Episode list


Hey, Look Me Over
The nurses return from evacuation to find that the doctors have left the camp a mess. Potter announces an inspection in two days, Margaret and the nurses try to get everything reorganized. Nurse Kellye is mad at Hawkeye for ignoring her.
7.9 /10
Trick or Treatment
The 4077th's Halloween celebrations are interrupted by the arrival of wounded, including one supposedly dead soldier who is actually comatose and clinging to life.
7.6 /10
Foreign Affairs
Charles falls in love with a French Red Cross woman but realizes that their lifestyles are not compatible. Hawkeye and BJ are helping with an army PR stunt in their own way.
7.4 /10
The Joker Is Wild
It's another M*A*S*H prankathon. This time, Hawkeye appears to be the marked man after menial practical jokes happen to everyone in camp, but him. Will they get him too? Or is Hawkeye already the victim of an even larger practical joke?
8 /10
Who Knew?

Sun, Nov 21, 1982
When a nurse that Hawkeye is dating dies, he offers to deliver her eulogy and discovers that he didn't know her. Klinger tries to interest Charles in a business venture.
7.9 /10

Sun, Nov 28, 1982
The whole 4077 are looking forward to a visit from Marilyn Monroe after a rumor starts; while B.J.'s fishing trip doesn't go as planned.
7.5 /10
Settling Debts

Sun, Dec 05, 1982
Hawkeye receives a letter from Colonel Potters wife where she informs that she has paid the last mortgage on their home and asks Hawkeye and friends to throw a small surprise party for Potter to celebrate.
7.6 /10
The Moon Is Not Blue
Bored at the terrible film selection, Hawkeye and BJ try to get a copy of the notorious film, "The Moon is Blue." Wounded General Rothaker declares prohibition in camp.
7.2 /10
Run for the Money
Father Mulcahy must save the camp's honor in a high-stakes footrace against the 8063rd. Hawkeye, BJ, and Margaret each bet on it. Meanwhile, Charles tries to help Private Walter Palmer, a patient who suffers frequent verbal abuse from his fellow soldiers due to a speech impediment.
7.7 /10
U.N., the Night and the Music
Three U.N. delegates come to the 4077th and make a lasting impression on members of the camp, while B.J. treats a patient whose leg injury may require an amputation.
7.5 /10
Strange Bedfellows
Col. Potter discovers that his son-in-law has had an affair. Meanwhile, Charles' snoring is keeping his tent-mates from getting a good night's sleep.
7.1 /10
Say No More

Sun, Jan 23, 1983
General Addison Collins visits his wounded son Curtis, a lieutenant. Charles tries to help Margaret, who develops laryngitis as she is about to meet her hero, Dr. Steven Chesler.
7.5 /10
Friends and Enemies
Colonel Potter must decide whether to blow the whistle on an old army chum, Woody Cooke, whose military mistakes are costing human lives. BJ suffers from both an ingrown toenail and from Charles' insistence on playing his Mahler records.
7.3 /10
Give and Take

Sun, Feb 13, 1983
Wounded Private Kurland learns a painful lesson from the enemy soldier he's critically wounded, while the thankless job of charity collection officer passes from one staff member to another.
7.5 /10

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