A teenage girl is impaled through an iron fence; a patient is convinced he's turning into a vampire; to save the life of a critically ill pregnant woman, a first-year attending physician has to stand up to a room full of senior specialists.
The ER becomes a crime scene when a woman is brought in with intense belly pain; a doctor is mystified by heart attacks occurring the same day in the same family; strange markings on the body of a car crash victim lead to the cause of the accident.
Two seemingly unrelated gunshot wounds lead to a bizarre night in the ER; A senior nurse unravels at the sight of a critical patient, and reveals a shocking secret; A patient's grave symptoms mysteriously disappear whenever the doctor touches him.
A fishing lure embedded in a man's face turns out to be the least of his problems; a pair of unconscious teenagers are brought to the ER where dramatic family secrets are revealed; an ER Tech collapses and then refuses traditional medical treatment
Police officers bring in a criminal that is comatose, is he faking or is he in serious trouble? A man found passed out in the snow with no jacket or shoes arrives in the ER and a doctor is faced with a family emergency on her day-off.
The hospital is locked down when a nurse is shot in the ER; a bride is rushed in from her wedding with unexplained altered mental state; following a car accident, a doctor must perform a risky intervention to save the life of a teenage girl.