Frasier deals with the loss of his job as though it were a loved one, moving through the five traditional stages: denial, anger, bargaining, grief and acceptance, each with some weird results.
Frasier's high school reunion comes around, but he has come to believe that a curse will hit him with some fresh misfortune, as it has for every previous reunion.
Frasier and Niles' desire to retain their A-List standing has them doing whatever it takes to secure tickets to the theatrical event of the season-anything but scrounging for last-minute tickets in the cancellation line.
Martin sets Frasier up with Duke's gorgeous daughter, Marie. Their relationship blooms, but after a while he becomes suspicious that she is only interested in free therapy.
A giddy Frasier mistakenly believes he's the object of a secret female admirer's affection, and even though he's squiring around an attractive new woman who adores him, he sneakily rings up every number in his little black book.
Maris repossesses Niles's car and his legal bills exceed his salary. He is forced to drive a hatchback and give up his apartment at the Montana for a tiny studio at the "Shangri-La."
When Niles' Gourmet Club has its annual "Golden Apron Awards," he decides to throw a dinner party in hopes of obtaining the illustrious apron. He and Frasier break into Maris' cottage to hold the festivities.
Roz is in a difficult financial situation, struggling to pay for her rent and baby clothes. KACL's ratings are suffering as a result of the new format, but the management still will not change it.
Frasier has become fed-up with the way the modern world treats good Samaritans. Driving home one night, anticipating his son Freddie's visit, he stops to help a woman stuck in the rain--and discovers that she's a prostitute.
Frasier is a wannabe Cupid when he arranges a supposedly chance meeting between Martin and Roz's visiting mother, but the love arrow gets bent when Frasier learns that his father can't stand the old 'gasbag.'
Frasier's old bartender at Cheers in Boston, Woody, shows up in Seattle to visit his old friend. Things turn bad after their first night reunion when Frasier realizes that he has moved on with his life and left Woody in the past.
Donny is now going out with Daphne, which Niles is not happy about. On the plus side, Donny has managed to secure something for him out of the divorce settlement: Maris' lake-front cottage, Shady Glen.
Frasier and Niles decide to host a dinner party at Frasier's apartment, but the planning quickly becomes complicated and leads them to think that they might be spending too much time together.
Niles' dream of moving out of his dumpy apartment and back into his tony digs at the Montana are tantalizingly close until the condo board notifies him that his lease will be cancelled because of his previous misadventures.
Frasier and Niles' long time competitiveness is reawakened at a silence auction where the two spend eight thousand dollars for a lunch with three Nobel Prize winners.
Frasier's radio show is doing well in ratings, and KACL has decided that another show would do well. They ask Frasier to hire another doctor to fill the slot and he is immediately taken with an intelligent woman named Dr. Nora.
Frasier has begun dating Cassandra Stone, the beautiful woman with whom he spent Valentine's Day. Everything is going quite well until Faye Moskowitz comes back to town and Frasier remembers how much he enjoyed spending time with her.
Martin sees Donny buying an engagement ring for Daphne and, while relaying the information to Frasier, accidentally tells the bride-to-be herself. When Niles finds out, he is absolutely devastated.
Roz attempts to tell Bulldog she isn't interested in a relationship, however this becomes harder when KACL fires him due to low ratings and he seeks comfort with her. Kit and Niles have a rampant fling, but Niles eventually grows tired of her and ends it. Faye leaves Frasier when she meets the real Cassandra. Martin also dumps Bonnie, after her dog takes advantage of Eddie. All of the Crane men went from being in happy relationships to being single in a single day and end up together singing "Goldfinger" at the piano bar.