A promiscuous teen is framed for murder and then sent to a Catholic reform school in "Girls Town (1959)." Mike explains the honor system to the Bots and Tom scats until Mike and Crow can't take it anymore.
An upper-middle class family teaches Mike and the Bots how to be incredibly bland and boring in "A Date with Your Family (1950)." Later, a group of barflies must figure out what to do when the Soviets attack the United States in "Invasion, U.S.A. (1952)."
Mike and the Bots try to make sense of "Maciste contro i cacciatori di teste (1963)" in which a man tries to lead his people from a destroyed island to someplace safe. Dr. Forester creates the world's cutest pet. Mike and the Bots are forced to take care of it.
A down-home country family eat apple pie and raise championship pigs during "A Day at the Fair (1947)." In the failed television pilot turned movie "Code Name: Diamond Head (1977)," an undercover agent battles a villain in Hawaii.
A cowboy winds up in the middle of a turf war between a rancher and his neighbors in "Last of the Wild Horses (1948)." An invention from the Mads goes awry and creates mirror versions of everyone on the Satellite of Love.
Mike and the Bots watch a never ending loop of jets flying and refueling in "The Starfighters (1964)" while Crow struggles to get onto the Information Super Highway.
After having watched "Keeping Clean and Neat (1956)," Mike and the Bots watch two laid back detectives crack down on an underground porn ring in "The Sinister Urge (1960)" while Frank threatens to blow up Deep 13.
It's a day in the life of the people who operate San Francisco International Airport in the TV episode "San Francisco International (1970)" while Mike distracts everyone with his Steve Urkle impersonation.
A Senate candidate finds a seductive reform school dropout hiding in his home in "Kitten with a Whip (1964)." The crew throws a Mexican fiesta like the one in the film and chat with a real kitten with a whip on the Hexfield.
A Russian hero plots an invasion against the Mongols in "Ilya Muromets (1956)." Mike and the Bots create their own topical comedy show, reenact the table cloth scene from the movie, and try their hand at playing "Dungeons and Dragons."
Mike and the Bots scratch their heads in confusion as an angel and a devil wage a bet about bread truck drivers in "Out of This World (1954). Then the crew fights lapsing into a depression while watching the incredibly dour "High School Big Shot (1959)."
Mike and the Bots take on Coleman Francis' mise-en-scène epic, "Night Train to Mundo Fine (1966)." This true tour-de-force of ineptitude combines two vagrant day-labourers, an escaped convict (played by Coleman Francis), Cuba, uranium, and frogs legs.
"Il raggio infernale (1967)" features a slick secret agent investigating an evil organization that stole a top secret death ray. Tom makes his own death ray for peaceful use but caves in to the pressure to use it on Crow.
A minister encourages railroad workers to stop getting brutally injured on the job in "The Days of Our Years (1955)." During the feature film "The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)," a mad scientist makes an escaped criminal invisible so he can steal radioactive supplies.
While Mike and the Bots wrestle with "Santo vs. las mujeres vampiro (1962)," TV's Frank is assumed into Second Banana Heaven, leaving no one for Dr. Forrester to kill.