Pipe in Head/Bleeding Bride/Prison Break
A man is impaled in the mouth by a section of pipe after he runs through a chain link fence; A newlywed starts bleeding heavily inexplicably; Two prisoners are brought in. Are they lying or telling the truth.
7.9 /10
Radioactive Rocks/Bleedout/Poked by a Cactus
A lock-down in the ER caused by a teacher who has brought in radioactive rocks causes complications as another patient needs to be moved into surgery for abdominal pains; A woman who is bleeding uncontrollably has to be driven across town to see a vascular surgeon; A drunk and stoned naked man is covered with cactus needles.
7.8 /10
Stabbed in the Heart/Off the Record/Possessed!
An ER doctor must perform an emergency room thoracotomy on a patient who has been stabbed in the chest; A man comes into the ER insisting on paying cash to have an object removed from his body; A young woman's family thinks she is possessed when she starts having seizures.
8.6 /10
Girlfriend, Wife, Stroke!/Code Red/Deadly Bite
Doctors have to contend with a stroke victim's wife and two girlfriends; An understaffed medical clinic in Iraq has to tread three critical victims of an IED; A toddler's playful bite causes a rapidly spreading infection on the face of a recent liver transplant patient.
6.8 /10
One Bloody Night/Never Say Die/Doctor High Seas
A doctor struggles with the decision to revive an older patient after prolonged CPR. Two nurses encounter a stabbing victim on the street and try to save him. A doctor on a cruise ship finds that her dream job has become a nightmare.
0 /10
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