The Golden Hour

Sun, Dec 04, 2005
A sergeant home from Iraq is stabbed in the heart; A woman has earthworms in her arms; Caffeine overdose; A man has been shot in his ear.
0 /10
Liver Die

Sun, Sep 17, 2006
A high school football player suffers a serious liver injury after a hit on the field; A woman is admitted after suffering hiccups for eight days; An ER frequent flyer becomes combative after doctors suspect she is trying to con the staff out of painkillers.
6.8 /10
Mountain Lion Attack
A woman is attacked by a mountain lion while cycling; A middle-aged woman is admitted after she feels strange after eating; A little girl falls on a cactus and is stuck with hundreds of needles.
0 /10
Code Black

Tue, Jul 25, 2006
A woman's neck is impaled after a tornado; Father and son surgeons working an ER together have two traumas to work with a short staff; A child is admitted with symptoms resembling scurvy.
0 /10
Hidden Dangers

Tue, Jul 11, 2006
A man comes into the ER coughing up blood; A patient complains of having bugs in her scalp; A 15-year-old hit in the head with a baseball appears to have a more serious condition; A patient has lost a finger in a snow blower.
8.9 /10
Deadly Impact

Wed, Aug 23, 2006
A driver falls asleep at the wheel, suffering a traumatic amputation; A woman with psychiatric problems fakes fainting; A child is brought in having a seizure.
0 /10
Too Close to Home
Dr. Bush's own son is admitted after a snake bite; A scuffle on a golf course leaves a man with a golf club impaled in hid head; A young man is admitted with a badly broken leg after jumping from a second-story window--with his girlfriend's father close behind.
9.2 /10
Family Tragedy

Tue, Dec 05, 2006
A six-year-old boy is thrown clear of the family vehicle when his car seat fails after his mother swerves to avoid an accident and rolls over; A 56-year-old man breaks his leg walking his daughter down the aisle at her wedding; Officers bring in a man stabbed at a nearby bus stop.
0 /10
Shot Through the Heart
A jewelry store owner is shot through the heart in a robbery; A patient complaining of ankle pain and has his testicles ultra sounded by mistake to his incredible enjoyment; A patient comes in with an ice pick in his ear.
8.4 /10
A Shot in the Dark
A bodybuilder who is afraid of needles has a large boil on his buttocks that needs to be lanced; A man comes in with a foot covered in crawling maggots; A woman and a man are shot in a parking lot after leaving church.
9.7 /10
Life and Limb

Tue, Aug 01, 2006
Surgeons race to save a child who has lost an arm in a car accident; A patient comes in with a rash that is starting to blister; A 16-year-old high school football player wakes up unable to walk.
8.3 /10
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