Episode list

It's a Miracle

Second Sight; 911 Angel; Last Call; Baby Hope
It is important to stop and smell the roses in life. Meet one man who might add that it is equally as important to look at the roses too. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
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Kidnapped; Heart and Soul; Class Reunion; Sam Burt
When we speak of things a person loves to do, we say 'there heart is in it.' Could that expression have a deeper meaning? Does the heart possess a spirit of its own? This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
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A Vital Connection; Medallion Miracle; The Dream
Have you ever had a dream so vivid you were unsure if you were asleep or awake? Meet a man who, upon waking from a nightmare, realized the nightmare had just begun. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
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The Dowser; Silverstar; Silo of Pisa
They say that a cat has nine lives, but what they do not say is that some of those lives may require a little divine intervention, or a little guardian angel. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
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Lost at Sea; Patra's Gift; Circle of Fire
Have you ever heard the term 'circle of fire?' Well, you are about to enter one as you witness a night when a group of men were trapped inside a forest fire. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
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