The kids again split into two groups to prepare for battle with the final Dark Master. On Spiral Mountain, Tai and his group are attacked by LadyDevimon, a beautiful, ruthless, and powerful assassin sent by Piedmon who simultaneously takes on Angewomon, MegaKabuterimon, Andromon, Angemon, Kabuterimon, Birdramon, and Agumon. Tai tells Sora and T.K. to find the others (Joe and Mimi). Joe and Mini find Elecmon in the now destroyed Primary Village and joins them on the quest for the final battle. Joe and Gomamon decide to go off by themselves for a while to see if they can find their own place in the world. Meanwhile, the battle on Spiral turns into a fierce, one-on-one battle of feminine pride between Ladydevimon and Angewomon, complete with slapping and hair-pulling. Ladydevimon defeats Angewomon in their catfight, but just as Ladydevimon is able to finish Angewomon off, the Digidestined comes to Angewomon's rescue, clearing the path to Piedmon.