Episode list


Variety Speak/Three Tenors and You're Out/Bingo
In "Variety Speak," First, Yakko explains the headlines of the entertainment industry periodical "Variety." Then, in "Three Tenors and You're Out," Slappy takes Skippy to see a baseball game and is surprised to find she is attending a "Three Tenors" concert at Dodger stadium instead. Later, Wakko plays his own version of "Bingo" with Dr. Scratchansniff. And in the musical "Finale," the Three Tenors return to sing the "Animaniacs" theme song.
7.8 /10
Deduces Wild/Rest in Piece/U.N. Me
To complete a scavenger hunt, the Warners arrive at detective Sherlock Holmes' flat in "Deduces Wild". Next, in "Rest in Pieces", Walter Wolf fakes his own death to trap Slappy at a booby-trapped "funeral," but his plan backfires as Slappy delivers the eulogy--and the last laugh. Later, in another musical finale, the Warners warble "U. N. Me", a ditty about the United Nations.
7.9 /10
The Tiger Prince/All the Words in the English Language/The Kid in the Lid/Method to Her Madness
In the opening musical number, "The Tiger Prince", the wacky Warner siblings present their own version of a song from "The Lion King." Meanwhile, Yakko attempts to sing "All the Words in the English Language". The Warners parody the popular childrenÂ's book "The Cat in the Hat" in "The Kid in the Lid". Finally, Slappy Squirrel proves thereÂ's "A Method to Her Madness". Slappy attends a "Method" acting class with Skippy. After being disgusted by their whiny ways and incoherent mumbling, she gives the actors some lessons of her own.
8.1 /10
The Presidents Song/Don't Tread on Us/The Flame Returns
A show saluting U.S. history, Warners begin by singing " Presidents Song" about all presidents of the United States. In colonial America, Pinky & Brain cry "Don't Tread On Us" as they try to switch their own document with real Declaration of Independence
8.2 /10
Gimme the Works/Buttons in Ows/Hercules Unwound
First, in "Gimme the Works", the Warners ask for a day off. Next, in the "Wizard of Oz" parody, "Buttons in Ows", Mindy and Buttons travel through an enchanted land a few days before Dorothy arrives. Then, when the Warner siblings leave in the middle of "Hercules Unwound" and take guest star Hercules with them, Pinky and The Brain replace them. The BrainÂ's plan: harness the lightning power of Zeus--and take over the world!
7.9 /10
This Pun for Hire/Star Truck/Go Fish/Multiplication
In the film noir spoof, "This Pun for Hire", the Warners follow a man carrying a black pigeon statue. Then, the Warners board a starship as adoring fans of the "Star Truck" television series. Later, Wakko faces a formidable foe in "Go Fish...
8.4 /10
The Sound of Warners/Yabba Dabba Boo
The Warner siblings are confounded by an ever-so-cheerful governess in "The Sound of Warners", a musical parody of "The Sound of Music." Later, in "Yabba Dabba Boo", famous screenwriter Larry "Gelboo" rewrites a script.
8.5 /10
Soccer Coach Slappy/Belly Button Blues/Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise/Valuable Lesson
Slappy is the coach of a Soccer team. Skippy keeps getting hit in the face by the ball, causing him to cry and Slappy deciding to put him out of the game. But at the final game, the last hit by the ball in Skippy's face gives the team the win. Katie Kaboom gets furious when her parents won't let her wear clothes that are "in-style" at her school, since they make her belly button visible. The Warners wake up from suspended animation in a spaceship in a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey. When the computer of the ship orders them to return to their sleeping pods, the Warners refuse to and things get out of hand. The Warners are visited by the network censors after harassing Attila the Hun.
8.2 /10
Wakko's 2-Note Song/Panama Canal/Hello Nurse/The Ballad of Magellan/The Return of the Great Wakkorotti/The Big Wrap Party Tonight
Wakko proves to Schratchnsniff that his song made of two-notes is actual music. A song on the Latin American waterway to the tune of Low Bridge. Wakko sings an ode to his favorite femme. The Warners sing a song about Magellan to the tune of Git Along, Little Dogies. Wakko, using fart sounds from his hands, performs the Chinese Dance from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. The Warners sing about who's at their wrap party.
8.4 /10
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