Episode list

Two and a Half Men

Hi, Mr. Horned One
Charlie's Satan-worshiping girlfriend has a knack for the supernatural, and seems to be the cause of some strange happenings around the Harper house.
8.4 /10
Sleep Tight, Puddin' Pop
Charlie gets drunk and sleeps with Rose on her birthday. Rose says she knows it's no big deal. But her father quickly shows up at Charlie's house, under the impression that they've been dating for two years.
7.9 /10
That Voodoo That I Do Do
Charlie bribes Jake into taking ballet lessons so he can try to win over the teacher, but uncle and nephew end up competing for her affections.
8.3 /10
Something Salted and Twisted
After Alan goes on a dinner with Jake, Charlie and Evelyn, he becomes fed up with seeking approval from women and decides to quit doing so with a little help from Charlie.
7.5 /10
Santa's Village of the Damned
Alan's girlfriend Sandy is Malibu's answer to Martha Stewart, causing Alan and Charlie to pack on the pounds. Their desire for her fabulous culinary output is ultimately overwhelmed by her craziness.
8.3 /10
That Special Tug
After a disastrous evening out with his brother, Charlie decides it is time to see a shrink.
8 /10
Humiliation Is a Visual Medium
Charlie has to decide whether he can really commit to a serious relationship with Mia, especially when sex is currently off the agenda. Unsurprisingly, his suggestion that he sleep with other women in the meantime falls on somewhat stony ground.
7.6 /10
My Tongue Is Meat
Forced to hide in his garage to enjoy a brace of beers and half a Cuban cigar, Charlie's attempts to keep his unhealthy lifestyle habits secret from Mia fall apart when she smells bacon on his breath, resulting in their first major argument since taking their relationship to a physical plane.
7.8 /10
The Unfortunate Little Schnauzer
Charlie is nominated for an award, but he knows his rival Archie will win, as usual, so he doesn't want to attend it. Rose asks Charlie to help her with her boyfriend Gordon.
7.5 /10
Golly Moses, She's a Muffin
Charlie learns that Kandi has been living with them for three weeks. It turns out he hasn't even noticed some furniture changes. Alan wants to try her as secretary, but Charlie doesn't think she's smart enough for that.
7.9 /10
Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Burro
Alan is forced to admit to Charlie, who keeps rubbing it in, that he has hit rock-bottom now that his brainless girlfriend, Kandi, has moved in with his ex-wife. It's all so confusing that Jake would prefer the ladies to be lesbians, because it would be easier to explain. Jake tells Alan that Kandi's mom, Mandi, has joined Charlie's endless list of sexual conquests. At Judith's front door, Judith won't let Alan talk to Kandi, she just repeats Judith's phrases, clearly without understanding their meaning. Alan then sees Kandi's dad, Andy, arrive for a blind date with Judith. Frolicking finale at Judith's, in rooms, bed and hot-tub.
8.3 /10
And the Plot Moistens
Alan turns to Jake's teacher for stimulating conversation, since Kandi obviously can't provide any. But the teacher starts to get the wrong idea about Alan's intentions.
7.7 /10
Just Once with Aunt Sophie
Jake attends his first boy-girl party, dating a smart girl, Wendy Cho. Alan was looking forward to coaching his son, but even Jake, who spends his schooldays watching the clock tick, isn't dumb enough to consider dating advice from him. Charlie proves he can coach a virtually hopeless case like Jake with appearance, dance and anything else. In fact Alan envies Jake so much, he still hopes for .
7.9 /10

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