Episode list


Cutie and the Beast/Boo Happens/Noel
The Tazmanian Devil plays the Beast and Dot is Cutie in "Cutie and the Beast," a musical parody of "Beauty and the Beast." In "Boo Happens," Chicken Boo relives the life of "Forrest Gump." Later, the Warners have fun with puns in an amusing musical number sung to the tune of the classic Christmas carol, "Noel."
8.3 /10
Jokahontas/Boids on the Hood/Mighty Wakko at the Bat
The Warners, as Native Americans, introduce John Smith and company to ice cream in "Jokahontas," a musical spoof of Disney's animated film "Pocahontas." Later, in "Boids on the Hood," the Goodfeathers challenge Ralph the Guard as he tries in vain to protect Plotz's car from "aerial attacks." Then, it's "Mighty Wakko at the Bat" in the Warners version of the famous Ernest Lawrence Thayer poem.
8.3 /10
A Very Very Very Very Special Show/Night of the Living Buttons/Soda Jerk
To win a Humanitarian Animation Award, the Warners attempt to teach a lesson in political correctness in "A Very Very Very Very Special Show." Then, in "Night of the Living Buttons," Buttons saves Mindy from a horde of graveyard zombies. The Warners return in "Soda Jerk" as Yakko and Dot attempt to cure Wakko of a bad case of the hiccups.
8.3 /10
From Burbank with Love/Anchors A-Warners/When You're Traveling from Nantucket
In the James Bond spoof "From Burbank With Love," the Warners help secret agent 0007, Municipal Bond, thwart Roy Blowfinger's dastardly plan to steal all of the gold in Fort Knox. Later, in "Anchors A-Warners," Dr. Scratchansniff goes on a cruise to get some desperately needed rest and relaxation, but can he survive a vacation at sea with the Warners? Then, Yakko explains the relativity of time zones in the informative musical number "When You're Traveling From Nantucket."
8.3 /10
Papers for Papa/Amazing Gladiators/Pinky and the Ralph
To cure Ernest Hemingway of his writer's block, the Warners, as overzealous office supply salespeople, attempt to supply "Paper For Pappa" while chasing him around the globe. Next, the Hip Hippos compete on America's most violent game show, "Amazing Gladiators." Then, Pinky and Ralph the Guard try in vain to make plans for the evening in "Pinky and the Ralph."
8 /10
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