the things in life that are true.
0 /10
In Harm's Way/The Big Gun II/Staying at Home
"In Harm's Way" rebroadcasts an examination of why the government has not provided the military with enough fully armored vehicles. "The Big Gun II" rebroadcasts an interview with a gun-runner who supplied arms to a guerrilla army in Kosovo. "Staying at Home" rebroadcasts a segment on women who succeeded in the workplace, but then chose to return home to raise children. "Andy Rooney" talks about throwing away mail.
0 /10
Rendition/Born in the U.S.A./Dustin Hoffman
"Rendition" rebroadcasts an examination into the controversial practice of the CIA handing over terror suspects to countries that use torture. "Born in the U.S.A." rebroadcasts a segment on the practice of African-American children being adopted by families outside the United States. "Dustin Hoffman" rebroadcasts a profile of the actor. "Andy Rooney" advocates for rule changes in professional sports.
0 /10
President Putin/Jane Fonda: My Life So Far
"President Putin" rebroadcasts an interview with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. "Jane Fonda: My Life So Far" rebroadcasts a segment on the famous actress and her upcoming autobiography. "Andy Rooney" talks about the ever-expanding use of cell phones in our lives.
0 /10
Juiced/A Deal with the Devil/Cirque Du Soleil
"Juiced" rebroadcasts an interview with Jose Canseco about his controversial book about steroids in major league baseball. "A Deal with the Devil" rebroadcasts a segment on how a plea bargain made 20 years ago may let a serial killer out of jail. "Cirque Du Soleil" rebroadcasts a look at the famous circus that is one of the biggest draws in Las Vegas. "Andy Rooney" talks about how much the U.S. spends more money on equipment than on soldiers.
0 /10
The Governor/An Expensive Lesson/Hilary Swank
"The Governor" rebroadcasts an interview with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. "An Expensive Lesson" rebroadcasts an investigation into a college that exaggerates its job-placement rates and has left students with big loans to repay. "Hilary Swank" rebroadcasts a profile of the actress. "Andy Rooney" talks about why men where neckties.
0 /10
Anonymous Revealed/Party at Gregg's/The Sea Gypsies
"Anonymous Revealed" rebroadcasts an interview with the former head of the CIA unit that is pursuing Osama bin Laden. "Party at Gregg's" rebroadcasts a segment on the controversial trend of parents allowing their underage teens to drink in their homes to prevent drunk driving. "The Sea Gypsies" rebroadcasts a segment on how a nomadic sea tribe was able to survive a tsunami. "Andy Rooney" looks at what happened to a car he once owned.
0 /10
Prescription for Trouble/The Killing in Sudan/Crusade Against Credit
"Prescription for Disaster" rebroadcasts a segment the examines whether the manufacturer of Vioxx knew the painkiller could cause heart attacks and strokes. "The Killing in Sudan" rebroadcasts a segment on Sudan and the genocide, mass murder, and refugee crisis in the Darfur region. "Crusade Against Credit" rebroadcasts an interview with radio host Dave Ramsey who is trying to save debtors with his advice program. "Andy Rooney" talks about word use.
0 /10
New Orleans/Echo Boomers/Medical Tourists
"New Orleans" examines the repair of levees of the city that were breached by the flood caused by Hurricane Katrina. "Echo Boomers" rebroadcasts a segment on the children of the baby-boomers and how marketers are trying to define their attitudes and tastes. "Medical Tourists" rebroadcasts an examination of how Americans are traveling to foreign countries to get surgery at cheaper prices.
0 /10
Order Out of Chaos/Mr. Feinberg/Human Guinea Pig
"Order Out of Chaos" interviews New Orleans police as they try to restore order in the city hit hardest by Hurricane Katrina. "Mr. Feinberg" updates a segment on the man who helped determine how much the victims of 9/11 collected for their suffering. "Human Guinea Pig" examines a drug that helped Parkinson's patients during clinical trials but is now inaccessible due to safety concerns. "Andy Rooney" talks about New Orleans.
0 /10
All Filters