Episode list


Fade Out, Fade In
Frank Burns cracks up over Margaret's marriage while on R&R in Tokyo, and Major Charles Emerson Winchester III is sent to the 4077th as a replacement by a vindictive superior officer.
8.4 /10
Fallen Idol

Mon, Sep 26, 1977
Radar has always looked up to Hawkeye and admired him as his hero. But after suffering a Jeep accident en route to R&R at Hawkeye's behest, Radar questions his own hero worship - particularly when he and his hero have a falling-out.
8 /10
Last Laugh

Mon, Oct 03, 1977
A practical joking friend gets BJ into serious trouble when he is arrested for a run-in he supposedly had with a general in Seoul.
7.5 /10
War of Nerves

Mon, Oct 10, 1977
Sidney Freedman feels depressed over Tom, a young soldier, who blames Sidney for his injuries because Sidney sent him back into combat. The 4077th members light a bonfire to release their stress.
8 /10
The Winchester Tapes
Hawkeye tries to travel to Seoul in order to visit Nurse Gilmore for the weekend. Charles tapes an angry message to his influential parents back home in Boston, asking for their help in getting him reassigned stateside.
7.8 /10
The Light That Failed
A delivery error keeps the 4077th from receiving a vital shipment of supplies, Winchester has a selfish reaction to an error that nearly kills a patient, and everyone is forced to guess at the murderer's identity in a mystery novel.
7.7 /10
In Love and War

Mon, Oct 31, 1977
Despite Colonel Potter's warning, Hawkeye falls in love with a Korean villager. Meanwhile, Margaret learns that her husband Donald may have made a pass at a new nurse assigned to the 4077th.
7.5 /10
Change Day

Mon, Nov 07, 1977
Winchester plots to cheat the natives when the Army changes the military scrip while Klinger tries to attempt to apply to West Point in order to drop out later.
7.5 /10

Mon, Nov 14, 1977
Radar wants to get a tattoo, which Hawkeye and B.J. try to discourage. Major Houlihan wants to transfer one of her nurses out because she is too emotional for the job.
7.5 /10
The M*A*S*H Olympics
When Col. Potter decides the 4077th personnel are out of shape, he orders them to exercise. To motivate them, he comes up with the idea for a series of competitions like the Olympics, with the prize being a 3-day pass.
7.7 /10
The Grim Reaper
Colonel Bloodworth threatens to press court-martial charges against Hawkeye, who shoved him in the bar. But then he becomes a patient and witnesses Hawkeye's skills. Klinger bonds with a patient from his hometown.
7.5 /10
Comrades in Arms: Part 2
B.J. disobeys orders and goes out to find Hawkeye and Margaret, who are still missing in action. Meanwhile, their romantic relationship quickly goes up in flames, and they become even more hostile toward each other.
7.7 /10
The Merchant of Korea
B.J. and Hawkeye are fed up with doing favors for Winchester because they owe him money. So they challenge him to a poker game to win it back.
7.7 /10
The Smell of Music
Hawkeye and B.J. refuse to shower until Charles stops playing his French horn, and Colonel Potter deals with a patient who wants to kill himself because he is now disfigured.
8 /10
Patent 4077

Mon, Jan 09, 1978
Hawkeye is fed up with having to work with inadequate surgical equipment, so he tries to find somebody to create a makeshift clamp for him. And Klinger tries to find Margaret's wedding ring after it was accidentally thrown out with the trash.
7.8 /10
Tea and Empathy
Father Mulcahy and Klinger retrieve some stolen penicillin after a soldier's confession, B.J. deals with a patient's morphine addiction, and British Major Ross demands that Hawkeye release his still-injured soldiers.
7.6 /10
Your Hit Parade
As the unit becomes overrun with casualties and tempers flare, Radar tries to raise everyone's spirits by playing new records over the intercom.
7.6 /10
What's Up, Doc?
Hawkeye conducts a rabbit test on Radar's bunny to find out if Margaret is pregnant, and a patient desperate to get home holds Winchester hostage.
7.7 /10
Mail Call Three
Klinger's wife wants a divorce, Radar's upset because his mom is seeing a new man, B.J. finds out that another man made a pass at his wife, and Hawkeye receives another love letter for another soldier named Benjamin Pierce.
7.4 /10
Temporary Duty

Sun, Feb 12, 1978
The 4077th and the 8063rd exchange Hawkeye and a nurse for a crude bumpkin surgeon and a personal friend of Margaret.
7.6 /10
Potter's Retirement
When Col. Potter learns of an informant feeding negative reports on his command bad enough to prompt an outside inspection, he decides to retire.
8 /10
Dr. Winchester and Mr. Hyde
While dealing with a long stretch of surgery duty, Winchester gets addicted to amphetamines. And Radar sets up a mouse race competition between the 4077th and a group of cocky Marine patients.
7.7 /10
Major Topper

Sun, Mar 26, 1978
Between the Swamp-mates trying to top each other, the camp deals with a bad batch of morphine and a corporal who shoots down invisible enemy gliders.
7.6 /10

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