Episode list

Cow and Chicken

Can Cow Come Out and Play?/Time Weasel/Horn Envy
The Red Guy notices Cow has Crabs the Warthog, whereas he has the matching dollhouse. He tries to ask Mom if he can play with Cow, but she says she would not allow it "unless he was the last man on Earth". He attempts to lure the entire world's population (excluding Cow) into a free trailer. / Cow is in love with a male student at school. She tries opening his heart to her by making bigger and better horns than the tiny ones she has got.
6.3 /10
Cow Fly/Where Am I?/I.M. Weasel: I Stand Corrected
Cow avoids boredom by making friends with a fly, much to the annoyance of Chicken. / While on her way back inside for lunch, Cow ends up getting lost in the garden and starts to rely on survival instincts. / Serving a 99-year sentence at a correctional facility with I.R. Baboon, Weasel starts to feel concerned about the inhumane correctional devices that are set up on fellow prisoners.
6.3 /10
Me an' My Dog/I.M. Weasel: Dessert Island/Cow's Dream Catcher
Cow adopts an invisible dog as a pet. / Weasel and I.R. end up stranded on an island made entirely of confectioneries (i.e., chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes, etc.). / A night in the treehouse turns into a nightmare for Chicken, Flem, and Earl when they break Cow's dream catcher.
6.1 /10
Grandma at the Mall//I.M. Weasel: Unsinkable I.R.
Grandma takes Cow and Chicken over to a mall, where they attempt to find a Grampa. While this old timer is blind as a bat, Chicken uses this to his advantage in order to spend time with his best buddies Flem and Earl..
6.2 /10
Chickens Don't Fly/I Am Vampire/P.E.
While waiting to board a plane for his and Cow's visit to Brunei, Chicken suddenly has a fear of flying. / Chicken, Flem and Earl are on their first day of junior high school, where in P.E, they play dodgeball. While they are in the showers, their clothes are stolen. / Weasel and I.R. are vampires looking for some fun. What's more, they get on well with the villagers. Later on, the Red Guy (who's a vampire hunter) tries to put Steaks through their hearts.
6.3 /10
Playin' Hookie/I.M. Weasel: Honey, I Are Home/Chicken Lips
Realising that he has failed to study for a math test, Chicken pretends that he is sick, and tries anything to prove it to Mom and Dad. When he is found out, he is sent back to school, only to realise that the math teacher has fallen ill and the test was subsequently replaced by a Chocolate test, which the class thoroughly enjoyed. / I.R. Baboon is jealous over his neighbour, Weasel, because he has a better life, job, and family (married to a beautiful Hispanic woman with half-weasel children) than him. However, when he's invited over to Weasel's house for a barbecue, I.R. tries to impress him with his own "family" (his pretend marriage to a pantsless woman, the Red Guy, with junk as his children). / Unlike Cow, Chicken cannot whistle and he tries to get lessons from Professor Hineybottom (the Red Guy), Chicken has his dirty talent crowing as hell, dirty Rooster
6 /10
The Day I Was Born/Factory Follies/I.M. Weasel: Driver's Sped
Cow attempts to learn about the day that she was born, despite mixed views and opinions. / The Red Guy works as a slave-driving boss of a factory. When he tries to celebrate his birthday, his employees do not come so he decides to liven things up for himself. / A poetic I.R. attempts to get a driving license with Weasel being his instructor.
6 /10
101 Uses for Cow and Chicken/Intelligent Life?/I.M. Weasel: Tree Story
After playing with a price tagging gun at a supermarket, Cow and Chicken are purchased by the Red Guy. / Using a home-made rocket, Cow travels to a distant planet, where she meets up with the Red Guy, who claims to be an alien. She takes him back to Earth, where he claims that the solution to the world's problems lie in puppets. / Weasel tries to settle a dispute between a group of trees and those that hurt them (notably I.R. Baboon).
6.2 /10
Be Careful What You Wish For/Lost at Sea/I.M. Weasel: I Do
Chicken's wish for Cow to shut up comes true. When he is run over by a truck, he regrets it after being sentenced to 50 years in prison for jaywalking (although the truck driver was at fault) when Cow refuses to clear his name. / Flem and Earl wake up naked and stranded in a hot ocean. They remember the great moments and dreams they've had together, even with help from the Red Guy. / Weasel attends I.R.'s wedding, only to find that the bride hasn't shown up yet.
6.6 /10
Professor Longhorn Steer/I.M. Weasel: He Said, He Said/A Couple of Skating Fools
In order to prove to Cow and Chicken that the Earth is flat, Dad brings in his brother, Professor Longhorn Steer, to give them a proper education. / Weasel and I.R. simultaneously tell their psychiatrist (the Red Guy) about each other's mishaps. / Chicken and Earl compete against Flem and the Red Guy in a figure skating contest. Unfortunately, when Earl is left injured, Chicken tries to find another way to win.
6.5 /10
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