Meet a man that was never able to tell his son that he loved him, at least not while he was alive. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
One man's desire to fly led to terrifying consequences when all his plans failed. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
When an avalanche in the mountains threatens the life of a man buried beneath the snow, it is up to his friend to save him. But how? This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
When a child is hit by a car, a witness to the event had no way of initially knowing until later that part of what they had just experienced was a miracle. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Sometimes, what we wish for others becomes the legacy of our own lives. Meet a young woman whose story is a lasting testament to the resiliency of the human spirit. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
If you have ever doubted that our lives can be transformed by the love and compassion of another person, the story of a fiery plane crash will change your mind. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Witness what one paramedic described as the most classic struggle between life and death that he had ever experienced. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
A fourth-grade girl learns a valuable lesson that would one day be a part of another miracle in her life. It is a life lesson we all should learn. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
When Richard Thomas first heard about The Balloons from Heaven, it instantly became a favorite of his. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
When a 3-year-old boy wanders into the forest, and far from home, bitter icy cold conditions cause his entire family to worry about his safety as night begins to fall. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Meet a young girl whose family and farm animals experienced a night of sheer terror due to a large fire in their barn. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Santa knows when you have been sleeping, when you are awake, and when you have been bad, or good, so would you be surprised to know that Santa can predict the future? This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Meet a young man who found himself in a deadly situation with no way out. When fate stepped in and saved him, it had to feel miraculous. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
If the odds of lightning striking twice in the same spot are astronomical, the odds of a miracle striking twice must be zero. Meet two brothers who would disagree. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
After losing a watch beneath the waters of a beautiful lake, time and tide waited for one man who, after many years, reunited the watch with its very thankful owner. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
If you have ever been in love, you know what a powerful emotion it can be, but does love have the power to perform miracles? Meet a couple who would believe it does. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
For some people, the ultimate experience of flying is achieved through skydiving, but what happens when the parachute fails to open? Meet a man with some perspective. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Planting the seed of tolerance in one generation can reap many rewards in the next. Humanity can either forget what happened or learn from our shared experiences. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
We have all heard stories of people cast adrift in the ocean. Meet a couple who spent four months on the open sea, surviving on rainwater and the food they could catch. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Witness a family's ordeal in facing what could have been a terrible tragedy, but which ultimately served as a testament to the power of faith, hope, and brotherly love. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
After a loved one dies, those left behind are often forced to confront regrets. So, when a sign from above eases our conscience, it can only be viewed as a miracle. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
Meet a man whose love of the sky took him to the Dolomite Mountains in Italy where, after a tragic accident, he discovered that miracles are real. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
As you will see, when you pay close attention to your inner feelings and follow your hunches, that intuition could sometimes mean the difference between life and death. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.
The children that visit the Ronald McDonald houses worldwide face some scary stuff. Sometimes, a new face appears in the unlikeliest of forms to help ease the pain. This story and more from the beloved television series It's a Miracle.